Informal and formal Education differences between formal and informal Education Learning to recognize the differences as well as the similarities and ways to make the most of both

Aug 26, 2023

75 percent percent of all training in the workplace is non-formal.

This means that the bulk of the learning process is not conducted in formal courses or in classrooms, and is instead done in a natural and spontaneous manner, usually in social environments.

To maximize learning and development when training It is essential to encourage the formal and informal learning and take as many classes as you can. This is what you should know about informal and formal education - including the key factors, differences, and how to utilize both of them to train employees at your company.

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Definitions of informal and formal education

The first question is what exactly do we mean when we talk about informal as well as formal education? These are the definitions.

Education in formal settings

Informal Education

In contrast to formal education, informal learning does not adhere to an established procedure or structure. In general, informal learning takes place within a non-formal educational environment and is autonomous. It is usually spontaneous and in a natural way.

If it's informal learning person that is participating has no specific goal or goal in mind. They might not even be aware the learning process is happening. Examples of this are informal learning may occur when watching a video on social media or chatting with your coworker, or even reading an article that you find on the web. It's not always intentional but you can gain new knowledge on a specific subject.

Informal and formal learning comparison

Formal learning Informal learning
Structural Not planned
Goal-oriented Undefined goals
Educator-led Self-directed
The training is offered in person and via online Learning occurs spontaneously in conversations, studies as well as internet-based sources
Assessments and accreditations are included too. There isn't any formal assessment, or recognition

What is the difference between formal and informal learning?

Below are the four major differences between informal and formal education that you must know.


The main difference between informal and formal learning is the way that each kind of education is conducted. The formal education system is organized and structured - which means that learning is based on the achievement of specific learning objectives. In the case of onboarding, for example, customers may have the goal to help new customers use key features within the software. Learning has been designed with this purpose in the mind of customers.

Informal learning can be unstructured and not pre-planned. As opposed to formal education, informal learning does not follow any established system - instead, learning is shaped through the individuals' individual decisions and actions, it is not predetermined.

Let's look at an example. As an example, let's suppose that you have a conversation between colleagues regarding how they deal with their email inboxes for effectiveness. If the learner is interested in the topic then they could ask questions to learn more on the subject or look for other sources for information, such as listening to podcast, or reading a blog. The conversation isn't structured and doesn't have a purpose in mind, but it is learning taking place.

Teaching Methodologies

It's easy to discern the distinction between informal and formal learning by looking at the methods of teaching - fundamentally that formal education is a type of teaching and informal education doesn't.

The system of formal education is managed by a qualified professional like a teacher, professor teacher or coach. The teaching process can be done face-to-face or through online learning. But, even though learning is self-directed and monitored, formal education is created to be designed, taught and supervised by the educator.

Informal learning isn't part of any formal instruction. There isn't any fixed educational or teaching method. Students can get instruction from a particular teacher who is an expert expert within their area but there is no fixed course or instruction.

Learning Environment

Since formal education is an approach to teaching that is systematic, it often takes place in a learning environment that can be in person or online. Learning takes place in a particular area of learning, such as an classroom, an online classroom, Zoom meeting space or via an LMS.

Informal learning is a process that does not have a reason for learning It can take place anywhere - including within formal learning environments like universities and schools. It is also possible to do so out of the world. Informal learning can occur on the bus, at the cafe on holidays or at some other setting.

Accreditation and Evaluation

One of the primary characteristics of formal training is that it typically involves assessments, such as tests questions, tests, or formal assignments. In the case of a formal course is completed, students are likely to receive a certificate or accreditation to recognize their achievement.

Informal education does not have assessments or accreditations because it's unplanned. No person will award you with a certification to talk with your colleagues. This is a private chat that takes place in the formal learning environment and the knowledge acquired by students aren't evaluated or recognized.

Similarities Between Informal and Formal Education

There are certainly some distinctions between informal and formal education however there are a few similarities between the two approaches. Below are three of the major differentiators.

Social interaction

Humans are social animals. Learn from watching and engaging with the people around us.

Formal as well as informal education experiences are enhanced by social interactions. Students who are studying in a formal setting can benefit from the interaction of their instructors, community moderators, as well as other students in the class.

Informal learning is more of a structured method of learning. It is, however, typically viewed as group activity rather than a one for individuals. Think about the knowledge you've gained knowledge through discussions with colleagues and friends and taking part in forums online and communities, and using social media. All of these are kinds of social interactions in which informal learning takes place.

Feedback from facilitators and teachers

Formal and informal education both have teachers. In formal school, education is managed by teachers. Informal education takes place naturally.

Imagine a live employee training program that is conducted by an instructor in a classroom. It's a formal educational aspect, however informal education could also happen through casual interactions between students as well as their teacher as an example. Just spending the time with an specialist in their field may lead to informal learning opportunities even without realizing it.

Continuous education and learning

Examples of Formal and Informal education. Examples of formal and informal

It's commonplace for formal and informal learning to be conducted in a manner. Combining them can lead to excellent outcomes for the students. Here are a few instances of how it works.

Learn a new language

If you are planning moving to a new country. you choose to enroll in an English class to learn the English language in your new home country.

The course will probably be delivered in face-to-face lessons in a classroom and utilize a structured method for giving students specific words as well as grammar rules. It will also include exams. This is an example of formal learning.

Informal learning happens after you have left the school for work, or to the grocery store, for example. There will be other people speaking the new language, as well as labelling and the words are written in the same languages. You will naturally be able to hear and understand the language through your surroundings, but as well, by talking to cashiers and other customers.

It's an example of informal learning. However, it's equally important and useful as the formal education you're receiving.

Training for management of employees

A lot of employees are involved in formal and informal education at work. The management training program is a good example - a worker could be eligible for an official management course where they are required to complete online courses or courses for training offered by an instructor, with an aim as a manager for the company they work for. This is the formal academic part.

But, in addition to the training program employees can also discover how to become a successful leader and effective manager by observing other employees in the company and through meetings with C-suite executives or after-work gatherings with colleagues. This is an illustration of learning through informal means that is contributing to the improvement and strengthening of the training offered by the company training programs.

How to use both formal and informal education to achieve the optimal results in your training

To increase the effectiveness of learning at your workplace, you should foster both formal and informal learning. There are three strategies that can facilitate both learning types.

  • give mentors and students: To increase informal learning, students can be paired with peers or mentors in order to help them learn outside the class. This will result in an enhanced learning experience.
  • Find strategies to increase the engagement of learners: Students who are engaged have an increased desire to know more. They are also more likely to take part in both formal and informal learning. Create a course that is designed to be highly engaging with the addition of quizzes and videos, as well as gamification as well as other sources of learning which go beyond the subject of the lesson.

Are you willing to maximize the benefits of formal and informal education?

If you're looking to improve the effectiveness of your learning in your work place, you need to understand the distinction between informal and formal education and the best way to utilize both forms of education for best results.

Take your education program into the next stage. If you're struggling to understand the complexity of formal learning, or investigating the flexible nature of learning in informal environments, our tailored solutions are able to be customized to meet the needs of your company.

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