NEW Dripping Course Content in Courses

Sep 5, 2024

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The last couple of months, we've made incredible enhancements that will enhance the online courses you offer. powerful and easier to manage.

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From engaging assignments to an organized gradebook, we've spent a lot of time creating the tools you need to enjoy a rewarding learning experience.

The initial jitters of the first day have passed and students are starting to ease into the new school environment. It's time to concentrate on the essential aspects of your academic work. We've just the feature to keep the process going smoothly in accordance with your schedule.

This is the most recent update for Courses: built-in content dripping!

In conjunction with a well-planned plan, our new drip feature that delivers course material ensures that your students get their lesson exactly when they need to at the exact time they require the lesson.

Do not overwhelm students with lots of information at the same time or have students run in front. By using drips, you are able to present your content in small pieces, that keep them engaged and interested in what's going to happen to students in the coming days.

With this new feature, it is continually evolving to meet the needs of your students and makes it simpler than ever to manage and monitor your online course's information.

What exactly is Course Content Dripping?

There have been times where we've had these kinds of situations... when you've watched the whole TV show in a single weekend spending your entire night flipping through an e-book and then you're in the center of consuming a full piece of biscuits... completely by yourself ().

Although a treat can be satisfying initially however it is not uncommon to end up feeling unfulfilled afterwards.

Learning can be carried out in the same in the exact same way. If the students take in too much information within a short duration, it can lead to:

  • anxiety: Worrying they missed an important thing or made a mistake.
  • regrets: Wishing they had been more patient and taken the time to understand the contents.
  • Doubts: Inquiring if people really knew the meaning of the text.
  • The Insane: Overloaded by the amount of data you need at one moment.

These aren't feelings you want your students to experience after the end of your course.

HTML0 This is where the Dripping of the content comes into play!

Instead of providing students with all of the details at once, course drips will allow students to distribute information at regular times. They can learn more slowly with each lesson, keep them engaged and more easily absorb the information.

What Benefits Does Content Dripping Make to Your Class?

1. Make Knowledge One Step at a time

Instead of providing students with access to all the information at the same time Dripping allows each lesson to be conducted in a specific order, allowing students to gain knowledge by gaining knowledge gradually.

The method of stepping through the steps assists students in developing a perception of their progress and their successes throughout the curriculum.

Imagine your classroom as an escalator with each stage being an introduction to a concept. It is essential that students be able to grasp the first step before they can move into the next. It is crucial to grasp the basics before being competent enough to grasp higher-level concepts.

2. Involve Students and Keep them engaged and

When students know that they'll be receiving regular updates, and are aware of it, they can build anticipation and enthusiasm. This keeps them engaged because they're always looking forward to the next lesson or module.

They tend to be making time for every new class, which can increase the chance of them being in the class right from the start until closing.

3. Provide Content at the Right Moment

Dripping course content gives you total flexibility in deciding the date and time when lessons are released to ensure they are in perfect alignment in your calendar.

If you're trying to introduce concepts of more complex concept that demands special attention or preparing for a task that's going to require more time, content drip allows you to adjust the delivery of your materials to satisfy the needs of students and the goal of your class.

4. Learn all at the same pace

Dripping content from your course is an effective method effectively to keep all of your students moving with a regular pace. It also helps be sure that no student moves too fast or gets lost.

When you release content at set intervals, you are able to provide the learning environment in a way that is cohesive and where students learn through collaboration.

Welcome student discussions 
 in  Courses

In addition, when everyone learns in a group, it is easy to determine and tackle those areas where students require extra help as well as ensure everyone is provided with a warm blanket.

5. Help with Make Learning meaningful and manageable

The learning process should be one that students are able to enjoy and not something that is overwhelming. If all the course content is presented at once this can cause an unnecessary amount of anxiety and stress.

Dripping content from courses can be a better approach for students by using smaller, manageable pieces.

Instead of being stressed to complete everything at once students can absorb data with ease. This helps make learning simpler and more personalized.

Through separating the content, it creates moments where your students can feel confident when they are able to master every step. The steady progress helps keep them focused and keeps learners eager to keep learning.

