Inspiring A Brand without A Doubt In Ajibade's Ajibade

Oct 15, 2023

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We're pleased to welcome our guests to Think in Color Summit presented by XayLi Barclay! In this program, we'll look at ways to expand your company by offering classes online creating lasting impressions. This can help you succeed no matter where you're at! Check out all interviews here.

Oluwatosin "OloriSuperGal" Ajibade was the founder of one of the top-rated websites for lifestyle and entertainment Being one of the original pioneers of social media in Nigeria, Nigerian market, she pioneered using social media to promote her brand. In addition, she founded Media Exposure, a digital marketing division that is an essential part of Olori SuperGal Limited. Through the assistance of the OSG as well as under the OSG brand name, Tosin was the most recent advocate for the OSG's New Media Conference (NMC) each year, which brings together all the key players who strive to raise the standard of advertising and marketing within the Nigerian online and digital media industry.

We had a conversation with Tosin to find out more about her process in establishing her OloriSuperGal branding as well as how she encouraged her followers to adhere to her over long periods of time.

   We'd love to talk some more details about What's the story behind this? is a website that strives to educate the public about lifestyle and entertainment. The website was developed by Oluwatosin Adibade. The initial time the site was launched was in 2010.

   What was your path to the creation of your business online in the process of being an entrepreneur? Do you believe that you'd love to be a part of your venture?

My journey began in 2008 when I joined Facebook and started my journey with Facebook. I had never considered becoming an entrepreneur prior to that due to my work schedule. Marketing via social media was easy since I understood the nuances of the process as well as the content people are looking to hear. Over time, I was able to understand how to use different platforms, and began building my followers. My first venture online was running from a cell phone and making some progress before it ever became a real business with each employee joining my venture. To date, the experience has been enjoyable!

We want to know about the most challenging situations you've faced while traveling. How did you manage to endure this difficult phase?

In the times that I've been in, I've had encounter difficult scenarios with this topic. One thing I can say without hesitation is that difficulties usually occur when you're not adequately prepared. If you're confronted with these issues you will face a variety of aspects to be analyzed. How you handle your issues you'll confront will impact the results. The most memorable experience I've experienced was when our Instagram account was compromised by hackers in the year 2017. It was a task for our customers which we were required to finish however we weren't able to access the accounts as hackers. I was panicking for some time, but was not confident about the right way to go about it. Then I contacted Facebook for help. It was solved in under two days. The issue was also with our website as well with our Twitter and Facebook pages. But, these issues will be fixed. Since we've been working over a long. duration, and the shift tends to be about the issues and how about how to deal with them, rather than planning to tackle the concerns.

   Have you done something that you regret not having done? You didn't do better or faster at work? Are you able to offer suggestions to females of different races who could be suffering from the same issues?

One thing I'm dissatisfied about is the fact the fact that I never had the right system in place because I didn't realize that the capabilities I had could have for a number of years. It began as a pastime that was fun for me. It was a completely different idea then, and it's now a real business with the potential to earn a profit. One thing I tried to learn at the beginning was how to set up the organization of my business which is one of those areas that haven't been done.

If you're a woman from another race that wants to be entrepreneurs It is crucial to remain focused and passionate as well as the dedication that can lead to a profit. You shouldn't be merely following the same rules as everyone else. What differentiates you from another people is the value you can provide to your employer. Your value, the capacity to tackle problems, and your commitment to earning cash.

   How have you found it as a business professional because you're female with a dark shade of hair? Do you have any issues that you would love to pass on to others? Do you have any golden motivational/inspirational nuggets that you would share to your younger self?

The business was challenging. One thing I'd advise you to do is believe that you're an excellent individual. Everyone feels that they're not good enough or fit to be in certain jobs. The truth can be even much more. If you're convinced you're an expert, and you are confident in your abilities then you'll have the ability to overcome any obstacles. What has made me persevere for many decades is my conviction that everything is possible, and it's possible. I've had many highs but even people saying"NO" to me. All I'm left with is me and my goals. If you're certain you've got particular talents, the only thing you'll need to show them is a stage. So, show them off by showing the very top you can do!

