What exactly is video marketing? And how can you do to use it to your advantage?

Jul 8, 2023

In order to develop an effective digital marketing plan teams, marketing departments and even video specialists need include videos into the mix. While the phrase "video marketing" could seem easy (essentially adding video content to the strategies for marketing that you're using) however it's not clear how to go about effectively implementing it.

What is the importance of marketing via video?

Thanks to the growth of websites like YouTube and other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter that are now incorporating videos and massive improvements to streaming's quality (bye goodbye to buffering and the dreaded problem) streaming videos is an integral part of the entire process referred to as the funnel for marketing. The traditional funnel appears like this: You intro someone to your business (awareness phase) to inform them about it (consideration stage), justify your offering (decision stage) and then keep the customer (delight phase).

So how do you do video marketing right?

Let's design a video-marketing funnel by employing the actual world (but it's actually an imaginary) scenario. WebThyme is a (imaginary) software company which assists users in creating and hosting sites. Jenn is a potential customer.

  • The perfect time to take advantage of this: Jenn will launch a wellness and health site. The intended users of WebThyme are entrepreneurs who work in small-sized businesses.
  • The right channel Jenn is looking for advice for starting a venture and is able to find one of WebThyme's video clips in an article on their blog which describes the life of an entrepreneur. With awe, she sign up to WebThyme's newsletters, which send Jenn an email every week which contains useful advice.
  • The correct action is:Jenn hits an email link, which takes readers to a website landing page featuring a brief video that explains the latest technologies of WebThyme to small-scale business owners. If she clicks to go there, it'll take her to a no-cost trialcalling for a decision that she is able to try it.

This is just one example of possible scenarios for video marketing. What happens in a specific and actionable scale? What are the most efficient videos that can be used for marketing channels, such as email, social media, and perhaps your website? Let's dig in...

Social media exploration

What makes social media successful in expanding your business? Your existing customers will happily comment and like, or even share your posts and suggest your content to contacts and friends, a few of them could begin following your profile. Another way to increase your leads can get from your audience is to include the contact form for email, which is that are available in Business software, which allows you to collect your viewers" details directly inside the player embedded. You'll then be in a position to import them easily into marketing email providers including MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact.

Perhaps you'd like to direct your visitors to a landing page on which they can find out more. It's possible! Business permits you to include clickable CTAs which allow you to show people exactly in the direction you'd like them to be.

It is also possible to boost your reach and get an additional following with the help of paid social media. Based on the social media platform you're employing, you can target specific groups, and promote your content via pre-roll or other the content you promote.

Let your email campaigns flourish

For emails videos can play a major role. In the course of. These videos could improve click-throughs by 200 to 300 percent (that's many figures or even individuals) in addition to reducing the number of users that don't sign up. However, the majority of email applications cannot handle videos integrated directly into emailshowever. You can overcome this problem by placing a play button over the images in your video. It leads the user to a landing website that includes the entire thing.

It's an easy task to accomplish using the tools for marketing via email that we've talked about in the past, as also in automated marketing systems such as HubSpot. It's an ideal method to determine if a specific thumbnail video gets you the most clicks. And as a general rule to follow, you can increase your campaign's" effectiveness by customizing the layout and content to match your landing page they take you to.

Your site is loaded with amazing videos


The majority of businesses create videos to promote their website. They define what the purpose of your company is, what your accomplish is crucial, as well as the is the issue that you're trying to solve. It's a significant factor in how well-known your brand will be to the people who take a look at the name of your business. Think about the example from Canary..

Pages that are able to land

Your homepage can serve numerous roles to appeal to a large public, and your landing pages could be utilized to educate specific sections of your target audience on the wonderful things you provide and persuade them to take the right choice. Marketing professionals drive the people to their landing pages by employing online ads, social media sites, blogs, and websites. The search engines, as well as videos can help turn these leads into customers. For an example, take an look at our business pages.


It's among the primary source of traffic to your site, especially when your site's content is informative info, industry news as well as thought-leadership on issues that people care about as they search topics they're interested in via Google. Also, it's a fantastic place to publish product or business news, updates along with guidelines to share information with the communities your site serves. Do you need examples? Your reading experience will be (hopefully) more entertaining by using video clips scattered around.

FAQ pages and Pages about products

And then putting it all together

If your strategy to promote video content is executed correctly, it will create an amazing platform to increase the success of your business: Your social media videos attract prospective customers, and they are interacting with users who already follow your business as well as your blog content that includes videos rank high on the results page of search engines. Email marketing campaigns featuring stunning video thumbnails - will lead visitors to your landing pages, which include relevant videos, with clearly defined CTAs and clearly defined CTAs. Each one of them was developed to increase prospects and increase conversion. Every one of them is able to be measured, tracked and adjusted over the development of the. Within the context of...

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