There's a distinction between. Think about it: Which one will be the top choice in 2022? |

Sep 23, 2022

It's time to start. It's a good idea to share and perhaps some eager students . You've chosen to start your own online class. Yay!

An online course could be extraordinary, life-changing experience when you've done it correctly. The online education market is expanding - and the chance of exceeding $1 Trillion in 2030 indicates it's the perfect opportunity for all kinds of different teachers.

If you're contemplating becoming an online instructor, you're probably struggling dealing with. What are the things you should consider before making and hosting the site? There are numerous options and it can appear daunting for those who are an educator in the making.

In this piece, we'll look at two classes that provide Thinkific. It is an extensive course along with a community building tool which is a one-stop source for the most essential equipment to run your online business. Thinkific is an online training platform and web-based site builder that provides you with various powerful tools that you can utilize.

Each of them has proven great success within the realm of online education and all have unique ideas to share. Which would be best for you? Let's see!

If you're in need additional assistance to create your online course and your very own community, sign up to OUR Mighty Community for free and get connected with community managers who have just begun their journey! We'd love to know you. Register for a free account!

    In this piece...

     1. A vs. Thinkingific: Items which should be taken into consideration

     2. Vs. the platform for Thinkific Course

     3. Vs. The Thoughtific: Community and the concept of belonging

     4. The difference between. Thinkingific: Monetization and Marketing

     5. and. 5. The apps of Thinkific Thinkific access to apps as well as the capability to connect

     6. Are you ready to begin?



1. There's a stark distinction between. Considerations to make


  • Course Platform      
  • Memberships and Community
  • Marketing & Monetization      
  • Access and Apps

     Begin your trial trial free of charge. Credit card not necessary.

2. 2. The Platform Thinkific The Course

It typically starts on the platform used for course. There's a good chance you're contemplating which platform to consider. However, there are other aspects to consider (we'll examine them in the subsequent section) There is no doubt you require a high-quality Learning Management System (LMS) which can do all you require for the creation of educational classes.


It's an all-inclusive LMS which lets you design and personalize your courses through the course. From the lesson plan to the modules and all kinds of information, including PDFs and videos. Mighty provides the tools that you need to create the most efficient course. It's DYNAMIC! Improve and modify your class using feedback from your students throughout the process of learning.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

One of the biggest advantages for this particular platform that it provides a variety of choices to provide an educational course as compared to the traditional platforms for courses.


  • Do you wish to make an audio or video ahead of time and upload it onto a common program-building tool e.g. Thinkific? It's possible to do it.
  • Are you planning to lead an entire class live in real time like, say, co-teaching? You can achieve this with Live Stream. This is a Live Stream tool.
  • Do you wish to incorporate more streaming options, or special activities to your class? It's possible.

Desktop MC course- Expanded

Additionally, the work we carry out in the classroom is documented by the public This topic will be discussed in a second.

It's an excellent LMS that could be used to a degree that's distinct from Mighty Network. Mighty Network, yet it's included in other amazing capabilities of the Mighty Network.

     Try a Free Trial for Free. No credit card required.


Thinkific allows you to build courses using the drag-and-drop building tool, which is efficient. Additionally, it comes with an assessment engine that can be utilized to assess the amount of knowledge students gained. It is possible to add tests, assessments and exams along with quizzes as well as questionnaires that assess the students' understanding and goals. Making the content for your module is simple. You can add video, audio or PDF files in your course. There's a method to do all of these.

Thinkific- Course Builder

Thinkific is also able to integrate with other applications for features like a scheduling calendar or chat box in addition to live streaming. Note that there are a few features that need integration with Thinkific are built in the application natively . ( include native chat events as well as live streaming. It's necessary to connect to another software in order to use these features within Thinkific. )

Thinkific - styles

What's the most efficient base?

It has additional features for delivering the training more efficiently, including an event tab which is well-built and has live streaming capabilities. It also has an integrated 1:1 function and chat for all members , as well as the communities (we'll look into this feature in the coming). However, Thinkific does not have these capabilities, however it does offer more types of tests (exams in addition to other types test types ).

3. 4. Community and the notion of belonging

Learning, in general, is changing. Learning platforms have advanced quite a ways from the old WordPress plugins that did not work as intended to. There are many methods to assist you with the process of learning.

Traditional courses platforms let the creation of an an online (prerecorded) course.

making a course available for recording and then throwing it in a place to settle isn't the ideal method of teaching. Since increasing numbers of courses recorded increase the amount of instructors looking at less engagement figures for recorded courses, before deciding on how to make better engagement.

The community can offer assistance.

