The thing Alua Arthur does is help thousands of students redefine death
Alua's story as the founder of the business began with an excursion on a bus through Cuba. Following having been diagnosed with depression clinical and ending her career in law, Alua found herself sitting alongside a passenger who was suffering from an advanced uterine cancer. Alua had no notion of what would transpire as they were discussing how the conversation in between them. It would change the direction of her life for ever.

"I am adamant that I ask her lots of questions regarding death-related issues which aren't possible to ask someone who has no connection with. However, she was so open with me. We spoke for hours about her worries and things she was scared of loss, and what she'd like to have done differently during her life." Alua recalls.
"Coming out of the conversation I kept contemplating my reasons for not engaging with my partner in meaningful conversations concerning the conclusion of my 34 years of being alive. The more I contemplated it, the more considered, "I need to act on this.'"
Following a return visit to America after returning to United States, Alua threw her efforts into aiding people through their final stages of change. Coming from a law background along with having a law degree Alua was well aware she did not want to enter the field of medicine or social work. Although psychology was not what she was looking to study, she figured out her desire to study the field that is included death and the spiritual. However, shortly after her graduation her brother died sick.
"I was able to support him through the last 2 months of his existence. I was there all day long and laying on the couch or lying on the floor getting up and about, picking up people from the hospital taking medications and doing some research" she adds.
"I was feeling more and more frustrated because there was no one I could call that had these questions for usor anybody outside our support network who would acknowledge and confirm our situation and how challenging it is. In those moments I thought, should I not have the answer I'd still be able to come up with it."
The realization of this was the reason to the idea of Going With Grace which is a doula-training and death-of-life-planning organisation that is aiming to redefine and improve the concept of death by using the individual moments of life to form the foundation.

Alua is now accepting more than 1,800 students in her "End of Life education program' which has attracted almost 15,000 new readers to her newsletter , and resulted in $2.5 million in revenue. Here's how she was able to achieve this.
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- She incorporated her personal experiences to aid in the development of her business.
- She's message was in line with her organic, personal message
- She explained the structure of the course using an approach that was concrete
- She used her own voice into her class
- She prioritized the community in her choice to diversify the income streams she earned
- She can beat the obstacle course that the majority of that HTML0's creators must confront
She translated her personal story to the company's goal
From day one, Alua has been intentional in allowing the concept of Living With Grace to originate from a personal location. Alua believes that despite the fact that some people attempt to distinguish the personal and professional from each other They're the same.
"How you appear at your appearance could affect the way you present yourself when you are at work. For me, this was always a personal goal that I set out to address problems I had encountered during my final days. "Going with Grace came from this place ."
Her personal experiences have allowed her to put herself in the shoes of a customer with a distinct wayshe knew the things they wanted prior to even seeing the product.
"The end of life can be extremely lonely. Its primary goal was to give people a sense of at a loss when facing the difficulties. It's enough to be a struggle given that you have the best skilled physicians and the top support program. It's an overwhelming ."
Then she says: "The mission of Going with Grace assists people in solve the "What can I do to be able to feel content with my life to live my life and lead my life with grace? No matter what the answers of a person are, they are able to count on us to assist you. At times, the focus is on fixing relationships, and at other times, dealing with their anxiety about dying. It is sometimes a matter of determining what ideals they want to live by. We're focusing on that ."
Her voice was always clear her personal messages
When she was changing her unique message into a promotional campaign, Alua kept to her original ideas. Alua developed her site in order to offer an opportunity for people to speak about loss and funerals in an authentic way.
"When I realized this kind of space wasn't available, I decided to get it since I was sure there were other people looking for this space. Perhaps it was an one-in-a-million chance, but I'm sure someone other person will experience the same experience as mine." she says.
"As an outcome of my research, my marketing strategy was organically designed and this is the reason of why the audience reacted up the offer in such a big way."
Then, Alua realized that her usual messages can only last for so long without coherent.
"When the spark of something within someone's head, it is significant. The size of the flame can't be determined by you but it is up to you to ignite the fire. If you're always committed and truthful in your discussions on similar topics, then eventually they'll come close ."
At the beginning of her campaign, Alua was able to realize the importance of to have an authentic brand for herself. She was initially unaware that she was a person who was a media person, however, by focusing on her own brand it became possible to build her authority and credibility.
"One crucial aspect in branding and marketing is to be authentic to your personality. I'm not quiet, calm and human. People often think that it is necessary to be calm and keep a distance from death and dying. In my unapologetic way about my self I drew the attention of my family and friends. relatives. ."
