What is the reason you need a staging Site to host Your Membership Campaign

Jan 28, 2024

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One of the primary reasons WordPress is such a good option for your website that is a member-only is the wide range of themes and plugins that this software offers and the many options for customizing available to the end user.

What's inside Toggle

With WordPress it's possible to improve your site through the use of the latest theme, plugin or custom-written web-based code.

It only takes a few clicks to completely alter your website's look add additional features, or change the look of your website in a different method Why not experiment by experimenting with some ideas?

There's a concern. Despite the relative ease with which we're capable of altering the look of our WordPress websites, the changes could have unintended consequences that the users might not be able to appreciate.

In this post we'll explain ways to enhance the performance of your WordPress site without disrupting the user experience which is crucial in the case of paying users.

What is a staging area and Why You Need One

Site Safe Coding

If you experiment with different themes, download new plugins or play around with the widgets and menus of WordPress It is possible to expose your website to potential risk.

Take a look at the thoughts a potential new member might consider if the layout of your site changes suddenly the layout, or an operation ceases operating and the whole site has gone down.

At best, they'll consider a second thought when they are required to input the details of their private information. At most, they'll go to the site and never return.

It's also possible that they'll go on to share with others their displeasure with your website.

The issues could arise in the event that you choose to alter the basic parts of your website. That's why we suggest using a staging area or a development environment for testing any changes you plan making on your site.

If you are a site owner, it is essential to make modifications to your site you are currently running and create a copy of your website that only you and your team can access.

Your staging area is a safe area that allows you to accomplish what you like and not worry about

  • members who are not happy
  • Alienating new visitors
  • The data loss is comprised of transactions data of customers.

When you're confident that the changes you made weren't causing any issues, you'll be in a position to incorporate them in the version that is live on your site.

Sound good? Learn how to create the staging website that will host your WordPress member-only website.

Contact your Web Hosting Provider

 GoDaddy Staging Sites

One benefit of selecting a platform for hosting which is now powering more than 30% of the websites is the fact that WordPress is a great platform to use. There are many excellent WordPress optimized hosting plans that are accessible.

One of the functions that can be availed to WordPress web hosting providers is the cheapest basic plans that allow you to create quickly staging sites or a testing setting based upon your existing website.

The most effective staging-site solutions offered by web hosting services let you easily set up a private test area push the test version of your website into the live hosting environment.

SiteGround Staging Site Tools

Because of this, you'll be in a position to be as lengthy as you'd like and be as precise as you like when trying out a new site configuration. Once you're satisfied, you can make those changes available to users and visitors with only one mouse click.

In any case, a staging website can help to avoid problems associated with using the live site for testing and the development process.

Select a Good WordPress plugin for staging websites

WordPress Stating Plugin

If you are looking to select an WordPress plugin for establishing a staging version of your website, there are two choices available:

  • A plugin designed specifically for this purpose.
  • A more universal-purpose plugin for website duplicate.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method before recommending the plugins we think are appropriate for.

A specially-built stage-site plug-in could be your most effective option, but the options are more limited since there are fewer plugins similar to that on the market.

In addition, you don't have any control over the process and final outcome as you would with other plugins that are used for copying sites.

WPStaging Plugin

A second alternative, a general-purpose site-duplication plugin can give you more control over all the process.

The top plugins that are suitable for this kind of website allow you to copy specific areas of your site such as the database, or even your content. You can also choose more options regarding where the staging site will be located and include the local WordPress installation or distinct subdomain.

While several of the most efficient WordPress Web-duplication tools are offered for free, they're often less user-friendly than professional staging-site software.

  • WP Stagecoach - a commercial one-click staging-site-creation WordPress plugin with lots of useful features.
  • WordPress Staging In-progress, free WordPress online staging and Cloning plugin.
  • Duplicator - an effective however more complicated WordPress Web-Duplication plug-in.

There's no doubt that if you're willing to invest in premium software, it's a lot more straightforward. While the free alternatives could require some reworking, they're certainly an option for building the WordPress-based membership site.

Last reflections

Hopefully you now understand the benefits of creating an appropriate staging area for your WordPress site to allow for membership.

There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't create cowboy coding for a private blog, but if you're running a membership website for professionals, you have an obligation to take care of your customers, regardless if they have to pay for access or otherwise.

     What is the best way to design the staging website to host your membership site? Please share your suggestions by leaving a comment below.

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