Make content, and then communicate with your customers via an online member portal

Nov 19, 2023

Get in touch with visitors on your website to offer subscriptions. This guide can help you make membership posts, gather feedback, and then create communities around your content.

Imagine the following scenario: a community online made up of like-minded individuals who are focused on accomplishing the same goal, supporting each other and profiting by your knowledge along with digital products and content.

That's the power of an online site for membership.

A membership website allows you to offer exclusive content to your users as a reward for the cost of a month or an annual fee for subscription. The cash you make comes directly from your clients through providing them with valuable content that isn't available anywhere else.

Here's how it works.

How do you create an online website for membership and provide a thrilling member experience?

When you've created your membership website it allows you to directly communicate with your members through postings and messages. There is no limit on postings or files. limitation, you can give your members as much information as they'd like, and then publish as often as you'd like.

Learn how to create an online membership website that is interactive using .

(Want to join in of the conversation however, you don't have a login? Sign up to get a 14-day free trial .)

Step 1: Create your own member website

Log onto the Dashboard and select the Memberships .

If you don't have a membership in place or with, it's time to create one. You can identify your membership by clicking on the name, then you click "Create Your Membership".

Step 2: Set up at least one membership plan

Before you are able to begin publishing content on your website for membership, you must start by creating at least one membership plan.

Membership plans outline the different types of membership plans. You are able to create diverse plans offering different levels of access to products and services.

It is possible to allow unlimited plans. In the meantime, let's make one.

Go to "Plans," then "Create an outline".

If you are making a brand new plan, it is possible to designate your plan using the name you prefer determine the annual or monthly cost of your plan, and choose whether to give clients a trial period no cost.

For accepting payments, you must make sure that you've got the PayPal or Stripe account connected to .

This is also the place where you decide which items you want to add to your plan. Because we're creating a single plan right now we'll choose all the options.

Next, scroll towards the end of your list of products, then click "Save Draft" or "Publish the draft" or "Publish ..."

If you hit "Publish the plan", ...," You'll receive a notification that when a plan is released, you won't be able modify the plan's cost. If you're happy with your cost, select "Publish the plan".

Step 3. Make the post for a member.

Before you're able to create your membership site, it is necessary to make at least one post about your membership. Your first post on your site will welcome new members and provide them with more information about the benefits from your membership.

For your first blog article you need to click "Posts," then "Create a post".

Create a post title and write your welcome post. It is possible to include images or GIFs in your article through drag and drop into the editor. You can also upload videos by moving it to the space that is labeled "Video".

(We'll provide more concepts for posts on membership later.)

To make your welcome message more welcoming, switch to "Pinned" to keep the content uppermost position of the posts on membership making it the first post new members will see. Pinned content can be a great way to welcome new members, distribute the latest resources or set out guidelines for the community.

In this instance, Minessa Konecky uses the pinned post in the Social Strategy Squad membership website to make sure that Social Strategy Squad's curriculum is in the forefront.

It is also possible to decide who is able to access the content of your website.

If you publish the content public, anyone who comes to your website for membership will see the post all members and non-members alike. Posts you make can also be indexed by the search engines. So you may even make them alternative to an old-fashioned blog.

If you choose to make your blog post private, you can limit the content based on your membership level and give specific users access to exclusive content. The ability to hide premium content behind a paywall could incentivize people who are not paying to sign up for an upgrade.

also makes it simple it easy to let your customers know they've been updated with the latest details. Just toggle "Send your members an email after your blog post goes live" and your members will receive an email immediately after your blog post becomes available.

Last but not least, you can organize your content prior to time after clicking "Schedule".

Choose the date and timing for publishing your blog article.

If you can schedule your content in advance it will ensure that the posts are live at the right time, regardless of whether you're at your computer or not.

Step 4: Create your membership site

After you have published your blog's initial article, your membership site is live. Simply click "Publish!"

Just like that, your membership page is live! There is a way to select "Promote" to advertise your membership with social media platforms, store your sales and subscription URLs, or embed your checkout on other websites.

You can also customize the Membership sales page at any time simply by going to the Editor. Check out the following for an illustration.

5. Take part in the discussion of the members

Once you have posted new material, your followers are free to comment and share your posts, offering immediate feedback.

Membership comments help you engage your followers through inviting them to discuss their ideas, pose questions, comment on the contents or even start discussions about any content you publish.

Members can access all of their comments on"Comments" tab "Comments" section.

Here, you are able to make comments on other people's posts. We highly recommend that you take advantage of this function.

Learn more the details.

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Inspiring conversations, and gaining useful feedback from your participants

As we covered earlier that pin welcome pages allow the new member to get additional information regarding the membership website you've created like this pin article from Step By Step Painting. Step by Step Painting members site.

Welcome posts can also be an opportunity to make your members feel like one community since day one. Inviting new members to a make a comment on the post and also to share a bit about them.

Here's a template for a welcome message that you could utilize to get new members excited about joining your club. introductions.

Thank you for sign-up to our member website! We're so excited to have you as a member.
Once you become an active member, you will receive every month, bonuses and early access to new courses, special discounts plus lots of other thrilling delights.
Check your inbox (and this site) for any updates and chats with your fellow members, and everything else you need to get maximum value out of your membership.
Please feel free to ask questions, join discussions, and help us in making this community as great as it can possibly be.
But first, make sure to mention yourself by leaving a comment, in order to allow us all acquainted with one another.
Please tell us your name, your address and what your objectives include.
We're looking forward to the exciting year 2021!

If you're using this template make sure you acknowledge each message, even if it's just add "Welcome to [name! We're thrilled to be here! We're thrilled to have you here."

Membership posts allow it to be easy for you to communicate with your customers. Furthermore to that, when you engage with customers, you can discuss their problems as well as their goals and reactions to your content.

Post specific questions on your posts. Then, reply on comments so that your readers feel valued.

They are the topics of conversation which you could include in the member posts you make:

What are your biggest challenges with regard to [topic]?the subjectthe subject

What would you like to find out more about?

What can I do to assist you to achieve your objectives and be successful?

What was your top lesson you learned from our discussion?

What was the most memorable achievement you made this month? Which tips can you share with anyone who is trying to accomplish that?

These questions help you to learn more about your members however, they provide them with opportunities to have with each other that form the basis of a vibrant, engaged members' community.

In addition, consumers want them to be able to take feedback from their clients: 91% of respondents consider that businesses must be able to drive forward by observing both buyers and customers.

For the best use of the feedback you receive from your customers, you should use the A.C.A.F. feedback loop

Find feedback from clients.

Classify the feedback.

Take action based on the feedback.

Keep in touch with customers who initially provided feedback.

Use membership posts to determine the kind of content that is loved by your viewers. Apart from speaking directly to your audience, review of how your customers respond with your posts when they read them. Do they share and comment the most when they watch webinars? Podcast episodes? Plain ol' text posts?

In the end, at the conclusion of the day, each community has its own uniqueness. Determine what's most beneficial for you and your group, then set out to create additional content that your customers want -- and be sure to bring your audience along with you in the course.

It makes it simple for creators to keep members up-to-date and create engaged communities through the use of membership-based websites. It's possible to try it for yourself with fourteen days of free trial .

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