Membership Community Secrets - Grow an e-Commerce that is 6-Figures in size

Jun 6, 2024

The members' group has witnessed members leave and come back over the past ten years. We've witnessed the ones that started out as a simple idea but became six, seven, and even eight-figure companies. There are many inspirational instances of communities constructed on the basis of participation, but here are the five most amazing victories we've witnessed recently:

  • The entrepreneurship organization that generated $35,000 in just two and a half months, with 5000 members.
  • The program focusing on health has recently added 100 premium members (and another $140,000 in ARR).
  • An author and speaker that brought $30,000 of revenue to their audience during a promotion period that lasted for four weeks.

We are awestruck by the wins, however there are many wonderful stories of our members' from big communities in addition to smaller ones.

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In this this post, we'll explain how to use an online community that is based on membership. This post will explain how to set up an online community that is supported by its members. This article will provide the necessary steps to guide you from your current situation to an organization that will generate six figures.

We can't guarantee that, however the tested and tested methods have been proven successful repeatedly throughout time.

It's how we work in order to build a system that can help you build an organization that has a member base of six figures.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

It's a cliché from old times at the moment and we'll do exactly the same thing over and over again. The best opportunities are in the areas of.

Communities that are not diverse enough.

As a host who is novice to hosting You might be enticed to go out and throw a broad net. Do you wish to reach the largest number of people who be in your community?


The issue is that if you're among diverse people with a wide range of interests, it can be difficult to make connections between everyone of them. In addition, you're unlikely to have them interact.

Your community is reflected in its face.

The niche makes it possible for it to flourish. The communities that are based on membership can be built on any topic from German dance and anime. Public speaking is a must for professionals in finance, to email newsletters designed for nonprofts.

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Your niche is the key for your success. If you're establishing a membership group online, you're able to explore the globe and find people who are an expert in your area.

Create a general notion of a community online and narrow it down to a less specific extent than you think you need to.

Use Our Community Name Generator

The AI engine in our business is ready to help you create an image for your community that is like magic. All you have to do is share just a few words about the person you want your community to be and we'll start. Input maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who do you want to join?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Request Ideas

The names used by the Mighty Co-Host(tm) are just examples, and they do not belong to any other organization or are in compliance with third-party rights. To find out more, refer to our Terms and Conditions..

2. They serve a big purpose

When we teach the Community Design(tm) on Mighty the Web It is always a good idea to start by defining a big goal.

The Big goal could be the main basis for your community's existence.

Traditional companies are governed by their mission statement. The membership community that is profitable has a primary goal.

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We're so pleased with the development of communities with the ability to achieve an enormous Purpose that we have integrated a community engine within our systems. Every community that is created is encouraged to select a Big Goal.

Do it!

     Start Free Trial Free Trial

3. Are You Searching for Your Ideal Member?

This is related to your specialization, but begin with one Ideal member. It should be a person you work with, that has a specific goal or issue.

Are you seeking to find out more about the most effective ways to find the perfect group members? Meet them!

If you've got an idea of what your area of expertise is, spend the time to chat about those who seem to be best suited to your needs. If the task isn't easy, you'll be happy that you made the effort.

Ask them questions like:


  • How do you deal with it?
  • What type of support are you looking for?
  • What is the price you would be willing to pay for the outcomes you require?

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Talking to these individuals will help create an active members-only community. It helps get the concept off your desk and into conversation.

Be sure, however, that you are attentive to most suitable members.


  • If everybody is intrigued however no one wants to buy it, you could be forced to change your mind.
  • If you have identified a problem that is different to the issue that the ideal group of people discuss, it could be necessary to change the focus of your group.

It's market research, and you need to follow it.

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4. Begin by using just a tiny

The membership societies can be used by members from thousands. Many stories are about the members who have to pay $50,000 each month. You can read a few at the top of this page.

If we're not able to get there, we'd like to know that you've got there!

If you're just starting out, you could benefit from beginning small.

Communities with smaller populations are less than difficult to connect with. It is possible to get acquainted with all of them this is impossible with more than a handful of thousands.

Once you've gotten really good at meeting the needs of the 10-15 individuals who belong to the group following which you'll grow to hundreds of people.

     But, keep in mind that you don't necessarily require millions of members to create a vibrant community. A typical community on Mighty costs $48 per month. There is the possibility of a six-figure membership community that has more than 174 members. It's not even including the things that communities typically offer for upsells such as special occasions, masterminds for private coaching as well as classes. Six figures can be reached with thirty or forty members that you take the right actions.

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5. Sell something

If it's the first time you've come across with the concept of making an online website for members, give something.

Simply breathe and rip off the band-aid. Make the landing page of your choice, and make sure to invite the very first members. It could be a live-course or an open-air gathering. Making an offer public, even pre-selling it, can help you validate your membership community idea.

6. Take a look at the screening

Your overall health will depend on the overall health of the people who live there. A screening test is a method to make sure you only get the best quality people.

It's a bit odd. Are you going to turn off people? This will make it difficult for them to be a part of your community? Create more friction?

In some instances, some situations in which those "negatives" are overcome by one of the positives: residents in your neighborhood are actually eager to attend.

It's tough to say no to prospective members. Screening is a great way to improve the performance of your organisation for the members who decide to decide to join. It's worth the weight in gold.