At what point did you begin to realize that Social Media was an integral part of the brand you've developed?

It was clear that social media was an integral part of my firm or brand in 2012. I made the decision to take this issue serious by creating my own personal brand as well as the business's. It required lots of time, effort and determination to develop these brands. It's not possible to establish an image without maintaining the organization that uses social media today.

   Did you encounter two scenarios which helped you avoid from the easy danger of charging influencers to use their services over the web? Have you found the process in the beginning challenging? Are you worried regarding making payments?

What I've learned in my work in collaboration with brands using influencers' help via the web is it is important to establish trust, be honest and to know the company's objectives and vision. Brands are thrilled with a clear comprehension of their customers and are aware of what they want and need. It was difficult getting started on the process as I was unsure of the kind of job I was putting myself in. I worked to run my own business part-time. I was initially sceptical about this until it became clear that it was my responsibility to complete.

   It's amazing! Why did you decided to publish your entire manuscript? Do you have some suggestions to those contemplating the possibility to publish an ebook?

My debut novel debuted in 2000. It was titled Olorisupergal A trip through the path of Social Misfit to Social Media Hero. The book was created in order to help entrepreneurs like myself make money through the exchange of their enthusiasm to. Nowadays, the world of social media has changed. The book I wrote was created to tell my personal experiences along with how I began my career in 2008, and how my career became what I am today. The goal of this book is to tell my story of life to other people. You can buy it on Amazon or on the my kindle!

   What are your thoughts about sharing your enthusiasm or personal experiences with your organization on Social Media?  

It's great fun to work on this because it's mine to do and I'm completely enthralled by the whole process.

   Can you describe how someone can concentrate on their work? Do you have any tips or advice you'd like provide to help make one stand out on the web?

There is a myriad of ways for users to build their own niche market by using social media. There is a consensus that influencer marketing is a good option when it comes to online advertising.

A wide range of companies around the globe are taking on Influencer Marketing by collaborating with powerful people to sell their products. If you've thought about becoming an influencer yourself, now is the time to get started!

Here are some suggestions to develop a new niche you can follow through with the correct actions

  1. Make a name to help promote your company If you've been concerned with your company and instead created content to help increase selling of your company, it's time to examine ways that you can create content that will provide the users with an edge and establish your own identity at the same time.
  2. Create authentic stories Digital media has been built on the basis of telling stories. In fact, the most successful marketing tools are designed around tales. If you're looking to build an audience to gain from it's essential to produce quality material.
  3. Make captivating web content A way to make sure that the people who read your professional acumen as well as the ones that you'll draw are interested in the voice of your business is to compose captivating articles.
  4. Improve your standing by using videos Prior to engaging businesses regardless of their size it is essential to make sure that you exert influence on your fans. Live streaming is available each week. You can also make use of your IGTV to stream longer videos. YouTube is a fantastic platform.

Influence could be described as the ability to influence your audience to act by communicating your thoughts and ideas.
  If you're looking to increase your followers, then you'll need to start offering some suggestions on what you can do in the areas you are skilled in and check out how followers react to the suggestions you've made.

It can take a few months before you can get the attention of your viewers and get people to make changes. This is a huge undertaking that must be taken on when you want to be an expert in the field that you're involved with. It takes time to learn the fundamentals before enjoying the rewards in influencing others. However, you can speed up your learning process by acquiring an appropriate set of skills and tips.

   Do you have a fascinating tale to tell regarding the process of creating an impressive team in your organization, Olorisupergal? Did you have a particular moment that you decided to seek assistance?

This was my first time recruiting employees for myself in 2012 when I was the only person working at the office. The management of employees hasn't been an easy task, which is why I employed an HR firm to do the task for us. It's not an easy task to oversee the employees manage you, and you must get help if you need help!

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Do you want to connect with Tosin? Tosin is available through and

Twitter: @TheTosinAjibade

Instagram: @thetosinajibade

This story was first published on the website.

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