The Easy Affiliate and Member plugin is now available: Plug Into the power of referral Marketing - WordPress Membership Plugin for Membership Sites

Mar 7, 2024

Easy Affiliate and Member: Join the Increasing Power of Referral Marketing

Title Image  Member and Easy Affiliate Program

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It's never been more straightforward to establish and operate an affiliate program on your member site using Easy Affiliate. We give you the lowdown and tips to make the most out of this powerful growth combo.

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It's impossible to underestimate just how much affiliate marketing has a dominant role in the online marketing scene. In 2022, the market for affiliate marketing was valued at more than $20 billion which is expected to almost double by 2030.

This is especially impressive given that for the most part affiliate marketers only get paid commissions after they've made a sale. We're talking about millions of dollars worth of earnings and salesgenerated through this particular marketing strategy.

If you're a business that hasn't utilized affiliate marketing or if you're looking to switch away from costly affiliate programs for a more robust membership site, this latest addition is exciting news for the business as well as your pockets.

Presenting Easy AffiliateAll-in-one Affiliate program plugin that works with WordPress which is now integrated with Member.

Read on for a guided review of the key functions of this plug-in, along with tips on how to leverage its profit-pumping potential for your business.

Affiliate Marketing 101

First, just in case you're new to affiliate marketing, here's a quick explanation to bring you up to the pace:

Affiliate marketing is an extensively used strategy where individuals are paid for the promotion of a company's products or products or. When a transaction happens through a unique affiliate link, the affiliate marketer (or the affiliate) gets a percentage from the selling.

This technique of marketing provides a number of benefits for membership and eCommerce sites:

  • Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money, and you pay only when a sale is completed. This makes it an extremely low-risk cost-effective way to expand your member base without having any upfront cost associated with traditional advertising methods.
  • Performance-based design makes it easily scalable and appropriate for membership websites in any phase of development. When your membership base expands rapidly, you don't need to deal with a corresponding growth in marketing efforts or costs.
  • Affiliates, particularly those that align with your website's purpose, will be able to reach specific, niche audience. Have a soccer fanzine or an organic cooking school? Niche affiliates are best best people to spread the word. When they are on your side the marketing campaigns are highly specific, attracting members who are more likely be engaged with your content and community.
  • Contrary to single-day ad campaigns affiliate marketing is an continuous promotion of your membership site. Continuous exposure keeps your site in the forefront and also attracts new members over time.

Now you're all caught up in affiliate marketing, and the benefits to benefit your business is obvious, it's now time to take a peek at what the Easy Affiliate integration means to your membership website.

What exactly is Easy Affiliate?

Easy Affiliate Hompage

Easy Affiliate lets you run a the self-hosted affiliate program straight from your WordPress Dashboard.

By running a self-hosted affiliate programme, you will have more control over the applicant process for affiliates and have the direct influence over commissions and payouts and skip the transaction fees paid by third-party platforms.

And as the name suggests that it will make the entire procedure of establishing and running your program effortless - there is no specific knowledge required, virtually everyonecan create this program for their business.

It's because Easy Affiliate is packed with every tool and programs you'll need to ensure your affiliate program is a success and each one is designed to be easy to set up and operate.

So let the tour of key features commence!

Easy Affiliate Features and Strategies for Success

Connect effortlessly to your eCommerce Plug-ins

At the click of a button, Easy Affiliate can detect and connect with key ecommerce platforms including yours truly ( Member), PayPal and WooCommerce..

Integrations can be enabled either during Easy Affiliate's setup wizard process, or simply by going to Easy Affiliate > Settings and then the eCommerce tab.

Screenshot of the ecommerce settings in Easy Affiliate highlighting the  Member Integration

       It's simpleto link affiliate programs to products and services you sell on your website.

Screen for High-Quality Excellent Affiliates

Opening your affiliate program for everyone could be a good idea, but when it comes to affiliate marketing, the quantity doesn't always equal the quality.

The research shows that less than 1% of affiliates are responsible for 90 percentage of all sales and conversions. This underscores the significance of the top performers and collaborating with them. most effective affiliates.

Accepting all applicants could take time and energy away of building lasting connections with affiliates of high quality. You might find yourself overwhelmed with queries and support issues from a large number of affiliates, instead of paying attention to the people who drive outcomes.

For a greater return on investment you should take the time to manually examine and approve new affiliates and ensure that their target market is compatible to your market.

Easy Affiliate streamlines this process by integrating an application into the an approval process. Here's how to install it:

Navigate to the Easy Affiliate Settings tab, click on Affiliates, and select Application as the Registration Type.

Screenshot of the Easy Affiliate Application Process

From here, you can also choose to automatically send emails to notify applicants that their application has been accepted and approved.

When you've picked the type of registration and Easy Affiliate will automatically design a registration page. Your prospective affiliates will then need to fill out an application form and await the approval of your company before they can begin promoting your product.

The form requires essential data, including:

  • First name
  • Names of the last name
  • Email
  • Websites they plan to use for promotion
  • The strategy they use to promote their products
  • Social media profiles/links

This detailed information allows users to examine each applicant's compatibility with your business. Through requiring applicants to list the websites they will be using for their promotions, it enable Easy Affiliate to monitor and identify fraudulent actions by flagging fraudulent site advertisements - more on that later.

Increase Conversions by implementing Compelling Campaigns

To really reap the most benefits of the affiliate programs you have, get your affiliates involved with each of your advertising campaigns

You've got a brand newly launched product or feature or sale you want to advertise It's a fantastic chance for your associates to talk about your brand.

Affiliates are continuously seeking new content ideas and reasons to engage with their customers. Include them in your most recent promotions and feature launches and you'll get an positive symbiosis in engagement.