Screening may include:


  • Automating a questionnaire on your checkout process.
  • It is the process of preparing a list of the requirements that members must fulfill to become a part of.
  • Discussions in groups or one-onone meeting with members looking to join.

Sometimes, it's even to tell people not to do something in situations where they don't reason to do so. Once you've created an active community, you'll be grateful for it.

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7. Learn the mathematics

In order to be able to truly commit to the community of which you are a member, it is vital to know the meaning of numbers means.

It's not a community in which everyone is engaged every day during the workweek.

None. Zilch.

Every community is the home to"super members" and "supers". It is about 5-10 percentage of people that are involved and who put their energy into everything they do.

Most members will be in and out of the club from time to time. You may not meet in any way, but are members who pay membership fees.

These numbers are pretty normal. Do not let this discourage you. Also, don't make it a factor in how you live your life!

If you have members who are part of the community you are in, they can benefit from the membership. Particularly, when they're paying for monthly membership.

Your community may be something that is available, however they may not be able to dedicate entirely to it right now. The community could provide the motivation they require to start with just very little per month.

Try not to promote your self to anyone. Be punctual and do your best without stressing over particulars.

     Be aware that communities which are designed to accommodate busy individuals may show the lowest participation. The CEO community is where it is possible to experience some discomfort, however it does not render the members of these communities less productive. It is safe to be sure that they are active and be active when they are able to.

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8. Discover the benefits of paying the fee for membership

It's easy to assess the costs of membership from the standpoint of a person who is a member. The cash flow comes in the long run.

It is also important to consider how the cost of membership affects the customers you serve. The cost of membership helps members to be more engaged. People who pay expenses are more engaged. Since those who pay the bill are aware of what they do, they're up to.

These numbers indicate that a fee for membership does impact the member's interest in purchasing additional products. Seventy percent of free network's upsells are for premium products. However, 95% of paywalled companies create upsells!

This suggests that customers do not just want to pay for membership, but they also are ready to pay more for quality. Consider this when pricing your membership site.

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9. Make sure you try the opportunity to try it for free!

Sellers of online products usually offer trial trials for free. However, it's not always required. It's only 27 percent of our leading 250 companies that offer an opportunity for a no-cost trial.

Trials are free of charge and can have a place. They also can alter the character of a community. If your members drop between sessions, interacting however, but not on the same level can affect the unity of your community.

Most of the time, it's best to plan ahead before when you are scheduled to interview so that you can ensure that the perfect candidate is there Do the interview, and ensure that they're prepared to provide the best of themselves.

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10. Make more deals

The most lucrative group of members, the most under-utilized sources of income expansion come from members who have already passed through the door.

While it's common to think, "I'm already charging them and I don't have to bill the members for anything more than that" We've discovered that members who are active members usually seek out something more. It could be an active mastermind or a personal coach or an incredibly incredible live or on-line event.

We don't intend to increase prices to increase the price.

Have a closer take an examination of the current customers, and be sure that you're providing them with the greatest possible value, even if that requires an adjustment to your offering!

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11. Check that all participants are connected

We research successful communities. The successful communities share a few things in the common.

The communities that have proven to be successful are those with members who are friends (that's not a Host). Members of the community are present for education, information, or any other activities, but they remain in the community because of their relationships with each other.

The most crucial task that hosts can do is set up occasions that allow your members to meet and build friendships. It can be done in asynchronous fashion like a conversation prompt or in blog posts. Additionally, it can be partially synchronous, such as at workplaces or at live events or during breaks-out sessions planned for or at networking occasions.

Let them go and allow them to be joined.

The community you live in will benefit from this.

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12. Incorporate your "supers" to help

Supergroup members can be a valuable source. Many Hosts are not using the full power of their members. The active members of your membership are seeking ways to make connections. Also, they participate in other ways that are beyond the normal membership experience.


  • Request them to assist during discussions
  • The members should be asked to lead the group and the content it contains.
  • Interview them and tell their stories. them
  • We invite them to get connected with us, and welcome new members.      

Each super might not be able to reach an agreement, but we've noticed that the majority of supers wait for an opportunity to be able to aid further. It is important to ask their help.

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13. Select the best platform

The most significant boost to the members of the community can be attributed to the platform that you choose for your group. If you choose a platform that allows you to mix every kind of educational content along with live and community-based events, and a powerful digital marketing system and you've got the formula for a community-focused enterprise.

In the process of developing our platform for community, our team took into consideration everything you require to oversee the development of a vibrant members-only group.

It refers to:


  • It is a way to build whatever type of content you'd like to for your website, such as blogs, long-form discussions, polls as well as broadcasting live .
  • Offer subscriptions, pre-recorded or live classes, virtual masterminds to events, group coaching, or bundle any of them in your own home currency.
  • Connectivity tools you can't find on other chat, discussion tools and messaging AI profiles, text enhancements rich member directories as well as profiles. Conversations are displayed all over the internet.
  • Design your own brand's image using Colors, Spaces that you can personalize and create an upgrade to an application that can be an official name for your company .
  • Develop your own custom sales engine using automated page landings, custom screen questions, and more welcome options.

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Are you ready to begin? Begin building your membership community by using Mighty! The most popular community platform by G2 which includes all the features you'll need to move from 0 to 6 figures. The platform is available for testing free for 14 days and with no credit card requirement.

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Article was first seen on here