Where is The Finish Line?

Dec 8, 2022

Hey there! Carina here from . Like you, writers have a love/hate relationship with writing. write. This is a special friendship. I've always thought of writing a novel But who is able to get down to work and pound 100-150k words? A friend of mine suggested that I join an online community that lets you collaborate with your writing friends and ask questions, talk about important plot flaws, and announce your daily progress.

Here's the catch: The goal was to write 50k words in 1 month. (Eek!) Previously, the most I had ever written was likely 10-15k. However, guess what? after joining the community- I hit my word count goal of 50k in 1 month! It was the first time I realized I had this in me.

This got me thinking... your customers or your students may require that same push to finish your course or course or. This is why I wanted to discuss the power of community in today's newsletter to inspire you!

  How Do You Create a the Community About Your Image  

Are you using you got an Apple iPhone? Are you wearing Nike sneakers? Drink Coca-Cola? It's already part of more brand communities than you realize! So what's their secret? They are able to connect their strong belief in belonging and personal identity with their business.

They become part of your daily life. (Which is the reason Apple and Android users are always fighting. Concerning what? The users themselves aren't aware!). Let's take a look at ways to apply the same methods to keep customers coming back to return.

  5 Successful Online Community Examples (+What What Makes These Communities Great?)  

Let's take a trip back in time. Imagine this: you're in school, feeling unmotivated and struggling with a task that requires creativity. Your page is completely blank with the exception of the sketches that you've drawn on the margins (ahhh did you ever do you remember those days?). And then, suddenly, your teacher drops in. The teacher notices that your page is blank. She smiles and sits next to you and asks your questions in a way that gets your mind thinking.

While she digs in and deeper, students begin to chime in with more ideas. As you all brainstorm together an idea, it sparks another. Then things start to make sense. You go without understanding even one item, to gaining 20 different perspectives. This is the potential of collective learning within the context of a group. Learn how to become that teacher for your clients and tap into the collective magic.


  Creator Conversations Price Your Course  


What's the variables that you should consider when setting your price for your course?


Price of competition

- Audience expectations and spending behaviors

- Average market price

Class size (more expensive for coaching one-on-one)

      Find the other creators who had something to say

    Have Fun With Your Students With Community    

Do your students struggle to get to the end of your class? They're isolated, busy balancing their lives, and need an extra boost of encouragement. Make yourself your students' top teacher by establishing accountability and a sense of connection.

Students may not be able to remember each and every aspect of your class However, they'll recall how they've developed relationships with their classmates and you. They'll recall how you changed their life through a comfortable learning space that inspires. Everyone wants to feel like our ideas matter.