Virtual Event Budget: Free template and guide

Apr 1, 2023

Furthermore, planners of events are confronted with the ever-changing demands of their clients. They need to snag shorter attention spans and work with ever-shrinking budgets. Additionally, they need to prove that they've achieved the return on investment (ROI) for their events, and they're largely expected to drive an engagement level similar to that like you'd feel at the event personally.

Below, we'll cover how you can budget for your virtual event, and which lines you should eliminate in your spreadsheet, as well in how to track the outcomes of your virtual event so that you can build a bigger budget for the next event!

Create copies of our budgeting templates to plan your events.

In this article

  1.     Why you need an budget for your events (especially in virtual and hybrid occasions)
  2.     Cost to host an event online
  3.     Cost breakdown of virtual occasions
  4.     What do you require to put together an event that's effective on the web?
  5.     What's the most effective method to measure the effectiveness of your event online
  6.     Include human touches to make your virtual experience appear authentic
  7.     Budgeting FAQs for the virtual event
  8.     The time is now to start planning your event

Why should you have an estimated budget (especially for virtual and hybrid events)

Virtual events are substantially less expensive to host in comparison to live gatherings. In the end, there's no requirement to hire chairs or an event space Print materials, arrange arrangements, or put out plates of food items like charcuterie.

The budgeting process will let to take a more strategic approach for the event you're planning online including how to reduce costs, to discovering potential sources for sponsorship and the flow of cash.

If you plan your event ahead, you can decide which lines of work are essential to the event as well as which lines could be eliminated, as well as where you could come up with a new and innovative way of amusing guests.

The average cost for hosting a virtual event

The cost for hosting a virtual conference is dependent upon a variety of variables including the duration of the event to the participants and speakers.

In the next article in the next article, we'll go over the various costs involved in hosting an event online, in order to assist you in assessing the expense for hosting your own party. For now, we'll outline what you can expect to pay for hosting a virtual event

  • If you are hosting a smaller webinar, with as many as 500 people typically, anticipate paying between the range of $2,500-$10,000..
  • If you're planning to hold an all-day virtual conference including the capability to present or even create break-out rooms that are virtual, you can expect prices to vary from 4000$ to $25,000..
  • If you are planning a virtual conference that lasts over a prolonged period, including multiple sessions, breakout rooms, discussions and recordings, you should expect to pay in the range of $50 between $50k and 150,000.

You can see this is a significant variation.

Let's dig into the different elements to be considered in determining the budget for your virtual event in order to estimate costs more accurately.

Cost breakdown for virtual event

Line-item Estimated cost
Microphones Amount: $40+ for each speaker
Video cameras Price: $ 24 or greater per speaker
Ring light A lot more than $30 per for each person
Green screens Amount: $18 plus per speaker
Software for event hosting
Over 100 people $50 to $250
500-2,500 people Between $625 and $8,000
3,000+ attendees From $25,000 to From $25,000 to
Other programs (as required)
Hosting of landing page $39/month - $469/month
Form for registration to Events Between $39 and $720 per month. You can anticipate to pay tickets fees (and fees for processing payments) per ticket
Software for managing email $3/month - $150/user/month
Software to engage with the viewers From $ 8 per month up to $1,000 per month
Speakers are charged for
A new expert From $2,500 to From $2,500 to
Keynote speaker Between $7,500 and 10,000
Thinker leader Between $10,000 and $30,000.
Celebrity From $20,000 to $75,000
An extremely well-known and well-loved star $100,000 to $200,000
Content production
In-studio pre-recording From $375-$500/hour
Pre-recording of remotes Between $200 and $125/hour
Edits to post-recording From $100 to $200/hour
Swag bags
Notepads with brand name $4.66/notepad
Custom socks $9.78/pair
Customized tote bag $3.99/tote
Plain mailer bag $0.87/bag
Marketing and advertising expenses Variable Variable

Example of cost breakdowns used for planning virtual activities

What are the steps you must take to pull off a successful virtual event

Technology-wise, you can organize an online meeting using nothing more than an online location for meetings, cameras, and a microphone. But, if you'd like to make a seamless, successful virtual experience, there are some costs that are worth investing in.


There's not much tools to help make your speakers look professional and polishedHowever, it will take some.

Instead, set up your presenters in advance, preparing these:

If you're planning an event which is less expensive, there is a way to get around several of the points above. Be sure to check your speaker's current configurations ahead of time and guiding the speakers on how to improve the lighting they use and their volume of background music throughout the event.

