Learn to master the WordPress Database Optimization on (r) (r)

Apr 24, 2024
WordPress database optimization at


All the elements of an WordPress site are necessary, your database is by far the most crucial. It is the place that the bulk of information on your site is stored and is accessible. That means your WordPress method for improving the performance of your database must be fast and efficient.

If your database has been afflicted by bloat or performance issues, it could impede the speed the speed of your site as well as impact the outcome of your searches. In addition, your website could impact the overall UX (UX) too. It could affect your website traffic and trickle into your rankings in search results (among numerous other issues).

Knowledge of WordPress Database Structure WordPress Database Structure

It is essentially that the WordPress database serves as the basis of your site. It holds a lot of information like database, data about users and also user information as well as other information. With respect to WordPress tables, the databases hold specific types of information.

The phpMyAdmin interface on a  hosting service, showing a list of WordPress database tables with options for actions like browse, structure, search, insert, and drop. The tables shown include wp_commentmeta, wp_comments, wp_links, wp_options, wp_postmeta, wp_posts, wp_termmeta, wp_terms, wp_term_relationships, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_usermeta, and wp_users.
Connecting to connecting to WordPress database using phpMyAdmin.

In this particular instance, the post_wp_posts table displays your blog's posts and pages. In addition, users provide data about their visits to your site. We'll look into certain tables in depth in the near future.

After installation, WordPress creates a set of tables which will cover the vast majority of situations that you'll require. The themes, plugins and even installations may also produce tables for specific and related details.

Modular designs can be advantageous in many ways since they permit various functions. However, the sheer number of tables with no purpose (along with the management problems) may result in more than the quantity of excessive clutter.

The database's structure which WordPress uses is crucial to fully appreciate. WordPress is important due to two reasons:

  • Speed. Good database organization will allow you to get data quicker and could cause immediate improvement in loading time and speed.
  • Maintenance. Knowing which tables are linked to various components of your site can be helpful in the course of maintenance. If you notice an application that is creating problems, it is possible to identify its tables.

A regular cleaning and optimization of database tables could prevent their size from getting too huge and heavy. The impact of this could impact users in a negative in a negative way.

Tables specially designed to be compatible with WordPress

While we're unable be able to cover every table however, we'll focus on specific tables higher than other tables:

  • wp_postmeta. Meta data associated with your blog post are saved on this page. If your blog expands and grows, it may be one of the important databases within your database.

Be aware that themes or plugins you include on your site may change the look of your website and vice versa. It's not typical to see the plugin or theme delete these tables However, it is feasible.

It is essential to regularly review and analyze any possible adjustments. It's essential to keep an effective database that's current and doesn't degrade your website's performance.

The main reason WordPress Database Optimization is Necessary for Most Sites

To put it in perspective There are two main reasons that regular WordPress processing of data has become an absolute requirement in workflow:

  • Increases the satisfaction of clients. Users also expect speedy and easy navigation experience. The optimized database results in faster loading pages as well as quicker processing of data. Simplely speaking, every online user interaction is dependent on requests to the database. The more effective means improved UX.

In addition to that, as your site grows and your database grows, so will the website. Even if you possess a simple but scalable configuration initially, it will become increasingly complex. Through regular maintenance, it's possible to be sure that your database is equipped with the ability to handle the ever-growing needs of a site without compromising effectiveness.

In simple terms, WordPress database optimization will increase response times. If your site takes long loading times, a mere short amount of time could cause a rise in bounce rates as well as lost customers and visitors, which aren't ideal to rank your site in search engines.

What are the best ways to perform routine Maintenance and Cleaning

If you regularly clean and maintain your WordPress database is the ideal method of making sure that your website is running smoothly. The database is filled with data not needed anymore and that's why an ongoing and regular procedure is essential.

Additionally, you should make use of all the devices and tools that are available in the most efficient method possible. It's important to understand that WordPress provides a range of ways to manage your database.

A plugin can provide various possibilities to boost the efficiency of your database. WP-Optimize is among the top tools used for this task. There are other alternatives but this one is the only one that has been reviewed very well and is based on user reviews at WordPress.org, is cost-free, and frequently updated and upgraded with new features.

The WordPress.org header image for the WP-Optimize plugin with the slogan 'Make your site fast and efficient.' The graphic shows a red motorcycle racing against a car and a jet.
The header WP-Optimize comes from WordPress.org.

In the following sections, we'll look at the procedure in greater detail and also discuss methods to accomplish it by hand and by using WP-Optimize. The software later. In the meantime, we'll discuss different strategies for pre-optimization.

Things You Need to Consider Prior to Your Optimization

It is also suggested to uninstall the plugins and themes you don't use for your website. This can solve a range of problems and isn't just about the database. It can help improve your website's security in general.

