
Feb 17, 2023
the code company (1)

     The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an industrial function (c) thecode.co    

The Code Company, a business that specialises in digital publishing. They are a preferred partners. They're WordPress experts , and are working on huge-scale overhauls as well as Migrations and integrations. They're working on hundreds of stacks of technologies for publishing firms that employ thousands of people.

The company has just relaunched Substack enormous The Dispatch, a publication that provides analysis and information on politics, policy and culture , valued at $1.9 million. It boasts hundreds of readers. I spoke with Stacey Clark from the team of communications and partnerships regarding the company and the products that it provides:

"Our co-founder Ben May has been using technology in order to solve issues from grade 10" Stacey says. Stacey. "He created his first website for a local firm at the age of twelve and made $400." Ben saw that he could succeed in anything and set up his own agency the year he turned 22.

Code Company Code Company didn't intend to go into publishing. However, it's been able win a couple of publishing customers at first. Stacey declares: "We've carved out a market for ourselves through the advancement of technology that supports publishing on digital platforms and also switching from other platforms to WordPress and also by introducing membership options and advertising technologies. We started out non-platform neutral, however we soon realized that almost every one of them did not suffice! The sole platform we utilize is WordPress We have had a lot of rescue missions executed using different platforms."

"The fundamental engineering process that is used to create websites, and then publish them is exactly what we accomplish in our day-to-day work," Stacey continues. Our team helps publishers solve complicated issues using WordPress and to discover new techniques to use technology in order to "increase the quantity they produce, improve effectiveness in their work and lessen the risk of managing technological problems".

Stacey and I both think that technology is becoming more primitive and this is essential for publishing. "Sometimes there are editors as well as marketers, and writers who use technology and require modern technologies, but without needing to talk to a developer each 5 minutes.These are "words individuals" who aren't technology experts."

Code Company helps people create or transfer into technology stacks that allow them to become more self-sufficient. Code Company helps these people to build or transition into stacks of technology that permit the creation of self-sufficiency "They need to find a solution to complete the work it was designed to do and in a simpler method. Code Company often works with publishing companies that have websites struggling in the area of debt to technology. The plugin might not have all of the features they want. It is recommended to design an integration that's specific to your needs to make sure that you've got all features you need and keep the options that don't need to be used."


The Code Company works with content organizations of every kind, from the smaller-scale, independent publishing industry to the largest entertainment corporations. The company has recently completed its highly-publicized debut in the form of Wondermind an online hub for content about mental health. It has been endorsed by celebrities such as Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. The launch was praised by Bhavik Trivedi, the director of operations at Wondermind and said "I've never had a smooth launch. Until now. The website went live, and then it was increased to handle the high traffic volumes. Our integrations performed flawlessly."


thecodeco wondermind

HTML0 The new Wondermind Media Hub (c) thecode.co

They also partner together with Nine The biggest entertainment business in Australia. "We created their corporate website together with their magazines drive.com.au One of the most well-known automotive-related website along with Future Women, a membership specifically females who have a professional background." Code Company also launched a local ads website. Code Company also launched eBay's local ads page. "That was crucial because they'd never had regional leads before and could also gain Australian leads because of that site," Stacey confirms. "We are currently launching our brand-new website Science Alert, which is an important publication for science across the US. The site is owned by Australia and the overwhelming majority of the readers are in the US. This project was in works for over one year and a half!" the actress recalls.

One of the fields that have proven most profitable for us is collaboration with publishers who have less experience and are looking to expand. "We ask, "How do demonstrate that you're capable to develop? What are the best ways to put your company and your tech infrastructure in the optimal configuration for the development of your business?" Stacey shares her insights with us. It's likely where the vast majority of the customers from The Cod Co lie; They could be small media companies like news sites Crikey and Her Campus, that is a college-level, all-female media organization in The US (that The Code Company has switched to Drupal in order to allow the switch to Drupal in order to switch over WordPress).

