
Mar 10, 2023
the wonder jam

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam is "a brand collection of brands designed to help smalland creative companies to expand" Words have been popularized through Daft Punk"harder and faster in addition to being more effective and more powerful. Wonderly, the brand's name Wonderly, builds websites and Tools for visual branding, and membership software that helps its clients "set their own unique". I spoke to Wonderly's Director of Operations Allie Lehman and developer Matt Hart to find out more.

Fine art and creative work is possible to freelance to the maximum extent

"My origins are in fine arts. My childhood was filled with lots of drawing and painting with oil," claims Allie Lehman. "At high school I was blessed with an incredible art teacher that, in a hilarious way  she told me that I could be a graphic designer. I had no clue about the significance of these words! I chose to pursue a degree in graphic design. I enrolled the university in order to pursue this area."

Allie left during the recession in 2009, when she was appointed web hosting support. "It was a bit stressful, but I did learn a lot concerning hosting servers. I learned about the process of the process of the way WordPress was designed and also every element of how a site," she remembers. "In 2013, We started The Wonder Jam, now The Wonder Jam is the company we run. I decided to end my design job, and started doing full-time management of the company."

She collaborated with Matt Hart for a couple months before the time of this. Matt Hart would create websites and she'd create the sites. Following that, they began working together much more often: "We've been working together over the last 10 years, ever since they began as freelancers. It was a natural collaboration. The focus now is on companies that focus on solutions that aid in the creation of WordPress sites." Allie adds.

Matt begins: "I do primarily WordPress development. The method was introduced to myself in the early 2010s. Many users were browsing the WordPress web and thought"We must incorporate CSS so that we can make sure your website adheres to the right color scheme'. The site was dull and fast!" He smiles. The advent of website page builders like Beaver Builder and Elementor came in to play, and helped achieve some flexibility: "We could do things with a custom approach specific to the demands of our clients. We were able to surprise by our innovative thinking."

Since their collaboration, Allie and Matt have focused on "going personalized in a way that is cost-effective" according to Matt says: "We do only what our customers would like, and we don't do things that customers wouldn't would like to. Our customers care about. They would rather not feel like they're a mystery. They wish to feel confident. By using these tools, let's achieve this."

Have a look at this article on Instagram

     A blog post which is posted on The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

Allie wrote: "In 2013, I joined The Wonder Jam with my spouse after I began doing freelance work on my own. We were blessed to find Matt who worked as our consultant for developers. We wanted to make something new. We were determined to create our own distinct style, and we wanted to be free." That's the way Wonder Jam was born.

Systems, soils and support

"We were born in Columbus, Ohio and it's an extremely friendly and welcoming location for companies of any dimensions," she continues. "Matt was moving to Seattle which is when we began working with our local clients. we'd walk through the main avenues, and take a look at companies we've collaborated with." The year was 2020. Following seven years in The Wonder Jam in addition to the years following The Wonder Jam started expanding across the United States The company was the parent of The Wonder Jam and it also owned three brand names. companies.

Wonderly is focused on companies which provide services, including chefs writing, non-profits, writers as well as fitness instructors. They also have a brand called Basis that focuses on the retail sector and also those who sell goods. They also have an extra brand known as Studio Wonder, an events location and photography studio in Columbus.

Take a look this post on Instagram

     A blog entry which was published via The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

The three brands provide an abundance of creativity "It lets our team be determined about the goals they want to achieve and also the ability to create the procedures they want to use," Allie says. "Because Matt and I started working together from the start around 2000, we've accumulated over a decade of processes that we've implemented in our arsenal. We have photos from 2017 that show the use of whiteboards for recording every phase of our process to make sure our clients receive the highest possible advice.

"The Wonder Jam operates as the "soil" which offers every service a business which is any size would require behind the scenes. Each one of its sister brands can "sprout" in a unique style and perform the task in line with whatever options that may arise. It allows all options to be clear without the complexities caused by issues that could hinder your ability to be sole proprietors or a sole proprietor business," Matt continues. "We operate a number of companies that work in together."

Basis is a brand that focuses on Shopify in addition to eCommerce. There is a time when there's a customer who would like to start writing but would like to develop something different from what Shopify offers. This is why Wonderly is able to help clients of the base in things that are related to WordPress. "We have the ability to support and cooperate on a regular basis in an all-inclusive group. Everyone is able to be focused on one subject that's pleasing to the individual," he smiles.

"The Wonder Jam sits as an all-inclusive platform. No one is to give us guidance about who to work withor what amount of revenue we'll get. It's completely up to the person in charge of the project" adds Allie. Both partners share the same equipment, such as software, a method to manage projects, and an expert concierge service to clients. The managers are in a position to secure the project. The team members can join the project and manage every administrative task that is back-end including contracting and invoices.

