Recommended WordPress Membership Site Plugins

Jun 17, 2023

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Plugins are certainly one of the greatest features in WordPress blogging software. Within a matter of a few clicks, you are able to add the latest features that permit you to sell items, revamp your site, keep your content safe and secure as well as many more.

But with the many plugins available to choose from, which one do you need to install? Check out our guide to recommended WordPress plugins that are suitable for membership websites You'll be equipped with fresh ideas to increase traffic and improve engagement.

Let's roll!

Most of the suggested plugins we have listed are free. They are equally important for normal WordPress websites just as they are on Membership sites.

Website Backup Plugin


If you only install one plugin following reading this article, it must unquestionably be one that is a WordPress Backup plugin.

These plugins create a backup of your website, which permits you to recover lost files in a matter of steps.

If you're unsure if you'll need one, consider how you'd react should your site be taken down in the next day and then gone forever.

WordPress Security Plugin

After you've got backups in order, you're now able to concentrate on protecting your site.

It is crucial if you run a site for membership with a large customer base that you must be sure that the users are satisfied and their personal information secure.

While a good backup solution will help you recover from a website hack or other similar problem If you have a reliable WordPress security plugin will reduce the likelihood of anything going wrong initially.

The Website Caching plugin

WP Super Cache

Use a reliable caching tool that will make your website run more efficiently. Additionally, faster websites have been proven to improve the conversion rate. That means more paid-up customers!

It makes sense. In the end, websites that load quickly make it more fun to browse and instill more trust in your brand and the quality of your content.

Because of its popularity its ease of use and the variety of functions, WP Super Cache is our preferred free caching software.

Image Optimization Plugin

Optimizing your images for your website is yet another method to speed up your membership site.

A good plugin will help you take this burden off your plate while producing amazing results, in terms of cutting size of the file and boosting page speed.

The most effective plugins in this category automatically optimize existing images on your site along with any new files you upload.

Contact Form Contact Form plugin

A Contact form plug-in is the simplest method to get messages from your visitors, without having to publish the email addresses of your visitors.

Lead Generation Plugin


Contact forms are good for visitors who know they are looking to connect however, other visitors might require a slight push.

That's where lead generation tools come in. You can promote certain steps on your website for example, adding your email list to the mailing list, purchasing vouchers for discounts or signing up to try the service.

Broken Link Checker

Along with slow loading times Broken links are an easy way to upset users and visitors.

Thankfully, there are some free tools which scan your site for any links no longer pointing where they should. It includes your website, pages on other websites, and any content or resources that may be linked to.

The recommended software from this section not only informs you of broken links identified, but also offers a a quick and easy way to repair the link, without having to visit the pages the link is published on.

For its helpful features as well as proactive scanning Broken Link Checker is the best choice for this purpose.

The Website Audience Analytics Plugin

Monster Insights

We've discussed the advantages of using Google Analytics with your website for members before.

If you're in the process of using this free tool to find out more about your visitors and the activities they're engaged in on your site, this is the time.

You could install our recommended Google Analytics WordPress plugin to gain access to your analytics right from the WordPress dashboard.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Plugin


Optimizing your membership website as well as its content to be indexed by Google is vital if you want more people to find your site.

There are many excellent SEO techniques to use for membership websites that can help you increase your audience, the first step is to install a high-quality WordPress SEO plug-in.

Drag-and Drop Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder

A free version of WordPress opens up more opportunities to get creative within WordPress. Design pages that are custom, add widgets to your content, work with different styles, and so on!

If you're interested in upgrading your WordPress capability to edit content, you have two amazing options to choose from.

Final Reflections

This list of 10 recommended plugins for WordPress membership sites should help you improve your website with a low cost.

 Which of our suggested WordPress membership plugins should you choose to install? We'd love to know what you think in the comments below.