How to Hire a Videographer for Online Courses?

Nov 10, 2022

Figuring out how to hire an experienced videographer may be difficult. Lately we've been working with several specialists who run live workshops or seminars and would like to move these materials to online courses. Part of this process is creating the content that people. The final course could comprise surveys, quizzes, downloads, games, case studies or other interactive elements they are usually the most important aspect of information distribution. It is the equivalent to a lecture. It is usually in the form of a video. There are many methods to make this portion of the curriculum, including:

  • Voice overs can be added into powerpoint and publishing it as videos
  • Pre-recorded content, for example webcasts already in use
  • Filming live workshops
  • shooting at professional studios
  • using your webcam and USB Microphone
  • Home studio equipped with a camcorder and microphone
  • OR employing an experienced videographer to create your online courses.

In this post I'll take an in-depth look at one of these possibilities. Hire a videographer. The following are the options we'll consider.

Find videographers in your area to assist with the production of online courses

A great place to find the best videography services to find them is Craigslist. I've discovered some outstanding videographers there. While searching on Craigslist - select the "all options" and type in "videographer". (Click below to enlarge and see how this works) It is likely that you will find many videographers available for hire.

Craigslist isn't your only choice. You can also use for videographer organizations or local clubs for videographers However, Craigslist can be a great choice.

Another one I discovered recently and have yet to explore one of them is the videopixie application. It allows you to submit videos and have videographers bid for the job and you choose. It appears that this may be a more cost effective route too.

You've now found them. Most likely, there are too many. So how to w choose one?

When choosing the best videographer? The most important things to look for

Not all videographers are great in creating online course. You should seek out an experienced videographer who's done the type of job you're looking for. Here's a few steps to help you find a great videographer for the online courses you offer:

  1. Get a copy of the footage they have shot - specifically footage of someone talking right to camera as that's likely exactly what you'll do.
  2. Ask for some footage that has voice-overs but silence for background music e.g. music. Music is a way to disguise poor audio quality. You don't wish to have your music playing in the educational video. It decreases engagement and retention among learners.
  3. Watch the footage
  4. Find good lighting for the subject, no significant shadows in the face, or blurriness. Watch the example video below for good lighting and sound.
  5. You can listen to the sound with the volume up loud. The volume can help you pick out hum or hiss on the microphone, or background sounds.
  6. Ask your videographer if they will be using the same equipment (camera or microphone) on your shoot as they used in the previous video sample.
  7. Quality overall - If you're satisfied with the samples, it's most likely a positive sign you're safe to continue.
  8. