
Jan 27, 2023
Why getting started right now is more important than planning

You have an existing online presence , or a blog that's popular on your particular subject. Now you're looking to provide your members a fresh way for promoting your business and are considering launching the first membership website.

You're pretty excited (you should be!) and begin planning a huge catalogue of exclusive content exclusively for members. Then you start creating plans for an ebook for members only along with making a couple of t-shirts.

Simplicity is key

Making a complicated strategy that includes deep plans for exclusive content for members is not something you need to do right this moment. Why?

The most loyal of your followers and customers are more likely to will be happy to join your list of mailing addresses even when you guarantee the subscriber nothing for their money.

That's right. The company will pay you to fund the work you carry out. It's that's the end of it. Each day that you are trying to get your membership site is potentially costing you money.

Use your data

Now that you've got your membership program installed and sold through to your loyal customers You can now create your first blog for members only postand then begin making plans for the website for membership.

starting membership site

Select a topic that's generated lots of attention on your blog in the past and then write something informative and interesting about it. Go through your earlier content however, don't be anxious about the best blog post. The goal is to create these content on a regular routine and gradually build up your membership by offering ongoing and measurable value to your community.

If you're on WordPress as your WordPress platform, you can easily safeguard WordPress site content. Select a membership plan and make a brief appeal to those who haven't yet signed up as a member. The members who have joined can view the content paid for, while everybody else can see the content. It is a great idea to incorporate some kind of teaser content inside the pitch to let your audience see a glimpse of what the whole content will offer.

More to come!

After you've established yourself, it's important to be consistent in providing paid content to the blog. The more value you provide in time, and a unique experience that your users appreciate and appreciate, the more they'll feel confident in paying you monthly or each year.

As your membership grows, keep thinking of innovative ways to enhance your site's membership. If you're making use of WordPress and want to include an exclusive discussion forum for members by using the bbPress platform, it is a simple process. When you get more advanced you can use an entire community-building tool like BuddyPress and is compatible right in the initial version with WordPress.

The most important thing is offering memberships now. It doesn't require a complicated plan. Paid content and all of these additional features are available slowly as you build the advantages of your membership site.

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