Communities are a valuable addition to any course. They can bring life and energy to the recorded lessons as they provide your students with the opportunity to meet and interact live with their communities that they live in. OR it might be a fantastic idea for an online course in which you have a cohort in which students are brought together, and they can meet in person, and also with other students in addition to obtaining help at any time!


is a strong, community-based engine that offers a wide range of options starting from. Mighty allows community to be more than just an additional element, but isn't included in the school program.


It starts by allowing the possibility to incorporate a forum to community members in each class and also the option of sending messages to everyone of the community, as well as names of everyone who is on the comment section, as well as profiles for participants. Communities are able to be integrated with any degree.

profile images, events, chat

An excellent example is that each class is preceded with a discussion group taking place underneath. This is a huge benefit of the course as you're capable of reading the comments or comments of other students that have taken the course.
    A course might represent the core characteristic of Your Mighty Network, or it could be part of a larger collection. The course can be offered by itself as a course or offer access to members instead, OR bundle and sell access to both.

Feature Item 1 - Courses

It's been mentioned before that the community you join offers live streaming calendars and occasions that can be accessed with a single-click on Zoom chat questions and polls, a built-in new user experience for members and other features.

     Start with a free trial . There is no credit card needed.


Thinkific is a basic community software that can be added as an additional feature on Your Thinkific website. This allows you to create forums for conversations in your group. You are able to grant the option to all your students or even bundle the feature into a class.

Members can upload video, images, photos or URLs to files. Here's how...

Thinkific Course

The Community feature provides users with the possibility of branding by allowing you to add the cover image of your preference, as well as colours, fonts as well as color. All else is simple.

If you're seeking online courses that have some sort of communal element, co-curricular courses offer additional options to choose from.

4. Vs. Thinkific Method Thinkific Method marketing and monetization

An excellent course platform does not just provide an LMS that allows you to develop courses. There are also possibilities to establish a company and to monetize the course. In the event that we examine the contrast between. It is essential to consider the benefits each platform has to offer for your success in the courses you take.


It lets you design landing pages for your courses or community. There is a wide range of designs to choose from. You can add your company name in a branding and also personalize your courses along with community landing pages. You can also develop your own domain for your community and course through us. We have a quick and easy process to find and register your domain.

It's easy to integrate software like ConvertKit that help with email marketing in and you can also build custom plans and bundles as well as sell items across the world. In addition, you have access to an array of analysis tools that can be used for determining what's working and what's not.


In the process of building your business, Thinkific gives you the possibility to make money by offering workshops, and the option of subscriptions to memberships as well as digital downloads and items. You can choose to bundle your products or services by using a range options. It's possible to offer your services in different currencies, market your goods by using discounts or coupons, or even get people to promote your courses with the help of an affiliate program.

The Thinkific platform is a marketing tools, and it is an online platform that could be made use of. The option to build landing pages that present your course and advertise it using alter them in a variety options. With personalized domain names various themes that you can choose from and the option to create a complete website, Thinkific has a good web-based design tool accessible online for the it use with classes.

5. 5. Information apps as well as access

We'll then examine accessibility and applications. There is more to it than just plan your course. It's crucial to make sure your students will have access to their class whenever and however they'd like to.


The app is awe-inspiring native application which students are able to access on the go. It's full of features comparable to that of the platform on which it's based, however it comes with notifications for smartphones and your students will be in a position to access the latest content that you've posted in addition to any other forthcoming activities. This app is currently rated with a 4.7-star score in the Google Play Store.

If you're successful in creating an enterprise, or course the company you build will be as a partnership with you creating fully branded apps for the App Store as well as the Google Play Store. Customers can access your logo and name and not ours. In addition, you'll receive an attractive and user-friendly app to promote your brand.

Mighty Pro - Phone1

They're built using Mighty Pro. If you're thinking you're ready to go with a white-label option, contact us to schedule an appointment. We'll discuss your needs and show you an example!


This app is not designed for use on smartphones. If you design the course through Thinkific, then your students will be able access the site, but it will not be accessible through mobile apps. This is an oversight during a period when more people are browsing the web using their smartphones, or in any other manner.

6. Are you ready to start?

The differences we've made in Thinkific and Thinkific could inspire you to begin designing your personal course. The time is now to choose your preferred course start working in creating the company that can create changes for individuals!



If you're in search of an outstanding course with an open source platform for communities that offers the most effective LMS with Live streaming, events, a lot of events for community members and an amazing application, it's worth trying Mighty an attempt! It will grow with time when you're done, and once you're, you can leap onto Mighty Pro and get a totally branded and branded program! It's always enjoyable to witness our hosts appreciating their progress and be in a position to alter their behaviors.

Ready to start the process of creating your own online class or even your own community online?

     Start Your Free Trial. A credit card isn't required.

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