Mini courses: the best way to Get Started with Online Courses

Aug 6, 2022

 A mini course is a short, online video course without downloadings or printables.

In simple terms, a mini course could be defined as the shortest form of online course with a video that is sold at an affordable cost. The typical duration can range from 30 to 90 minutes.

It's an excellent method to start with online classes as the mini course will be shorter in length than an online class, and typically doesn't include other resources including printables. It's an effective tool for creators to build their business as it takes much less time than a traditional course. A mini course is considered to be one of the most effective ways to kick start your online course.

If you're looking to create and sell online video courses there are a variety of approaches to go about it. Some creators approach the course using a generic approach in order in order to get started teaching and attracting numerous users. As is the case with any commodity that you sell, it's important to market the course in the context of the industry you are in.

While reading, bear in mind these are only some advantages of mini-courses with workable examples but they don't cover all the possibilities! Exploring on your own is always the best option.

The course will begin with general information, and move into tips that will help you build an effective course in no time.

Where do mini courses fit in the context of online classes?

For art, a single work artwork can serve as a basis for a mini-course. The goal is to offer the artwork as well as additional products that are related to it including canvas prints or earrings to match the painting that is featured.

When you are working on an art work, it is a good idea to record the procedure to enhance the quality of your work through posting BTS specifics. And it works both ways If you're selling your mini-course, you have an opportunity to market the painting too. So your mini course should include a description of the painting and a brief story about its creation.

In the case of some specific industry, an illustration along with an additional piece of writing might be all that is needed. In this case, your mini course is really an individual piece of content.

 What do Mini courses offer?

A mini course is a short online course and there are a number advantages to developing one.

  • You don't need any previous experience
  • A small investment in time or cash
  • You have the opportunity to offer a top-quality instruction quickly
  • You are able to create it on your own pace
  • It is easier to create at a moment's notice

You can launch your own mini course on CreativeMindClass.

The larger online courses could have certain things you would like to discuss about a particular topic or cover a particular subject. Minicourses can be short and straightforward, making them perfect for providing something that is of interest to your audience.

Through mini courses, you can work in your own time and create it at your own pace. You won't have to dedicate weeks or even several years of your time in creating a long course if you're not sure the best way to achieve your objectives.

Furthermore, you could develop a mini-course using an intention of developing it as extensive as you can in the shortest period of time you can. What is more this allows users to receive feedback from the online audience as you refine and tweak your course as time goes by.

 Mini course examples

To give you some ideas as well as inspiration to launch your own mini-course.

  • Take part in an Instagram creative challenge and record the process
  • Introduction to your interests and you
  • Create a short video to show your workspace
  • Complete a task for a commission, then keep track of the process for creating
  • Join forces with fellow creators in a fun idea and create a video of the brainstorming process and how it was done.
How to create imaginative, dreamlike illustrationsCreativeMindClass

Do you think it is possible to make and develop a powerful course in 10 or 20 minutes of block of time?

It's amazing the amount you've done in just a few minutes of time.
You are able to solve the problem of "what do I can teach in less than 20 minutes?"

The toughest part of designing a course online is having to decide what to teach for this. If you are an artist or creator, it is a perfect way to just turn on the camera and record your creative method while working on your project.

It's simple, yes. It's actually more effective and efficient developing your curriculum in the moment if you want to maximize your learning and mastery with time.

 Practical Strategies for Creating a Mini Course

When we move from the general knowledge about mini courses, to more actionable methods, it's really easy to incorporate these concepts in your class. There are several easy steps to follow in the creation of mini courses material:

 1. Make research to choose the topic.

Mini course: choose topic
Source: How to create fantasiastic, dreamlike images

In the beginning, there was brainstorming. And it was enjoyable!

If you are selecting a topic for your mini course begin with simple brainstorming methods you're familiar with. You can write notes of your thoughts for your brief course quickly and without judgment. You'll be able to get an extensive list of subjects to cover in your class. Make sure that your top choice is among them.

 2. Prepare a mini course outline: Design a high-level course structure

Create something that is concrete and tangible that you are capable of completing the task in just a few hours!

Start with what you know.

The class for sure needs an introduction. The introduction can be used as the title of your first lesson! Do your students need any instructional materials? Make sure to include your summary of the content in a separate course or within the course description.

It's easy to see the concept.

Mini course outline template

 3.Take one of the following actions: Make a draft

What's an amazing online course if it doesn't have content would you say? It's not necessary to be able to create your course completely prepared to go into action. You can draft the most basic section as well as a lesson outline for your class. Because it's in the preparation phase and your mini course isn't yet published You can play around on your course.

It is only you who will be able to understand the structure of the lesson today and make changes later! You can create and launch your mini course through CreativeMindClass without cost.

mini course lesson outline
Source: How to create fantasiastic, dream-like images

Share some of your work or type some random text or use videos stored on your smartphone Make it your own and enjoy amusement. It could be any thing you want to do to see your class start developing beautifully and turning into reality.

It is possible to create a plan of classes within only 5 minutes. Make a rough outline of the class , with some sections and some example lessons. That's it!

 4.Add exercises and downloads

A mini course doesn't require any extra educational material. However, if you think of providing an additional benefit for your viewers you could create some small exercises. You can also provide printables or downloads. Attach files with a lesson plan as well as hands-on exercise, sketches ideas, cheat sheets, motivations or other working files such as Adobe Photoshop PSDs or Illustrator AI.

mini course exercises and downloads
Include an element of engagement in each class

 5.Set a mini course price

When you think about the pricing to promote the online courses or in the case of a brief course students will be content by a fee of $10 and $50 but it's not a hard rule.

If you spend time on multiple recordings, master editing skills, and spend many hours creating printables and assignments We suggest you make sure you set the cost of your program at about $100, even though it's the first mini course you've ever taken.

 6.Get feedback

Draft your mini course and send it out to acquaintances or colleagues asking for their feedback. Knowing what people think about the mini course will aid in improving it prior to the time of launch.

Additionally, talking to people about your course will help you build confidence in your mini-course and also help you market video courses online for the near future.


launch mini course
Source: How to create imaginative, dreamlike Illustrations

Marketing your mini course online will also require less effort as compared to promoting an online course. Utilize your social media accounts and mailing list to let people that you have a mini-course.

 A mini course is an ideal option for creators who are busy.

 If you're looking to know more about various benefits of HTML0 of HTML0, here are some major reasons to create mini courses with a small amount of time:

  • You can share your knowledge in a short amount of time
  • You can get your audience's comments within the next day, or so
  • You can provide a personalized experience
  • It is not necessary to turn in a finished product
  • You can create it quickly
  • It is possible to modify and customize the design

It is more practical to instruct about something that you are passionate about instead of planning long online courses that take months or even years to develop. By utilizing a small course, you can create something that will attract a lot of visitors and will also be simple to understand and the process of production of content and marketing can be done much quicker.

You can make mini courses on CreativeMindClass.

Smaller versions of a larger idea are an excellent option to reduce both time and time in developing online courses.

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