"It could help individuals like Matt as well as me stay focused on what they do." Allie smiles. "I think we've created the perfect work environment. We'd like to ensure our clients enjoy excellent experiences. We'd love them to get contact us via email, and be assured of receiving rapid responses. Feel comfortable throughout each step."

Matt declares: "We say we don't design designs exclusively for the sake of. We create designs with you. We don't go out for a prolonged period to develop something specific to your needs. We meet regularly and people can observe how we create from start to completion. It's much better than going to the crafting area for just a couple of hours in order to create things by hand!"

Contexts and Clients

Matt and Allie Have had the privilege of working with many of businesses that need their sites to be accessible through a variety of methods. "Some among our customers include nonprofit organizations. These are very robust websites. They are mostly intricate or exist for quite a while. So, we are inclined to simplify or combine these to make them simpler," Matt explains.

"We're engaged with individuals searching for sites that provide memberships like ones in the food business," Allie continues. Wonderly's clients tend to be people who do human-service-oriented work: "They're fighting for equality, they're looking to talk to their audience a little differently. Our clients have put in a lot of their passion as well as their time as well as money to run their businesses," she adds.

It's important to be aware that Wonder Jam and Wonder Jam brands are able to collaborate with any type of organization whether it's large-scale charitable organizations or individuals looking to work full time with a separate business. "We've created structures that meet the particular requirements of the various organizations. We're trying to determine which scale is most efficient and how best to approach with a different approach when the scale of scales is vastly differing. This is an exciting thing to study!" Matt smiles.

The author writes "With charity, they generally have an established structure and are able to figure out the legal hurdles they were required to pass through. It is the way we can achieve our goals because we don't have to start from scratch." An organization could rethink this issue and come up with an opportunity for people to make the process easier.

At our initial meeting and with every client  no matter what kind of organization or the scale of the site, the Wonder Jam team talks about what we can do to give the best service to the customer. "A site can be a device that is very efficient in boosting sales. However, it could be very effective in attracting customers back, or even as an asset. One of the most frequent inquiries we get from "Is it an asset or capable to create VIPs? These are the people who are thought as the primary customers for smaller-scale businesses," Allie explains.

Matt and Allie Both agree that websites aren't expected to meet the needs of everyone. That is the reason it's important to plan ahead. "Whenever we're building an online membership site The foremost thing that we ought to be thinking about is that we want our members who sign up with us to come back and feeling sure that they've received the best value they've had." Matt adds.

The case is being investigated by experts: Simi and Molly

Allie says: "One of our clients, Simi Botic, has an exercise group that she participates in and in Unmeasured which is about the movement of your body. It's called"the Barre Method. It's so compassionate. It's so compassionate "Just Get Moving" without looking for methods to "punish" you as well as your own body. There's an array of alternatives in line with your flexibility."

When Simi first signed up to Wonderly there was just the most basic amount of video uploaded to the website. It could be refreshed weekly. "It assists in keeping things well-organized, as well as help her manage her work schedules" Allie confirms. "After about two or three years of operation, we have seen our list of members increase and it provides her the chance to offer her employees greater value that is an amazing aspect. We're extremely proud of adapting our strategy when the requirements of our clients shift; it's an issue of revising our designs as well as making tiny changes before creating them into reality as we're making."

Another client, Molly Baz, wanted to switch from her existing website to one that would be more unique and stimulating. "Her brand's visual identity and branding is distinctive and unique to her. It was the intention of the brand that visitors to her site to experience the joy of visiting the site by engaging in this manner. They received recipes, information along with every kind of content they're accustomed to, but with an authentic fashion and authentic persona," Allie explains.

Molly's networks have become very crucial for her network has grown to be extremely vital to. "To have the ability to arrange the site according to her style of other sites. It has altered the look of the website from "Oh yes, it's an image taken of Molly Buy the cookbook' and it is more prominent for both the outside and inside within the members. There are many advantages that come with this." Allie muses.

"Something we've been trying to help our clients think about is the things that they'll be in a position to recognize as being similar to their personal lives, even when they're not talking to clients for hours. We're trying to ensure that they're equipped with procedures and systems set up to facilitate them to use our tools to help their clients. Molly's story is an excellent illustration to illustrate this." Matt agrees.

Further information as well as the ideas for the future

Matt and Allie are working with corporations and sites that need "a large-scale accessibility lens" for those with disabilities. "We're in partnership with some of the most amazing organizations which are developing these models and websites acquiesced by people with disabilities."

A majority of their clients have enjoyed having their clients as customers "It's incredible working with individuals who truly are excellent. The clients we work with are at ease and they always feel a sense of belonging," Allie concludes. "We are fortunate to be working with fascinating people whose values guide their choices. It's a privilege to create things that are just to them." Matt smiles.

Learn more about Allie Lehman and Matt Hart along with their collective and consider working with them at thewonderjam.com as well as withwonderly.com.

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