The Game Localization Experience Story: Quadrupled Sales for South Korea -

Nov 16, 2022

Out of Park Developmentsquadrupled the sales of South Korea -- the fourth-largest market for video games worldwidethrough the translation of its benchmark game into Korean.

I had a conversation with Richard Grisham, past COO at Out of the Park and the current Director of Business Development at Com2Us -- which is a Korean firm for development that bought Out of the Park in 2020.

Stream our conversation below for insight into:

  • How to successfully roll out an appropriate localized version game
  • Run "microcampaigns" for better ROI on the global marketing effort
  • Inspiring brand ambassadors as well as future employees from your existing customers.

What can we do to help you sell software around the World

Those quadruple sales in South Korea? Here's where we fit in.

The majority of people around the globe when a customer accessed the website storefront, Out of the Park experienced a large conversion. However, the Korean version has a significantly smaller conversion rate than other languages, even before releasing an updated version in Korean.

Out of the Park uses for their ecommerce checkout. When a buyer wants to make a purchase the purchase, they'll be taken to an online storefront that is that is hosted by .

After some meetings with 's customer success team, they were able to pinpoint the problem.

"It appears that the expectation of your average Korean customer is that they're not going to pay $40 for an opportunity to play. We don't even set the cost of the game until the very last page of the checkoutprocess," Richard explained.

If Richard included the cost of the game earlier on in the checkout process, the conversion rate increased dramatically. This is Richard sharing his story.