The beginning of her career Alua started posting one-minute videos on social media that focused on her personal experiences as well as her mission statement and the online course she was beginning to create. Within only a couple of minutes, Alua had pre-sold 57 subscriptions prior to having begun to create the course. Her list of email subscribers of 400 increased quickly.
"I honestly believed the event was likely to attract about 10 persons. Then, I realized I actually did have the intention of doing the event ."
The instructor outlined the program's outline using concrete approach
After establishing her target audience, Alua started to wrap her head around the difficult process of developing her first course on the internet entitled 'The Art Of Dying'. Similar to many course designers, she crafted a skeletal framework and then trimmed the modules one by one.
"It was extremely helpful to contemplate the different elements of knowledge that my students will require at various times during the course. It seems like I'd think to myself "Here's an outline. It's time to contemplate. What are we going to need in order to achieve our goals? What are we supposed to be aware of?" It is important to always keep in mind the final objective. After that, break the lesson into smaller pieces that can be digestible." she explains.
The program was developed in a pragmatic manner and then implemented in a practical way Alua is able to divide the program into three main sections. The initial part is the foundations of what are the responsibilities that funeral doulas perform. What is the function of medical care? What are indicators of death? Why do we need to know about your own dying? The following section focuses on traditional funeral care, funeral home arrangements and funeral legacies and ceremonies. In the final section, it integrates the various elements in a way that is practical.
Alua is the creator of a range of software applications with this approach, all with completion rate of 76%, with average scores of 4.9 to 4.7. between 4.9 and 4.9 stars. Her belief is that nothing would have been achievable without .
" is the one thing that really helped me realize my idea. When I first started, I looked through the web for an online learning platform, but there was none that could be easily accessible and simple enough. It's a shame because I'm an analogue user and am confused regarding changing the sound of my phone's ringtone however it was simple, but it was also very efficacious. This is how we came to the point we are now." She says.
She incorporated her authentic voice into her lessons
As well as the introduction of this effective method of education, Alua has been intentional about allowing her character to show through the online classes she offers.
"I often share stories of my clients I've had the privilege of working with so that students understand the real-time events. I'm conscious of speaking in front of the camera and don't keep my personality at bay," she says.
"I think that my classes online are a stunning snapshot in time of my professional career as well as my character as an individual. I published 'The Art Of Dying' in the year 2018 and after 4 years of the course, I could be a completely distinct from what I was in the previous. So, while creating my programs, I stay not committing to the way I'm feeling in this moment but also keep my eyes open for what the future could bring ."
She prioritized community while diversifying her sources of income.
Alua has also put an focus on community celebration, both inside and outside within her course structure. With groups like the Strength Studies groups she has discovered ways to boost her earnings streams.
"One among the best features of our program is that everything is accessible online. There are regularly scheduled group classes that allow students to debate the contents via Zoom live. Students can discuss their concerns during discussions , and it keeps the participants engaged. It it also aids in building an elevated sense of belonging. They become close to one others, and they develop relationships. In the end, I'm just creating the space to allow them to act in the same way they'd normally do in other situations. ."
Then she adds "I'm just following breadcrumbs already in existence. One of my students was married not too long back and 7 students from their online class were at the wedding. This is for me the true power of our efforts ."
Alongside her online schooling, Alua has created various communities-led initiatives that support her model of business.
"Another significant source of revenue can be found in the Death Doula Den -- is a private group where individuals meet for discussions the topic of death and dying. Also, we hold separate Zoom occasions where we talk about 'hot button issues' in addition to providing support in these areas," she says.
"Ultimately There are communities that cater to individuals who need assistance. We also have communities for people looking to understand what they can do to help to those in need."
She was able to overcome the primary obstacle course creators face
When looking at Go With Grace's accomplishments at this stage, Alua is very transparent in her battle to overcome numerous obstacles in her career as a creative and, yet these challenges have strengthened her at both professional and personal scales.
"The most significant step I've taken was pressing the "Publish button in my very first class. I was absolutely giddy when I hit the button. My thoughts were"Oh my God , how could I have done that? What do I believe that I is? What's the main reason why I would do something like this ?"
As of now, few years down the line, Alua has a few suggestions she'd like to give herself:
"The most effective alternative is to ignore that voice telling you, "It's impossible. You're not worthy. You don't have the chance to be a star. It's not clear what you're doing.' Do not think about it, and push on since others could gain from what you've got. Take the leap and realize that it's unlikely to be flawless and will likely to end up being quite dirty and embarrassing. You'll be able to look back about in the future, However, it's more efficient as compared to doing nothing . ."
Are you inspired by the story of Alua's journey to create a successful online course business? Are you willing to take your own risk? Join the class today and start today.
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