The WordPress dashboard showing a list of installed plugins. Each plugin has a description, with options to activate, deactivate, or delete, and settings for automatic updates.
The plugins screen in WordPress

However, be aware that, based on the theme or plugin used in the theme or plugin, they could leave behind tables with no use. That's why we're attempting to improve the efficiency of our database, by learning the causes behind why the themes and plugins permit specific information that could be useful in the near future.

The main task is one you'll find when you login to the application for managing databases of your choice. There are a variety of indicators to indicate problems that affect performance. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the issues before implementing any additional improvements.

The first step is to choose every table. After that, click the check button on the table button in order to make reports.

The phpMyAdmin tool showing the 'Check table' option. Visible on the left are various table names like wp_termmeta and wp_users, each with action icons for tasks such as browsing and searching. To the right, a context menu shows options for table operations like exporting and optimizing.
By selecting to select the Check Table option in the phpMyAdmin.

If you discover an error that is not present it is an indication of good things to be in the future. There are always issues to resolve before proceeding. In this case it is best to call support is a great alternative.

1. Improve Your Database Tables Optimized

First, you must enhance the tables' layout in the database. Manually, you can visit the database Link in the control tool, choose the database you are interested in.

The  phpMyAdmin interface showing the Databases tab. Two databases are listed, and both have check privileges actions available.
The decision to use a database can be done within phpMyAdmin.

You probably have a database page on the WordPress website. It is possible to view an inventory of tables within your database. The easiest way to do this is to select them all then select one. Optimize Table Choose the option on the drop-down menu prior to clicking to continue.:

A context menu in phpMyAdmin for a selected list of WordPress database tables, with the 'Optimize table' option highlighted. Other options include copy table, show create, export, empty, drop, and table maintenance actions.
The option to improve the performance of all tables that are in databases using phpMyAdmin.

After long enough, it's possible to see an overview of the current state of every table in the database.          HthIvMfxYmhfdBKLgZPP       This report about optimization is accessible on phpMyAdmin.

Within the settings for WP-Optimize, select the WP-Optimize tab, and then Database > Optimizations. Then, click the Run Optimization button. This is just below the Optimize Database Tables tab.

A section of the WP-Optimize plugin interface in the WordPress dashboard, showing the 'Optimize database tables' option selected with a 'Run optimization' button highlighted. The interface indicates that the optimization will affect 159 tables.
The Run optimizations button on WP-Optimize's dashboard.

The program will analyze each table, and provide you with an indication of success. Once you have this you are able to make adjustments.

2. Cleaning up Post-Revisions after Revisions and cleaning up

DELETE FROM WP_Posts where the post_type is revision

This deletion will end all revision types in the table. In addition, there is details in various tables, too. The ability to delete and store the whole array is possible using the below SQL commands:

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'revision'; DELETE FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE object_id NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM wp_posts); DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM wp_posts);

Pro-tip: When wrangling databases with a lot of rows (particularly when joining complex joins such as those mentioned previously) the long-running query may be unable to finish. For MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL it is possible to utilize the LIMIT clause in order to divide the work up into smaller ones:

is excluded from WP_postmeta post_id is NOT IN (SELECT ID from WP_Posts) Max 10000

This SQL can be run again to eliminate up to 10,000 entries in one go in this instance, until the database is completely free of any dirt.

Additionally, it is essential to pick the correct prefix of your table in the copy-paste examples of this SQL examples.

This process will take only few minutes. As with all the plugins available for WordPress helping to enhance your database, WPOptimize offers you one-click button from inside WordPress:

The WP-Optimize plugin dashboard with a focus on database optimization. Options include cleaning all post revisions and auto-draft posts, with a blue 'Run optimization' button next to each task.
Drafts are able to be deleted or revise them, as also auto-drafts are found in WP-Optimize.
define( "WP_POST_REVISIONS' );

This is what is the number of revisions you'd like to retain. There is also the option of putting the "false" in the section above, however we do not recommend using this method. It's always recommended to maintain at least one revision that you are able to use for the event that you require this.

3. Get rid of Spam Commentaries as well as other pieces that were cut down

In addition, you may use SQL queries to get rid of posts that appear to be untrusted. If you moderate comments unwanted ones stay within the database for 30 days. This means that any comments deemed as spam within this timeframe are stored in the database.

The database gets cleared with just one word SQL within the program which manages databases.

DELETE FROM wp_comments, wp_commentmeta USING wp_comments LEFT JOIN wp_commentmeta ON wp_comments.comment_ID = wp_commentmeta.comment_id WHERE wp_comments.comment_approved = 'spam';

It's the same thing as what are thrown into the trash bin within WordPress. It is possible to have a large amount of information in"limbo which you could get rid of using an alternative SQL query.

