Eyal Avital was a part of the Customer Happiness team since he was only 6 years old. The man is passionate about helping other people in addition to the food industry and travelling. He is always looking for innovative solutions for customer problems. Learn more about his work!
We'd love to hear about your experiences, your interests and your work
I'm a passionate fan of Rogers the TV show. Rogers has always looking for a ways to assist other people. It led to me completing 20 years of providing support to our customers. I'm now able to assist, help with problems and inspire our customers to be persistent!

Eyal loves seeking out the most exciting new restaurants
The idea was suggested by a person whom I am acquainted with and came across it which is now 6 years later I've never considered the concept. If I'm not assisting clients or serving food to customers, I'm looking for the most gorgeous location to go or planning for my next vacation with my entire family. a cup of coffee on one hand, food on the other.
What are the responsibilities of the position you hold? Making sure that you are
Every day is an adventure! I am able to help questions from our clients around the world and assist them with their issues. What ever it is including providing details about our benefits to customers as well as addressing the complicated questions that pop up. I'm glad to be able to assist in making the life of the people easier.
Rewinding after a long day of aiding customers
Since AI as a technology that is better to connect, I am focusing on ensuring that our staff remain connected to each other by creating authentic connections, keeping an eye on the requirements of their customers as well as ensuring that everyone is informed, supported and is at a point of being able to connect.
Do you recall one of the most memorable encounters you had with (potential) clients, that you addressed the question or issue they had as well as the manner in which you responded to it
The client wanted to provide something to customers, however it doesn't seem to be available at time of request. Instead of telling them "no," (we do all we can not) I devised an inventive method of accomplishing this using our API.
The customized solution satisfied the requirements of their customers. It also worked flawlessly! Everyone was extremely pleased with the result, turning the challenge into victory.
Are you convinced of what that you must do for you to build a successful firm that's a member-based one?
My belief is that keeping clients engaged is the main factor in getting a profit out of an online business that relies on subscriptions. If creators are able to communicate with their customers and their clients, it's much more than simply transferring money. It's about creating an environment which makes the user feel as they are a part of a sort of.
It's a recipe called WmSVh8aTiaNTPDIQQ One of Eyal's favorite recipes.
Today's life is chaotic. These interactions can bring joy and tranquility, and also provide a reason to remain.
What have you learned from your studies? learned from your studies ?
Communication is essential for providing customer support, in person or on the web. While online customer support is easier to access, using the wrong tone of voice or a non-define language can result in customer discontent.
This is the reason the PREACH communication model (Proud responsible, Responsive, Empathetic clearly, concise human) can be so crucial to providing assistance to every customer.

Eyal is on another adventure
I truly enjoy having an entire team of people to help me in the sense that everyone demonstrates characteristics of their personality in their interactions with customers. What is the most valuable lesson I've learned? Effective communication takes patience, practice and the willingness to learn from your mistakes and draw lessons from them.
What are the three tips you'd suggest to someone working in your area or department?
Three suggestions to ensure your satisfaction from customer service:
- You can ask questions as well as further inquiries to better understand the requirements of your customers. You can also find the cause of the issue.
- Be sure to contact us daily if aren't hearing from us. Our customers appreciate the effort and time it takes to contact us. Everyone is active.
- Keep your promises made to customers builds trust and will ensure that they are satisfied for a long time. It was said that you'd phone your customers a couple of days prior and make sure you don't miss!
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