The advancement in diversity is expected to be realized by 2022. in the area of equity and inclusion (DEI)

Apr 22, 2023

Diversity of Equity, inclusion, and diversity (DEI) isn't just a box-checking test.

We aim to incorporate DEI principles into our operations in order to make our teams more effective and produce products. Why? because we believe that establishing an environment that is that is open, honest, and rooted in communities allows each worker to perform at their highest and deliver better outcomes for our clients. Additionally, it leads to greater favorable outcomes for our business along with our shareholders as well as our larger community.

We know that true progress can only be made with accountability and openness. When we look back on 2022 and 2022 we're pleased with the achievements we've made in crucial areas. However, we recognize there are areas where we could make improvements.

Team demographics

Here is a summary of our demographics and the composition of our workforce at the 31st of December 2022. This chart shows how much change in the year between 2021 and 2022 with regard to the gender balance of global society, along with U.S. ethnicities and races and representation.

pie chart showing race & ethnicity breakdown of 's U.S. workforce
Table showing percent change in race representation at  between 2021 and 2022
Table showing percent change in gender identity at  between 2021 and 2022

Progression zones

Representation is essential to having an inclusive workforce. We're pleased with our progress so far.

We've continued to work to develop an inclusive and diverse pool of candidates to fill every job in the hopes that at least 30% of the applicants that participate in our interview process come from minorities that are not included in our selection process.

We also believe that transformation is a process that starts from the top. As such, we've made an explicit decision to boost the number of women on our executive staff.

Bar graphs showing representation of women in managerial roles and employees from underrepresented minority groups

These actions have helped us reach the results we have been able to achieve. At the time of December, 2022:

  • 44 per cent of our executive are women (4 out of 9)*
  • Women employed across the globe rose to 4.6 percent from 35.7 per cent in 2021 up to 40.3 percent in 2022.
  • The number of women holding managerial positions around the world (Manager Stage plus) increased by 3 percent from 33.7 percent in 2021, to 36.7 percent by 2022.
  • The share of U.S. employees who identified as being part of an underrepresented Minority Group (URM) was up 3.3 percentage by 18.3 percentage in 2021 to 21.6 percent by 2022.

In addition to the enhancements we've made in our staff representation as well as how we represent our employees we've also begun an array of initiatives at make an inclusive and fair environment, such as:

When we published the first version of this report, we had an executive team composed of seven people and we're delighted to share that 60% of our staff (4 from seven) comprise women. We've also appointed the director of DEI, Renee MacLeod, who will oversee the DEI strategies and plans.

ECGs are Employee Community Groups (ECGs)

At , ECGs are employee-led and organizationally-supported groups of employees that are drawn together by shared characteristics or interests. Each ECG can serve as a point of communication and as a place of gathering that is a place for under-represented employees or their comrades, and they are a crucial component of helping to maintain an equitable broad, diverse and inclusive workforce.

In 2022, our ECGs have brought our team together to create new ideas, share information, and have fun by organising more than 20 occasions and activities including talks about topics including burnout, entrepreneurship and mental health. From hosting a panel on careers which included NYC students and attending a class on making cocktails for an African-owned business.

To increase the engagement of our community, we teamed with a local organization to increase our involvement in the community We teamed up with First Tech Fund an organization based in New York who is dedicated to assisting the local high school students who come from various backgrounds. The event was held to accelerate network speed on 10th of October. More than 50 people participated. each department was represented at and the participants returned with a renewed sense of excitement, enthusiasm and hope for the future of a career in the field of technology.

We at ECGs have collectively given more than $20,000. to non-profit organizations that empower and aid in the development of diverse communities. We also contributed to a number of women-owned or minority-owned businesses:

The report's highlights include Highlights of the report: Assistance to Ukraine

Our group members met to assist Ukraine following its invasion by Russia. Because of the generosity of our the team members, as well as our match for donations, we were able to raise over $54,000 for non-profits aiding Ukrainians in need of assistance for relocation and security. This money was utilized to support Ukraine-specific initiatives in conjunction with UNICEF, International Medical Corps, and The US Association for UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency).

