
Jul 20, 2023
keep members engaged during the slow summer season

Does summer seem to be slow for your business that is based on membership? This season can present challenges for all of us, since our customers often go on vacation or take breaks from their normal routines.

But, with the appropriate methods put in place, you will be able to maintain engagement and keep your membership active throughout the slower times. This is how you can navigate the summer season and ensure that your membership business continues to grow. firm:

Create content for the season.

Developing fresh and relevant seasonal content is a great approach to engage members. Think about creating guides that are summer-related, articles, videos, or special promotions that are in line with their interests and needs at this point.

For example, if you are a member of a fitness or wellness program, it is possible to offer workout regimens specifically designed for the outdoors or provide tips on staying active while on vacation or away from the fitness center.

you could provide workout routines tailored for outdoor activities

If you are a member of a learning membership, set up an annual reading challenge during the summer that allows members to share books and reads as well as their learning. Through addressing summer-related issues it shows your dedication to their well-being and add value to their membership experience.

Encourage interaction between communities

Encourage members to interact and interact with each other by providing opportunities for connections. Create virtual events such as meetings, webinars, or workshops centered around summer-related topics. If you own a music blog, ask for recommendations for great concerts and outdoor events festivals which take place in the summer time.

ask for recommendations for music festivals

Also, think about establishing specific discussion forums or channels within your online platform, where users can discuss their summer experiences, travel advice, or participate with one another in friendly discussions. In fostering a sense community, you create an environment of support that promotes active participation, and increases member loyalty.

Offer exclusive summer promotions

Recognize your customers' loyalty with exclusive summer-time benefits. This can be as simple as early access to exclusive content, special promotions for a limited time or discounts on products or services. Utilize memorable discount coupons such as SUNSHINE20 to mentally tie the price to the time of year. If you operate a food planning service you could adapt your offering to focus more on food and picnics.

if you run a food planning service you could to focus more on picnics

By offering unique perks specially designed for the summer months You not only demonstrate your appreciation to your customers as well as encourage your members to stay active throughout what might be a slower period.

Implement gamification

Include gamification features to create excitement and motivate members to remain active. For example, with a gaming website, you could create challenges or quests to get people out of the indoors and into the outdoors.

You can reward participants with badges, points or virtual currencies within your platform for membership. Achievement systems or leaderboards can help encourage healthy competition as well as encourage member engagement.

Reward participants with points, bright-colored badges, or virtual currency

By incorporating gamification, you can tap into the natural inclination towards achievement, making the club a fun and rewarding time.

Offer summer-friendly formats

Consider that your members might have different schedules or preferences during the summer and provide flexibility for their needs. In the case of example, if you provide live webinars or events make sure you provide transcripts and recordings for those unable to attend live in real time.

Think about introducing smaller, bite-sized information that is able to be consumed quickly during leisure or travel time. If your group is focused on a very visual topic such as photography, you should make sure that your content appears great on a mobile phone to benefit the users who cannot access their laptops and desktops.

make sure that your content looks great on a mobile phone

Offering flexibility and adapting to the changing lifestyle of your customers demonstrates your dedication to their convenience and increases chances of them staying engaged.

Do the regular things well

These points aren't necessarily exclusive to summer but continue to keep your customers engaged through asking them to give feedback about your offerings. Create polls or surveys to understand their preferences and preferences, not just to drive your ideas for content but also build a sense of responsibility among the members.

In addition, collaborating with influential influencers or partners could increase your reach and offer fresh perspectives during the summer season. Find partnerships with corporations or influencers that share your membership's values and create promotional content, joint material, or other events that will benefit each of the parties' audience.

collaborating with partners can expand your reach

This particular method can aid in expanding your reach into new audiences, potentially expanding your base of customers during the slow summer months.

Conclusion: How do you keep members engaged during the slow summer season

It is well-known that the summer can be an unproductive time for companies that rely on membership. However, by producing seasonal content encouraging community interaction, and offering exclusive benefits, you will continue to offer value to your members.

Furthermore, including gamification into your strategy by offering a variety of formats, as well as collaborating with partners can improve member engagement, and can even expand your community.

Best of luck and don't forget to have the time to relax also!