DELETE p, pm, tr FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta pm ON p.ID = pm.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships tr ON p.ID = tr.object_id WHERE p.post_status = 'trash';

Similar to post revisions, you can establish limits for how long it takes to get rid of unwanted items from wp-config.php:

define( "EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS' )

In WP-Optimize there are three options to get rid of spam comments and WordPress rubbish:

A section of the WP-Optimize plugin in the WordPress dashboard showing various cleanup options such as removing spam and trashed comments, unapproved comments, and expired transient options, with checkboxes to select each optimization task.
It is possible to delete comments that are not needed that are spam, or those which weren't approved by the WP-Optimize team.

It is also possible to delete comments you don't think are considered acceptable. It can be helpful for certain circumstances, but we don't suggest using this option. You should make sure that you change your statement prior to taking them off them in the event that you have to.

4. Eliminate Tags that Aren't Used

Taxonomies are crucial for WordPress however they can become a huge database in the course of period of. This is an excellent way to increase the size of the size of your database. As with other approaches to using SQL queries, you're capable of using the following SQL query:

DELETE t, tt FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND tt.count = 0;

The best method to get out of the tags that do not function within WP-Optimize is to clear post meta data. This will tell you if you've got any missing metadata and then eliminate all metadata missing.

The WP-Optimize plugin interface displaying options for cleaning up the WordPress database, including removing pingbacks and trackbacks, cleaning post meta data, and cleaning user meta data with respective counts for each.
There are options available in WP-Optimize to remove orphaned metadata from posts.

The option to remove the categorizes and other data is extremely secure to choose when an unrelated piece of content or website uses them.

5. Get rid of Trackbacks and Pingbacks.

The WordPress dashboard’s 'Discussion Settings' screen showing checkboxes for default post settings such as notifying linked blogs, allowing link notifications from other blogs, and allowing people to submit comments on new posts.
The Discussion Settings screen of WordPress will display the pingback as well as trackback options.

Within the Normal Post Settings section, be sure to remove the "Attempt to inform blogs about updates" ..." and "Allow link notifications ..." choices. Make sure to save the modifications. Once you have saved the changes, log back into the program you are using for managing databases and execute the query

CELEBRATE WP_COMMENTS' c left JOIN WP_COMMENTMETA cm c.comment_ID = cm.comment_id where c.comment_type is defined ('trackback'or "pingback');

Both are simultaneously being expressed in the form of remarks. It is a distinct type of comment that is based on what the topic matter of the discussion is. The plugin WPOptimize provides two options to choose between depending on the situation.

The WordPress dashboard displaying the WP-Optimize plugin settings with options to remove expired transient options, pingbacks, trackbacks, and to clean post meta data, showing counts of items found for each category.
The WP-Optimize option to block trackbacks and Pingbacks.

After you've completed the procedure You won't see trackbacks or pingbacks within your database for a long period of time!

Utilizing Automated WordPress Database Optimization

APM will clean your database of any unnecessary information, like data about the transients, abandoned orphans, as well as on spam messages. In this way, you will ensure that your database functions optimally without the interference of.

The  APM dashboard featuring the 'Overall transaction time' chart, which breaks down the response time into PHP, MySQL, and external services over a specified period. The section below lists 'Slowest transactions' with metrics like total duration and average duration.
This is an APM tool.
The  APM interface displaying a chart titled 'Slowest database queries', which lists various WordPress options-related SQL operations such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, SHOW, and DELETE, along with their total duration percentages, total duration in milliseconds, maximum duration, average duration, and rate per minute.
The study by APM of the database shows that this is the most cost query within the database.

Access to APM through the My Dashboard specifically the APM screen. You may need to enable it before you are able to use it.

A  hosting service dashboard displaying the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) section. It includes a brief explanation of the APM feature, along with warnings about its usage. An 'Enable APM' button is prominently displayed for the user to activate the service.
You can enable APM through My Dashboard. My dashboard.

If that's the case it is imperative that the user give APM enough time to gather the information. Once it's done it will be able to examine the issues that could require additional enhancement.

How can you optimize Database Queries for better efficiency

Ensure that you optimize your databases used by your site. This is vital in boosting the speed and efficiency of your WordPress website. More efficient queries result in quicker access to information and results in quicker loading time, and a more enjoyable user experience.

When you're using queries as a way to assist in WordPress databases optimization here are some suggestions on ways to increase their efficiency:

  • Improve the structure of your query. You'll notice that there are no wildcards (or the Asterisks) in our example. Instead of employing selecting *, ensure you are specific regarding the columns you'll require. It is also important to make use of join instead of subqueries when it's practical. Subqueries can be less efficient especially when they don't contain well-organized layouts or are based on massive databases.
  • Make use of for query cache. Tools such as Redis let you store the results of queries to memory. Results from queries are served to the cache, rather than having to run queries on a regular schedule.