Read more about gear

Virtual Event Hosting Software

You can imagine the event host software as the online venue that your event will take place. Like physical venues, different software platforms have diverse options.

According to Markletic is a good resource for what is the cost you will spend on the event virtual platform each month:

  • Between $50-$250 to hold small virtual meetings which can include up to 100 participants per meeting.
  • Between $600 and $8,000 is the minimum to organize larger virtual events, which can host 500-2,500 attendees.
  • Between $25,000 and $40,000 is the minimum required for events that have more than 3000 people.

Virtual event platforms generally cost per user and have different pricing levels according to the specific needs of the virtual event. (Think how many guests, marketing and promotion features, and security controls as an illustration.)

Make sure to take note of the features that the platform you use for your event provides you with. While some platforms may appear to be priced at a superficial level -- seem higher in price than the other ones, However, they could have additional features that will reduce their cost to use in the future.

Another software program is also needed.

If you opt to choose an option that doesn't provide these features but you must ensure you have put the following costs into your budget to cover the following:

  • Landing page hosting:starting at $39/month for landing pages that are hosted on your domain. Enterprise plans, which are specifically designed for companies hosting multiple large-scale events, can cost up to $469 monthly..
  • Forms for registration to events: free for free instances, however, you'll be charged the ticketing cost (for example, $0.99 and 2% of the ticket price) per ticket or an annual membership that begins at 39 dollars each month.
  • Email management software Starting with just $3 each month to send 500 email messages per month. Enterprise and premium plans generally cost $136 to $150 for each user per month.
  • Software that allows for interaction with audience members: beginning at 8 dollars per month for audience sizes between 50 to. The pricing for Enterprise plans is ranging between $199 per month up to 1,000 per month.


Virtual events require less travel time and effort as compared to in-person events. Most keynote speakers will be charged roughly 50 percent of their in-person cost when they host virtual event. What the speaker can be charged, however, will likely to depend on their experience and how well-known they have become.

As per Big Speak You can anticipate to be charged:

  • $2,500 to $5,000 to an expert who is fairly new in the subject
  • Between $7500 and $10,000 an expert keynote or keynote speaker.
  • Between $10,000 and $30,000 to a thought-leader with a massive following, or who has written books
  • From $20,000 to $75,000, the most famous.
  • $100,000 to $200,000 for well-known actors


If you're recording any sort of video for your event, be sure add production costs to your budget.

If you record in a studio, you can anticipate spending anywhere from 500-375 dollars an hour recording. When you're recording from a remote location, it's likely to cost less in the range of $125-$200 per hour.

Whichever way you choose, warns Zephan Blaxberg, Director of ZMBMedia, the studio for video production. ZMBMedia Be prepared the costs of production will be at 3 times what the initial estimate. If you want edit your film post-production, plan for $100 to $200 for an hour.

"Keep your mind on a 1:13 ratio for recordings prior to events that is, for each minute of recording the recording will be roughly three times the amount of the time charged. Even though your presenter might have a conversation lasting only 60 minutes, the livestream tech will arrive an hour early to set up the studio, and then begin to prepare. They will also be staying for at least an hour after the recording finished to save the footage before beginning the edits."

Marketing and advertising

You can ask yourself (and your team! ):

  • How much time will our Marketing team be able to devote to this date?
  • What can we do to make the event more visible to potential attendees?
  • Would you like to put our money advertising via social media?
  • What does our email marketing appear to be?
  • Are we working with influencers and help them spread awareness about our event?
  • What is our post-event advertising strategy? be like?

Remember that marketing and promotion could be among the most expensive aspects of hosting a virtual occasion.

"The largest expenditure we make is advertising, as well as the thought-leaders/experts that we bring to speak at our events," says Miles DePaul Director of Demand Generation at Superside. "This is where the worth of the Superside branding comes into. Once people become more familiar with our brand and take advantage of our knowledge and services, we see increased participation and our budgets for events be reduced. It is cheaper to advertise because our cost-per-click decreases due to an increase in brand awareness, and organic marketing is a win-win. You can cut costs on speakers because of the fact that top speakers will want to cooperate together with us, or offer discounts."

When you've come up with your plan and formulated your strategy, you'll determine where you could utilize your existing assets (such as your marketing department as well as the software you have in place for marketing via email) as well as which ones that require more money (for instance, for partnership with influencers, or for landing pages hosting).