As an affiliate program host you have the ability to boost their effectiveness and incentivize your affiliates further by equipping them with tools to ensure that each campaign is unbeatable.

Easy Affiliate makes it straightforward to make unique links to particular websites.

Imagine you have the landing page you need to provide all the info on the new feature you've just released. When you share a unique link to that landing page you'll be able to direct your affiliates' audience straight to the core of your offer, avoiding the homepage for a more precise dive into your funnel of sales.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate Add New Creative feature

Easy Affiliate also makes it easy to distribute banners and images for campaigns.

Arm your affiliates with eye-catching, branded content that's not only easy to access, but can also increase the visibility of your campaigns. It's a win-win: effortless material for them as well as increased exposure to your brand. Transform your affiliate program into an effective factor that pushes your business ahead, one step at each time.

Follow Affiliate Performance through Google Analytics

Easy Affiliate not only Easy Affiliate features it's own instant reports, tracking clicks and sales, but unlike other affiliate plugins Easy Affiliate can also be used to keep track of other important KPIs in Google Analytics.

That's thanks to its tracker of Affiliate Links for UTM feature.

UTM Affiliate Tracking EA

If you enable this feature, Easy Affiliate will automatically add UTM parameters to affiliate links so you will be able to gain in-depth insight on things such as...

  • Top performing affiliates
  • Highest converting campaigns
  • Which websites your affiliates are publishing on?
  • What type of content works best?

...right in Google Analytics.

This sets the stage for you to optimize your affiliate marketing program and strategies to ensure maximal profits.

Encourage Marketers to sell more through Special Commission Rates

Encourage affiliates to pull out every stop for your affiliate program by rewarding those who excel with a particular commission rates.

Through this plugin's Custom Rules add-on, you can create custom affiliate commission rates for rewarding high-achieving affiliates as well as specific actions. You can, for instance, set up a higher commission rate for affiliates who achieve sales that exceed a particular amount, or offer a special rate on the latest item to promote your product's launch. It's all possible and easy with Custom Rules.

Screenshot of Easy Affiliate's custom rules setting for special commission rates
Customize your affiliate rate basing on the total value of sales using Easy Affiliates. Custom Rules that you can add to

Be Safe from Fraud by Preventing Profits

With the Easy Affiliate Fraud Prevention feature It's now easier than ever to flag or even block commissions suspected of fraud prior to paying the cent.

Choose whether to let the flagging or automatic block of commissions coming from:

  • Referrals from your own - when an affiliate purchases through their affiliate link.
  • Websites with unapproved referral programs The site which referred the click is not among the websites listed in the application of the affiliate.
  • Affiliates with a suspicious conversion rate - Address anomalous rate of conversion that is significantly divergent from what is normal, which could indicate possible fraudulent tactics.
Screeshot of Easy Affiliate fraud settings

This proactive approach safeguards your affiliate earnings as well as ensuring the credibility of your affiliate program creating a solid foundation of confidence and trust.

Reward Affiliates Quickly and Simply with One-Click Payouts

With Easy Affiliate's One-Click Payouts, sending rewards is as straightforward as it sounds and makes the pay out process easy and fast.

Instant payouts Just one click is all it takes to transfer earnings to your affiliates, eliminating any delays or complications.

Improve morale of your affiliates Fast cash payouts make affiliates more motivated, happy, and more engaged with your company.

Streamline operations:Forget the inconvenience of manually processing payments. One-Click Payouts simplify your workflow and frees up your time to concentrate on growth and strategy.

Screenshot showing Easy Affiliate one-click payout.

Once your affiliate has reached the payout threshold (which you are able to easily alter within your settings), you're just one click away from paying your affiliate's earnings. Easy Affiliate is compatible with PayPal 1-Click Payouts providing a quick and secure way to pay your affiliates.

How to Integrate Member With Easy Affiliate

Member now integrates natively to Easy Affiliate, meaning that they're designed to work together joining them in a cinch.

Easy Affiliate currently supports the below integrations with the Member payment providers.

  • PayPal Legacy,
  • Stripe,

Here's how to set Easy Affiliate set up and integrated with Member:

  • Purchase an Easy Affiliate license.
  • Visit your Easy affiliate account downloads page and download the plug-in .zip file to your personal computer.
  • Login on Your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Click Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin
  • Click Browse and select the .zip file and select Install Now. Install Now
  • When the download is completed, hit Activate.
  • From your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Member Settings > Integrations > Other Services and click on the Easy Affiliateicon.
Screenshot of  Member integrations with Easy Affiliate selected
  • There should be Easy Affiliate within the right-hand corner of your dashboard. Click on it and then settings.
  • Go to the "E-Commerce" tab.
  • membershould be automatically detected and switched on.
  • Click on Update Options

And you're done! This is as easy as that.

Your next step is to spread the message of your program, and start accepting applicants.

Within a short time the site will see sales roll in and your membership site flourish.


With Member and Easy Affiliate with Easy Affiliate, you can have everything you need to create an effective affiliate program for your site that is a member.

Easy Affiliate provides everything the tools you'll need to build and manage a seamless, streamlined affiliate program that will magnify your reach and bring in more engaged members to your group.

Be sure to keep your affiliates motivated by providing clear communications, prompt payouts, and by providing best practices in promotion. Make use of the information from Easy Affiliate and Google Analytics to refine your strategy and focus your energies in transforming your affiliates into authentic brand ambassadors.

Your success depends on their success, and together, you can achieve remarkable growth for your membership site.

All of it starts with single connection!

Do you have any concerns or wish to share some of your own experiences in affiliate marketing? Send us your thoughts in the comments below.

And don't forget to follow our pages through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn for additional tips and best practices to grow your membership business.

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