Recent news: Apple Revises App Store Link-Out Regulations in accordance with EU DMA However, the fees are still high -

Aug 22, 2024

Apple has changed the App Store's rules to ensure it is more compatible with the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) However, the charges associated with Apple's revisions remain quite expensive in accordance with an article in The Verge.

The significant changes are explained in the form of six bullets in Apple's News and Updates page, which invites readers to visit the fuller description of the latest changes within the documentation for developers..

Some highlights are the ability to advertise "offers to purchase items at a destination of their choice," developers being able to "use an actionable hyperlink that can be tapped, clicked or scan, in order for users to get to the place they'd like to go" and "Updated the terms of business used by applications that use external purchase link entitlement" will be released to coincide with the changes to these capabilities."

The changes will be in effects "this the fall" (no date for a more precise start date is currently established).

"Nearly Infinite 20 Percent Fee for Developers'

According to the report from The Verge, "Apple is introducing a 20% developer fee in the new EU upgrade" the updates appear to allow developers greater flexibility when it comes to linking purchases beyond the App Store. App Store.

The costs associated with the feature's new features are so prohibitive and expensive that "it's impossible to imagine anyone would ever use it by any developer. "

That's because, for developer who opt to be part of to the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement (EU) Addendum, the charges include the initial acquisition fee of five percent fee, and the additional 20 percent store services fee that applies on "sales of digital products and services through any platform that take place in a 12-month time frame beginning from the time of installation. This is inclusive of update of apps and reinstallation of apps."

The Verge states that the app's updates or reinstalls through the user resets the clock to 12 months to pay the store's ongoing fees. There are other mechanisms and programs that could lower fees and include assistance for app stores owned by third parties and charging auto-renewing for qualified subscriptions, and being a developer in Apple's small-business program. The ongoing charges of twelve months reset at reinstalls or updates is what can make them "endless."

A recently released TechCrunch article, "Apple revises DMA compliance for link-outs from the App Store with more freedoms, as well as an updated fee structure" further clarifies some of the distinctions among the different terms offered by Apple and their associated fees that are both newly created. In particular, it says that"Store Service Fee," in particular "Store Services Fee" includes "a 10 percent commission or five discounted commission (e.g. Developers that participate in the App Store's small-business program) in accordance with Apple's new terms for commercial services, or 20% standard, and the 7% discount provided under the existing terms of Apple."

Information on fees for as well as both the Alternative Terms Addendum for Apps within the EU as well as the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement (EU) Addendum can be found in the Commissions section on this Apple Support page.

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Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist of . Alongside her years of experience in the field and education, she also has an MFA in creative non-fiction writing. She has also been a part of her community as a writing instructor at a local university.

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