Gift cards or Swag

  • Notepads with brand name that allows note-taking ( $4.66)
  • Custom socks ( $9.78)
  • A custom tote bag ($3.99)
  • A plain mailer bag ($0.87)

The cost of shipping can differ based upon the location of attendees, however items in the bags cost at $19.30, or just under 20 dollars.

Partners or sponsors

It is a great chance to reduce costs from your budget of your virtual event. (We would like to hear about your experience.)

Opportunities for sponsorship may be different in online events unlike on-site events, however they're definitely there. In the days before the event gets underway, sponsors may be highlighted in your marketing of the event, including your event's webpage and social media channels along with company newsletters and even reminder emails. You can also email participants with information about any promotions offered by sponsors or partners.

At the time of the occasion, you may display the logos of your sponsors on slides, run sponsored polls on their behalf and host a conversation with sponsors, or feature their short-form video. If they'd prefer to give items from their sponsors to the attendees they can be included in the bag of swag.

Don't be a liar and include sponsors in your post-event material which includes on-demand video, post-event emails and social media postsas well as video snippets. In this way, you're proving value to your sponsors, as they'll continue to enjoy broadcast time for a long period of time following the event ended.

What is the best way to gauge the effectiveness of an online-based event?

You're probably aware that there numerous costs involved in organizing an online event that is successful. To show the value of the investment of your event , and ensure financing for future events , you must monitor and demonstrate the effectiveness of the event.

A few metrics you might consider tracking include:

  • The awareness of the brand is measured by the amount of people who register for events, traffic on websites as well as event impressions and social media engagements.
  • Leads and customers created through events: monitored by events, the response to event surveys or any other actions taken by new leads (such as announcing the availability of a test).
  • Education of the audience is determined by the number of sessions that guests attend and by the amount of participation in discussions, Q&As, and chats.

"Our strategies for events are the most effective in providing value throughout all channels and in influencing clients to become aware of their problems and to be more aware. It can also influence sales engagements and, ultimately, revenue," DePaul says. DePaul.

He then adds:

Include human-like gestures to make your virtual experience seem IRL

When you're running a virtual occasion, it's easy for people to forget that real viewers can be found behind screens within the crowd. This makes it very easy for them to lose interest or get distracted by.

DePaul and Superside and Superside and the Superside team are aware of the importance of considerate personal touches when they plan their online events. "Throughout the entire process we are always trying to add a human touch with things like mail-in letters, gifts, or user-generated content or videos," he says.

There are many ways to help your audience feel more connected to the program, the other attendees as well as the speaker:

  • Use tools for interaction with your audience, such as the Live chat option or polls with interactive features and Q&A sections so that the event is an open discussion and not a monologue. monologue.
  • Invite attendees to get together and discuss in break-out areas. Also, you can set up an LinkedIn group to ensure attendees have the ability to communicate with one another following the conference. This can add the social element (and an additional benefit!) to the virtual event.
  • Send out swag bags, or give away prizes to stimulate participation. Simple things like these can help make the crowd more engaged and active during the event.

DePaul's continues:

"For example, our largest event of 2022, Momentum Summit is heavily advertised through video clips of our presenters, which we used in both ads as well as one-to-one personalized email messages. For those who visit our page for landing, we'd have videos from the speakers and the team members discussing topics that we'd like to address during the conference, rather than the static landing page that is primarily text-driven.

We would like to invite some of the most prestigious participants of ours to join us and invite colleagues to join us by providing snacks in boxes or offering their lunch during the event. In the actual event the focus is on peer-to peer connections via discussion during the event chatroom, small executive roundtables, and inviting them into the Superside group for conversations that continue throughout the duration of the program."

Budgeting questions to plan virtual occasions.

Are you still unsure concerning budgeting your next virtual event? We'll discuss many frequently asked questions and provide you with hyperlinks to other resources to assist you in planning your next event.

What's the budget average for virtual conferences?

According to Statista the study found the following: 34% of the marketers claim they invest between $500-$1,000 for each participant in an event that is online.

What's the most budget-friendly amount you will need to budget for virtual meetings?

What is the best way to hold virtual occasions? make money?

What should I look for when I am looking for a virtual platform?

It is the right time to start planning your events

The procedure of planning an event online isn't simple. But it provides the chance to build your fan base, collaborate with creative presenters and sponsors as well as delight guests. Apart from hosting, the platform lets you to create a stunning landing page, create event reminder emails, engage people, integrate the marketing tools you use and analyze the analysis of the event's post-event.

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