PCPgDKohJvS2XTfd PCPgDKohJvS2XTfd HerCampus.com Content hub is utilized across various different platforms (c) thecode.co

"We help creative and imaginative creators that are dissatisfied or dissatisfied with their CMS (content management system)," Stacey adds. "They're searching for alternative solutions as they recognize that the platform they're using does not meet the requirements of the capabilities of their platform. It's not particularly flexible and consumes a large part of their revenues." In addition, it's becoming more important for creators at all levels to have access to data that comes from third-party sources. "They're only able to gain access to this data through platforms like Substack. We're developing customized creator stacks that let creators to create their own fan base," she says.

Solutions and Services

The customers from Code Company may include the same group that developed their own website or be requesting someone else to build the website. In either case, they're employing a number of plugins. "As the site's growth has increased the performance of the website has gone out of control and they're unable to fix the issues by themselves. This has led to a lot of issues and user complaints and the reality that they're unable to accomplish the things they'd like to. They're sometimes unable to perform tasks like adding new products to their menus" The author explains.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun states: "The biggest problem with my old membership site was the fact that it contained many bugs as well as no clear instructions about what I should do. I was receiving emails nearly every day from dissatisfied users. Since I've launched the site as well as The Code Company and , I'm not getting those mails from users which is incredible!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

A website's performance is crucial for publishing companies "If they fail to achieve their goals, businesses may be in danger of losing millions of dollars" Stacey continues. "And they keep hacking off applications before trying to continue with a new. They're always losing speed until the business isn't effective and no longer profitable. In the end, they'll remain in existence, carrying an immense, creaking stack of tech and the knowledge that they might expose their website when they don't achieve their efficiency."

A lot of publishers want ways to boost their profits and that's why they're looking at the possibility of subscriptions or memberships. "We must find the best method for making the process secure and secure. Our main goal is to discover ways to can transform the publishing business," Stacey says. The Code Company works specifically with the concept of membership, in order to prevent the issues that arise from what Stacey refers to as "leaky paywalls". The co-founder of The Code Company states: "We've collaborated with members of other memberships previously and have been successful in overcoming the paywall. If your method of doing your business is through the use of an editor that is based on paid content can be a huge problem."

Future events and projects will be announced in the near future

"The creation economy is booming," Stacey notes. "Creators are realizing SaaS platforms don't have everything they need and looking for alternative platforms. It's not just for publishers to diversify their offerings. It is important to continue seeking out new methods to reach out to viewers via particular and appropriate media. Subscribers don't just bring in revenue. They also provide opportunities to communicate with their viewers. This will increase their participation."

"There are print editions available in the print industry which do not offer digital editions as we receive queries from publishers that realize that in order to succeed, they need to switch to digital in a certain way - perhaps the subscription model could be part of the process."

Concerning the recent events "Ben is a very well-known person on events," adds Stacey. In the past, Ben gave a talk at the Mumbrella Publisher Conference in Australia and also at WordCamp America which was held in San Diego. This was a presentation on the idea of the creator economy, with a particular focus on "minimalist" publisher's and the ways that publishers can do better with the resources they have. You can also take lessons from the creators of bigger publishing companies which usually use subscription-based service.

the code company (2)

     The company's co-founder Ben May is a familiar presence at conferences. (c) thecode.co

The company's owner is a veteran in the industry. "Ben's done this for the entirety of his life and there's nothing Ben isn't capable of reacting to," Stacey. Stacey. "The information I gather through meetings with clients shows that, if they have an issue, they may need to contact another agency within two weeks to investigate the problem and investigate further. The Code Company team's technology can resolve the issue within just twenty minutes by phone because they've experienced each and every issue. This is an enormous benefit for businesses to have that ability to solve problems."

Then, Stacey declares: "Publishing or running a website can be as easy task as some people imagine it seem. The primary goal of the business is to make things simple and not an overwhelming task." It's simple to get caught up in the latest technology, themes and plug-ins "these flashing lights do not come with the capability to create significant changes," she smiles.

Code Company Code Company revels in "smart simplicity" It's evident. Stacey states: "We offer the chance to connect with a technology company which can assist in achieving your objectives with the simplest method that is efficient. It's instead of hurling around the words "buzzword."

More details

To find out more concerning The Code Company, to look at case studies of previous installations and migrations as in looking into working with them, check out the company's website by visiting thecode.co.

This article was originally posted here.

This article was originally posted here

Article was first seen on here