
Aug 18, 2022

In the year that was in its inaugural Australian Make It Awards in support for Australian entrepreneurs, creatives, and small-scale companies. The Make It Awards come from  its beginnings in 2003. its President Anthony Casalena founded the company with a loan of $30,000 that could be used to purchase its first servers.

With the Make It Awards, we're aiding the Australian business community by providing three emerging businesses with an award of $30k to support their mission. The three winners were chosen out of more than 2,500 applications which were judged on the basis of their strategies for business, innovation and the benefits to communities and branding and style. Meet Reef Design Lab, Lousy Ink, and The Difference Three organizations with a strong mission who believe in sustainability and social involvement.

Reef Design Lab

Reef Design Lab is a multidisciplinary design company that creates marine habitat structures. They also support research on ways to repair and sustain the diversity of coastal and marine environments. Reef Design Lab works with authorities, builders as well as architects, research institutes and other institutions as well as marine scientists across many areas such as ecological engineering ocean infrastructure, coastal protection and coral farming.

Reef Design Lab plans to make use of its grant for upgrading its internal technology and speed up the development of new products.

Lousy Ink

Two artists started the business. Lousy Ink recycles printer cartridge ink and creates a range of art materials that are sustainable, including recycled and ink pens. It collaborates together with Australian partner companies to recycling, reuse or reuse old, used cartridges inkjet. Lousy Ink's aim is to turn trash into a resource for creativity in addition to assisting the natural environment as well as the artistic community through encouraging environmentally eco-friendly practices for creative expression.

Lousy Ink plans to use its grant grant to design an array of colored inks which include magenta, cyan yellow, black, and.

The difference

The Difference was the first application for mobile devices that is available in Australia which allows users to collect virtual spare cash from transactions , and later donate the funds to causes they are enthusiastic about. The Difference makes use of technology to enable anyone to contribute to sustainable global changes through easy daily acts and microdonations.

The Difference intends to utilize it to broaden its offerings on technical subjects and aid in the Make Change campaign.

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