In addition, we offered assistance in the process of moving, including accommodation and travel for over 70 individuals which included our employees as well as their family members. We formed a volunteer team consisting of over 20 Vimeans who provided 24/7 in-person support for the staff and their families that require aid with moving, including help with logistics, travel arrangements and the need to speak a foreign language, as well as an in-depth knowledge of locales and other areas.

We were in December when we began a collaboration with Razom from Ukraine it is a non-profit organisation that has a mission to help Ukraine as well as enhancing Ukrainian voice. We provided video production and streaming solutions for their nearly sold-out Notes from Ukraine concert, which marked the 100th anniversary of Mykola Leontovych's "Carol of the Bells" and its return to Carnegie Hall. The show featured four famous choirs, including Shchedryk Children's Choir. Shchedryk Children's Choir, and was hosted by Oscar Award-winning director Martin Scorsese, and Ukrainian-American actor Vera Farmiga. The concert was staged in conjunction with Ukrainian Institute and the Ukrainian Institute and the Ukrainian Contemporary Music Festival was attended by everyone around the globe, and garnered over 76,000 viewers.

The future looks bright: DEI priorities for 2023.

We're proud of the accomplishments we've made up to 2022, we're committed to moving forward by 2023. Our focus is on two main aspects that we're working on this year:

  1. We're expanding the reach of our team through increasing the number of participants
  2. Inspiring an inclusive environment to everyone who lives in Vimean

Team representation goals

In order to determine what goals we've set for the representation of our company for 2023 and beyond, we looked at our employee feedback, the information from our survey to employees, "Voice of the Vimean" as well as the most up-to-date statistics on our share of demographics as well as sources such as this report from The Employment Equity and Opportunity Commissionon representation in addition to recent research on representation in technology such as the Statista report as well as this report by Womentech. Based on this data, we've identified three areas of opportunity which are crucial as well as five objectives to increase representation.

*Benchmark data based on EEOC data filtered by the industry

     Inclusion culture    

In order to ensure that this goals are met, we will keep these we'll launch new initiatives that are focused on educating employees and creating an environment that attracts talented and diverse talent.

70% of 70% of DEI budget will be put within internal programs, making sure there's access and equality for people from previously marginalized groups. The remainder of the budget will go towards projects that assist in forming and attracting our workforce. It could be as:

  • Implementing internal programs that focus on leadership inclusion, as well as career path guidance and assistance
  • Advancing our diverse supplier efforts
  • Transparency can be improved by our compensation system and the leveling system that can be applied to both future and present Vimeans
  • Access to more resources order that can make our processes more inclusive. This includes access to devices for meeting in accessible languages, interviews in person, as well as top practices for accessibility.

Our aim is to use DEI concepts to create new team members as well as products. We've acquired a lot of knowledge and have made significant progress in the direction of our goals. The year 2023 is approaching with more certainty and with an interest in ways to attain higher efficiency, and even quicker. This can be done with an approach that has made DEI techniques an integral part of the work we perform every day. We all are accountable to the actions we take and we're excited to present our research findings over the next couple of months.

Scroll down to find complete data on our labor force information based on race, gender and ethnicity through 2022.

I'm in love with you.

The Team

Other demographic data and definitions of categories


2022 Report Terminology

     Self-identified self not recognized    

The sharing with "self identification" specifics about your population isn't necessary. So, many employees decide not to share their personal information about themselves with .

     Hispanic and Latina/o/x    

The word Hispanic was first coined in the 1970s, inside the United States. It was a novel method to categorize individuals who came from speaking Spanish in the Americas which includes Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The Latina/o/x phrase that is often used to refer to Hispanic originated in the mid-1990s to try to draw attention to the gendered nature of the word, and be wide enough to cover genders outside of the binary system. (Source)

     Technical objective    

In this sense,"technical role" or "technical role" can be defined as roles that align to engineering and product.

     Minorities that are not properly represented    

The term "underrepresented minority" is defined using a variety of definitions. In general the term refers to an entity or group of individuals that belong to one of the races ethnicities or ethnic group that are not important within a specific geographical area, or the proportion of them in the general number of people. Gender demographics in this report are worldwide. The race and ethnicity of the data are controlled by U.S. employees.

In this report, we've added the following demographics to determine the minority groups that are underrepresented. Someone who:

  • African American / Black
  • Hispanic Latina/o/x
  • Native American / Alaskan Native
  • Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
  • Two races or more

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