How To Make Your Coaching Program Available On-line

Feb 16, 2024

How do you create an online version of your program for scale, without losing contact with your clients?

In order to answer this question We spoke to Jeanine Blackwell, creator of the Creator 6 Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp, as part of the Coach to Course series.

Jeanine has helped hundreds of experts, entrepreneurs and professionals discover their brilliance and bring their talents to the world via online classes. In an interview with us she discussed strategies on taking content that was created in an individual coaching program and transform it into online formats.

  Watch the video below to listen the full details of Jeanine's advice on how to take your personal coaching course on the internet!  

You can narrow your focus

Coaches know the kind of transformation you can create when working one-on-one with your clients. How do you achieve the same kind of transformation using a one-to-many training model, like an online course?

One of the major obstacles that coaches have to overcome in order to create an online course that is wildly popular is that they are too general in the content of their courses. This often happens as a desire to aid many people and also a desire to impart everything they know.

But going too broad inevitably could result in your class getting hidden in the maze of. In the same way, developing a course that is all-encompassing will likely result in a course which is too lengthy and challenging for anyone to complete.

To help you overcome this obstacle To overcome this challenge, here are two points to keep in mind to narrow your focus.

Focus on your target audience. Ask yourself who can you offer the most value to and then be as precise as you can.

  Then narrow by your results. Then, you should consider what the group of people needs to know and be able to do, and how guide them to the desired outcome.

Based on the answers of these queries, you can create an offer that speaks specifically to these two angles. This will draw your attention to the correct people much faster.

Create a result-driven online coaching program

To ensure that your online program continues to create transformation for your customers, you must focus to the final result you would like them to reach.

If you are preparing to create your course, you can easily get caught up in listing all your ideas about content to help them in their journey. The fact is that more content doesn't always indicate a higher quality course.

Actually, the faster you are able to get your customer towards their goal the faster. In order to determine which element of information in your program, consider asking yourself: is this essential to equipping them to achieve the desired result?

Focus on this outcome Break down the essential competencies they require, then develop your content around these components.

The best online content formats to create amazing learning experience

It's no secret that people have different learning styles. While you develop your online coaching courses, it's ideal to use various content types in order to keep students interested.

To create transformative learning experiences, your course must include elements that encourage students to move to move beyond passive reading into actual action. Through incorporating activities or other tasks to take part in it, you'll be able connect with every type of learner in your program.

A good exercise to identify the approach you should take in building the content you will be creating is to envision your self teaching at a conference. If you have more than a thousand people in the audience, how would you structure your course to teach everyone at once? What would you do to animate the concepts you're teaching?

Whatever came to mind in the course scenario are able to do with an online class. Learning online is many more than simply watching videos and doing worksheets. Do not be afraid to be inventive and be imaginative. Below are a few different methods you can use to work

  • Write notes of their observations and actions steps in a workbook.
  • Create communities with discussion threads. Students should share their thoughts on what they've learned, and jump in to help in the discussion.
  • Create touch points within your course for reflection, and to identify the key lessons.

     To see examples of the way Jeanine guides her clients through the process of narrowing their focus as well as finding the appropriate content types take a look at the above video!  

Avoiding Pitfalls in your own course

  It's too general  

The topic was mentioned earlier It is important to reiterate it because it's the number the most common error course creators make. The more general your material is, the harder it will be to persuade users to purchase the program.

"Do avoid falling into the trap of thinking that the larger your net, more people will be able to join in the discussion. People are drawn to what speaks to them directly. This is not commonplace advertisements however, they are drawn to things that they personally relate to."
" Jeanine Blackwell

  Marketing or launch plan  

Having no launch plan can cause you to be disappointed in the results of the online coaching program. The process of creating a course and placing it on your website is not going to do much if no one knows it exists. For it to gain traction, you need an effective launch strategy that explains the reasons why people should be interacting with you right away.

"Make sure you create an event that is focused on the triggers that can make people take action."
-- Jeanine Blackwell

  Once and done mindset  

Do not think of the launch of your course as an exam to be taken immediately. Each step of making your first online course right from beginning to launch is an experiment. Make sure to solicit feedback from your users at each stage of the process, and learn from what you can do to improve your content for your audience.

"You don't need all the answers before you start your business. Your audience is going to let you know what they want. If you receive positive feedback, you can add it into your course on the same day! Therefore, don't be concerned about getting it perfect in the first attempt."
- Jeanine Blackwell

Connect with Jeanine at

Want to learn more about how to grow your coaching business by taking online classes?
 Get the online Coach Blueprint below for a guideline for creating your first online coaching course.