How to Increase customer life-time value using Jetpack CRM

Jul 13, 2022

The saying goes that selling is the best way to win a customer, rather than winning a customer to make the sale. One purchase isn't worth any significance in the overall scale of things. The most important thing is the customer's lifetime value (CLV). Utilizing Jetpack CRM you will have many tools available to improve the average CLV for your clients.

Remember, it's also much easier to sell to existing customers rather than finding new ones. Customers you have already established already know you, and if they're pleased with the last experience, they'll be willing to consider future deals and more likely to return provided that you do the work of engaging with them in a manner that is beneficial and respects them.

A CRM that is reliable, and one that seamlessly integrates into the existing processes, makes this possible.

Find out: What is a CRM?

Jetpack CRM is an ideal choice since it was created specifically for WordPress and has stores at the top of mind. In fact, it's run by the same business who own .

This article can assist you to make a simple plan for increasing your customer lifetime value by using Jetpack CRM.

What is the lifetime value of customers and what's the significance of it?

Which would you rather achieve for your business:

Make one sale for $150 but never see that customer again. Or you can make a sale of $30 with ten additional sales to the same person over the next two years which adds up to $30?

It's obvious that you take the $330.

However, many eCommerce businesses spend the majority of their efforts to win new customers, and neglect their existing ones. They fail to gather and track the information of the new customers and lose the opportunity to gain repeat customers from them.

Knowing and understanding your customer's lifetime value provides an opportunity to increase stability and profits for your business. This also allows you to determine how much you should spend on marketing.

In the example above, if the value of your lifetime customer is $600, then you could justify investing $100 in marketing to acquire a new customer.

But if you don't know the value of your CLV, it's difficult to judge if you're using the budget for marketing wisely.

How do you figure out the average lifetime value of your customers? Jetpack CRM makes that possible by allowing you to keep track of each client's expenditure over their lifetime on your store's website, and also displays all your customers' information in one place.

Understand and respond to customer behaviour

With Jetpack CRM, you can track all customer transactions.

The Activity Log feature helps keep records of the most important details about every customer, like invoices, quotes, updates to their status and so on. Now, with its free integration with, you can keep tabs on all of this via your dashboard.

If you understand what your customers ' habits are, you can create smarter, more personalized, more effective marketing campaigns and communicate to generate higher levels of interaction.

Perhaps your team of service professionals could find a way to compensate a disappointed customer who has a experience with your business. Although it may need more work and money than normal, saving an existing relationship which has proved to be beneficial is well worth the effort.

There are no limits to what you can do! But the point is that Jetpack CRM has this kind of data available and it is in your reach so that you can take better choices based on customer behavior. This will result in an increase in revenue and life-time value for your customers.

Create customer segments to focus on when you market

There are all kinds of customer segments you could create using Jetpack CRM. For example, you could classify customers with at least one of the following attributes:

  • Purchased during the last three months
  • Haven't made a purchase in the last six months
  • Purchased a specific item
  • Converted from emails
  • lives within a zip code or states
  • More than $150 spent for at the very most one purchase
  • Use coupon codes

There's no end to this. Can you improve the lifetime value of your customers by taking a segment of all the clients who have used at least one coupon code? It is possible to send customers a coupon-based discount, while emailing a different marketing message to everyone else that aren't more motivated by prices. It allows you to communicate with individuals in a manner that is motivating specifically to them rather than discounting your products for everyone.

creating a segment in Jetpack CRM

What can you make of a group of customers who haven't purchased within the past six months? You could create an appeal to return customers and provide them some extra incentives to make them return. Based on the performance of the campaign, you'll be able to get an understanding of what works to draw new customers back and boost their lifetime value.

An organization that sells sporting goods could ensure that email engagement is up and the number of unsubscribers down through sending out more pertinent emails. As an example in lieu of making announcements about their brand new baseball equipment to everybody, they could just mail the announcement out to those who've purchased baseball equipment in the past. This doesn't mean other customers are left out -- you can design an email that is based solely on their previous purchases, as well!

This and more is achievable using a powerful CRM such as Jetpack which is integrated with .

Increase revenue through automated marketing via email and automatization

A different way to boost customers' lifetime value is to use the use of email. This has been discussed somewhat, but think about the following email revenue and ROI figures:

  • The average customer spends 138% more when email marketing is included in the channels companies employ to connect with customers.
  • The ROI of email was determined to be 4 times greater than direct mail.
  • Open rates for emails about cart abandonment can be as high as 40%..
  • Personalization of emails generates more than six times the revenue as generic emails.

There's a lot more -- but that gives you a good sense of just how efficient and effective email marketing and email automation is.

creating an email in Jetpack CRM

Utilize these methods in conjunction with the information about your customers obtained from Jetpack CRM to boost customer lifetime value. You can more effectively engage both your current and prospective customers with:

  • Cart emails that have been abandoned
  • Welcome emails
  • Segmented email campaigns
  • Automated re-engagement campaigns
  • Personalized email communications
  • Automated post-purchase emails, like review requests
  • Automated nurturing campaigns

It's clear that most email communications can be automatized. This can be a double benefit for you, because you'll increase your customers' life-time value, without having to constantly put in work.

Not everything needs to be automated. The segmented marketing campaigns you run like this one, take into account your data about customers. They could also depend on the current events in the world, in a particular city, state or nation, for instance, a new product launch, holidays as well as many other factors.

When you use Jetpack CRM, you'll be able to access all the information about your customers that you require in order to use email to the fullest extent. Additionally, your average lifetime value will increase.

Reducing friction and increasing collaboration between sales and marketing

If you missed it earlier -- Jetpack CRM is now integrated directly with your dashboard at free. It's completely absolutely free!

So the marketing and sales personnel can now have access to the same information. So whether you're creating marketing campaigns or your sales representatives are communicating with specific clients all of them can view details about customer transactions, their contacts, previous communications, and additional data.

creating a quote with Jetpack CRM

It will be possible to issue invoices and quote, see each customer's accounts on social networks, label them based on sales calls, and much more. See more features of Jetpack CRM.

All of this helps your marketing and sales teams to work more efficiently. If the sales team is tasked with reaching out to a particular group, say then the marketing department has the right information to create effective messaging and materials for the sales staff to make use of.

This integration ensures that everyone is on the identical team. Your internal systems will run better, while your customers will receive the most personalized, relevant, and relevant marketing and communications.

It results in happy clients who stick around longer and purchase more.

Install and configure Jetpack CRM today for no cost begin making use of data and collecting it to increase your lifetime customer value.