The term "course dripping" is described as an efficient method to help to keep your students interested in addition to focused and focused. It's an efficient and simple way to alter the method you present your lessons in order to enhance learning for everyone involved.

New Dripping Content for Courses: Simpler Rules for Courses

The process of making sure that courses would drip content was a little of an issue, with several steps and different configurations. It was a good solution However, we must admit that it was not the most effective method for completing the task.

We realized that there was the need for an easier solution. Therefore, we've incorporated our Rules feature into the Courses extension. The process of setting your drip calendars is now much simpler and more user-friendly.

In the latest built-in drip function, it is possible to create drip plans without having to go away from the program's builder. This not only saves time, but also helps make sure that the materials required in your classes is safe and distributed according to plan.

You can also alter drip notifications in the options. It allows you to notify your students when the latest version of your course will be released. This will ensure that everyone is in the same spot.

Concerning the technical aspect, we've made sure that participants are able to focus on the single main thing that matters: creating the finest course material.

How can I set-up course content to drip into the course?

If your students are hurrying forward, you need to organize the lesson in order to keep your students focused and enthused by the lesson in front of them.

Like we said a while time ago, Courses utilizes rules for managing the flow of information.

It is vital to be aware that drip options that you apply through Rules can be in contradiction with the built-in drip choices when you set the settings for your course.


  • For a streamlined and straightforward experience. If you want your classes to deliver information on a specific time (like the release of new lessons each week) the latest feature for drips offers the most effective solution. It makes it easier to control and provides a consistent flow of material without any further setting.
  • for greater Control: If you need the ability to make Content available on irregular or highly specific time periods, Rules can provide that flexibility. This method requires an additional amount of effort and time to develop the rules.

It's as easy as that Let's get Drip content flowing smoothly!

In order to set the course's Dripping of content to be enabled, first you need to turn on the class's "Enable Dripping" option on the course's setting.

Then, you'll have to determine how content will be dispersed - either in a sections or per article. After that, you'll be able to select the duration (daily or weekly, or even monthly) as well as the date of release and time zone for each content released.

Enable Course Content Dripping in  Courses curriculum

Are you ready to setup your course's drip of information? Take a look at the full tutorial below to learn more in-depth tips on starting your course.

What's next for course offerings? or Should We Say What's different...

Course Dripping may be the most recent and most exciting feature we've introduced for Courses, however it's not the only update we've made recently.

Before jumping deep into the ocean, we'll look at other interesting changes you might have noticed in the plugin.

We're continuing to build the online tools for courses as we realized the ever-growing number of possibilities - including questions, lessons, projects and the Gradebook needed space of their own.

This is why we've made Courses their individual menu items within the WordPress dashboard.

 Courses WordPress dashboard view

The present day, every aspect of your course, including the design of a completely fresh course, setting the course's syllabus or altering courses' settings can be managed through the menu for Courses on the Dashboard.

The capability to split classes into a separate menu item lets you develop courses as well as the administration of your membership obligations separately and productive, in particular the case of businesses that use both.

If you're already an existing customer, you've probably noticed this small change. You'll surely appreciate the fact that the user interface is improved and much more efficient!

However, if you're novice in your pursuit of knowledge and would like to begin creating your own courses You're probably considering what you can make use of the tools available.

It's as easy as opening the application, then go into the Add-Ons area and then conduct a search on "course" in order to narrow down your choices You'll then be able to access all the educational tools that are available. And these are now much more extensive than the one offered by the plugin.

 Courses add-on

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in order to make sure you're well-prepared for the new improvements and enhancements that will be coming very soon. For now, you can benefit of the newly added the drip feature for course content. You can also explore other features we've developed to enhance the experience of designing course content easier than before!

Katelyn Gillis Meet Katelyn managing an online membership site or online courses could prove difficult which is exactly where Katelyn can help. She holds a bachelor's degree in education. She works as Content Manager, she is capable of simplifying the complicated and offer advice that's as if you're talking to a trusted friend able to know. If you're in search of new ideas or assistance then you should check out Katelyn's blog as a resource.

The post was published on this site.

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