The Farmer's Dog was able to win the game due to the Emmy-nominated commercial

Nov 5, 2023

The staff of The Farmer's Dog their goal of their first Super Bowl ad was simple: make people cry. "There was a line in [the brief] that basically said, if we don't make the audience cry, then we've failed," said filmmaker Goh Iromoto, who brought The Farmer's Dog now-iconic (and Emmy-nominated!) advertisement "Forever" to life. "I'll forever remember that line. It was an enormous motivational force for me, both creatively and in my case."
  We were interested in learning more about the spot Staff-Picked- which was the top-rated ad in the 2023 Super Bowl and has been nominated for an Emmy award (!) We sat down with Goh as well as the team of creatives of The Farmer's Dog to discover more information about their amazing teamwork, their meticulous outline, and the dog that helped inspire the ad campaign. Check out the show's major lessons learned. Also, you can view the entire conversation below.

Project name "Forever" A.K.A. The Farmer's Dog
Participants Teressa Iezzi Director of Creative and Content
Sophie Forman, Director of Brand Design
Goals of the campaign Teressa and Sophie were looking to develop an advertisement to represent the slogan of their business, "Long Live Dogs."

Historically, the company had concentrated its marketing on the specifics of its goods. However, Teressa and Sophie knew that the Q1 marketing campaign needed to be more specific about how it will bring its mission that is to help pets live longer, happier and healthier lives into focus in an innovative way.
Goals * Bring to life The Farmer's Dog's purpose and rallying cry in an artistic, powerful technique
* Tell an emotional story that extends beyond the details that describe the item.
Timeline Timeline The entire campaign took about four months from start up to completion The process of production summing up similar to this:

October | Brief stage
November | Goh pitches with the team
December | Shoot
January | Post-production
February Live!
Resource The Farmer's Dog team worked incredibly closely with Goh to create the finished product. Goh was the creative genius and also the Director of the venture as in addition, Teressa and Sophie were key players in shaping the project. The three worked in close collaboration on the project from start to end.
The principal to Takeaways Make sure you have money to put into your short
• Focus on the narrative and not on the products
* Great work deserves great promotion

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