The return on investment of Compliance training: Atribution and Business Case (Calculator and Template)

Aug 23, 2023

Investigate the idea regarding Compliance Training Return on Investment (Return on investment). Understand the hidden benefits and savings in cost.

Read on to learn all about this vital concept.

What does it mean for Compliance Training ROI?

A Compliance Training ROI measures the return rate on your investment into compliance training. It measures how much money an organization has saved or made compared to its cost without investment in training.

This gives companies an understanding of how effective their investment in compliance training is. It helps them identify areas to improve and ensures the efficient utilization of their resources.

Benefits of Compliance Training

By ensuring that employees know about pertinent laws, regulations and guidelines, companies reduce the risk of violations as well as costly fines and legal actions.

Improved Productivity of Employees

Companies can improve their performance by providing employees with the necessary knowledge and abilities to function efficiently. This results in higher profit, as employees are able to accomplish more within a shorter period of time.

Enhanced Image of the Corporate Image

Training on compliance shows that businesses are serious about safety, which improves their reputation. This leads to greater customer loyalty, as customers will trust that the company will take all steps to safeguard them. This leads to higher income.

Cost Savings

Training for compliance is an insignificant cost compared to potential penalty and fines for violating. Furthermore, businesses save on legal fees in the event of litigation arising due to employee misdeeds or violations.

Estimating the ROI of Compliance Training

Companies must identify which areas will be most affected by their compliance-training investments for example:

  • productivity of employees
  • customer satisfaction
  • penalty or fines for violations of the law

After that, calculate how much money you've put into each area and how much you've earned in a specific duration.

  A formula for calculating ROI is:  

  ROI = (Net Benefits ) / Cost of Compliance Training) / Cost of Compliance Training  

If a business put aside $10,000 for training for compliance and saw the net benefit of $15,000 in the investment, its return on investment would be 50percent using this calculation.

Strategies for Maximizing ROI

Utilizing Effective Training Methods

A properly designed compliance program is one that is comprehensive, interesting and adapted to every individual's job. It ensures that every employee is trained on their responsibilities which results in more effective making decisions.

Regular Updates and Refresher Courses

Engaging and Interactive Training

Fun courses will make sure that employees participate in the learning process and will improve retention. In addition, using gamification to enhance compliance training will make it more enjoyable for participants which leads to higher engagement.

Assessment and Measurement Measurement and Evaluation

Regular assessments track progress and ensure employees understand and follow company guidelines. The assessment identifies areas that need improvements and gives insight into how effective the plan was with regard to risk reduction and cost savings as well as other benefits.

Case Study: Compliance Training ROI in Action


Training for compliance ROI is the measure of return for an organization's investments and helps determine if those investments are yielding results. Knowing the value of compliance education improves the decision-making process on how to allocate resources.

Are you ready to maximize your compliance training for your company and maximize your ROI?

Download your free comprehensive guide to Compliance Training ROI now:

Commonly Asked Questions regarding Compliance Training ROI

What is it?

It's the return on an organization's investment into compliance training. It measures how much you have saved or earned compared to the cost of training.

What is the reason it's important to calculate?

It provides organizations with invaluable insight into whether their investments are paying off. It identifies areas to cut expenses and improving efficiency, and exposes risks that could result in penalties or fines.

How does a company maximize its training ROI?

Companies should concentrate on:

  • Effective methods for training
  • Offering regular updates as well as refresher training courses
  • Engaging in interactive and engaging session of training
  • Assessing and measuring their effectiveness

What are some benefits?

  • Legal protection from fines and fines
  • Cost savings by reducing the number of mistakes made
  • Increased efficiency by making sure that employees understand how to perform according to company guidelines
  • Increased morale through assistance and training

Do you have an illustration?

Let's say that you invested $10,000 in a new compliance-training course and noticed a 10% reduction in the number of employee complaints or infractions for one year. It saved you $1,000 because of lower fines as well as other sanctions. Therefore, you calculate ROI as follows: ($1,000/$10,000) x 100 = 10%