They're not exactly simple rules, but there's lot to be accomplished. In the next installment, we'll take a look at these rules.

Advanced WordPress Techniques for Optimizing Databases and Troubleshooting

'Indexing' can help you make a quick reference guide for your database. It will assist the server in locating information faster and without the need to scroll through each row in the table.

For this, you must identify the columns that are most commonly used within the queries. Then, you can think about implementing indexes. You can do this in the phpMyAdmin (or similar). First, choose the table you wish to index. Next, you must select the tab called The Structure. tab:

The 'Structure' tab in phpMyAdmin for the 'wp_posts' table of a WordPress database. It displays a list of columns with types, collation, attributes, and actions available like change and drop.
The tab Structure is used to find tables in PHPMyAdmin.

Select the columns that you'd want to index and click the button to choose for an Index option at the end of your table.

A close-up of a section in phpMyAdmin showing the index option highlighted for a WordPress database table. Other options such as browse, change, drop, primary, unique, spatial, and fulltext are also visible.
The ability to index columns is available within phpMyAdmin.

When you save your changes they will appear in these columns.

Knowing how to use the "EXPLAIN statement can help you understand the way MySQL performs the query. It will help you find errors and help in understanding how your query is interacted with the indexes. For it to be able to function, insert this query within the upper portion of the query you already possess. When you've executed this query SQL will be able to reduce it into the things it is doing to run the query.

The phpMyAdmin SQL query output window showing a successful SQL query execution message. Below the message is an SQL command to explain a delete operation on WordPress comment tables, with details of the query execution plan.
The query's result is accompanied with an EXPLAIN statement.

There's not enough detail explaining the explanation claim, but MySQL's documentation has lots of info. MySQL documentation covers almost every single detail to be aware of.

Monitoring Performance

Monitoring the performance of the efficiency of the WordPress database is an essential component of managing a site. It can help you identify potential issues before they getting serious and assure that your site stays functioning and productive.

The phpMyAdmin 'Status' tab showing a pie chart and a list of SQL statement operations along with their frequency. The chart indicates the distribution of operations like 'set option,' 'show variables,' and 'select' since the server startup.
The screen that will display the status of phpmyAdmin.

It's possible to see the processing times of operations and query (on the Statistics for queries tab) as well as help identify which questions require improvements. If you want to track the more sophisticated features of your query, MySQL Workbench can be an excellent tool.

A detailed view of MySQL Workbench showing two SQL queries in the editor and the results pane below. The left sidebar lists database schemas, and the toolbar at the top provides various functions for database management. A snippet box on the right side offers SQL syntax help.
The MySQL Workbench main user interface.

It has modern functions which allow designing, development and administration. Additionally, it provides diagnostics and performance reports to assist you in improving the performance of your database.

The WordPress.org header for the Query Monitor plugin. It shows queries by component with a focus on components like 'wordpress-seo' and 'woocommerce'. HTTP requests are listed with methods, URLs, and statuses, along with a panel for warnings and notices.
It's an extension to the Query Monitor plugin.

How do I handle large Databases inside WordPress

If you have a WordPress website grows in amount of users, as well as the content and users the database will be bound to increase in size. The database can grow to be huge, and be a problem (or should be concerned about) usually when managing your online presence.

The majority of the advice provided in this blog post can be used for databases that are big or smaller in size. There are alternative ways to make database systems that are more complicated than the standard.

  • Archive information from the past. Instead of keeping your database updated You might look into archived content or the information from users that you don't regularly access.
  • Utilize a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Serving and loading static files such as images, videos, and other pictures as well as downloading content from another server will reduce the burden on your site and also help improve performance of the website. Furthermore, your website will be faster for visitors, regardless of where they are.
  • personal query. If you're a WordPress developer, you are able to make effective queries to your plugins and themes. The search engine will help you find exactly the information you're looking for, and keep the performance of your site to a higher level.
The  hosting dashboard displaying 'Site Information' with sections for basic details, environment details, and SFTP/SSH information. Graphs for site visits and overall transaction time are visible, providing analytics on website performance.
The WordPress hosting site.


Your WordPress database is like the engine inside your automobile, and it's not running at the speed you'd like it to. If you're not WordPress improving your database's performance, you may see your site drop from top to bottom on the Google results. Your visitors will see that your site's performance is becoming into an impossible task and a database maintained at a high speed is crucial to website's success.

We'd like to know on how the ways that the WordPress techniques in improving your database's performance for you. Tell us which one you most appreciated by leaving a comment below!

Jeremy Holcombe

Editor of Marketing and Content WordPress Web Developer and Content writer. Outside of everything WordPress I love the beach, golf and movies. In addition, I'm tall. Problems (see below for more details;).

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