
Sep 21, 2022

In the wake of the announcement of his book, Andy is currently exploring what it takes to be an independent food writer, video creator along with a cook, who has already made himself an influential figure in his industry. "My approach to creating media is that it needs to be based on stories, perspectives, and passion, so that there is meaning to it."

Websites as an experience that is carefully curated experience

Andy traced the origins of his love of food to his early years of. "My parents immigrated into California from Iran in the late 1970s along with them, they brought with them the culinary traditions from their home country," he says. "I think those food practices, the flavors, techniques and my extended family present, is factors that instilled my early love for food and cooking." He chose to go into food and cooking writing for a profession because this love "expanded into a profound always-growing curiosity in the world of food."

"This website is geared towards users who are unfamiliar with my work," Andy says. "I will ensure the people are aware of my experience, and as well, they can engage with the existing and new content this site is expected to produce." Some of that fresh content Andy is planning to develop is his things I Enjoy pages. Here, he has the opportunity to present his favorite food and lifestyle brands, expanding upon the limits of his well-known branding a bit. "While my writing and recipes have been a large an aspect of my life for a while now," Andy says, "I will be taking advantage of new opportunities to be featured on the website."

Leçons from the beginning year of an independent creator

This past year, while creating and releasing his debut book, Andy has also been exploring how to work independently. That includes the process of continuing to develop his personal brand, and developing the necessary habits to be a successful creator.

"I consider that the integrity of what I like to cook and write about food has much stayed the same," Andy says, referring to his approach to his business now, as compared to his approach before his transition to independence. "I believe my style--while it is something that has always been clear to me on an individual level, it is now up front and a big element of my work. I am more in control of my creativity in the present."

Andy's other advice for aspiring creators? The artist suggests being careful about what projects you decide to tackle, as often as possible. "Take upon projects and partner with people that will inspire you as well as gain something about," Andy says. "But keep in mind that no single project will satisfy this--which is okay! The point is to keep growing."

Inspiring by Andy's tale? Begin building your own brand with Andy .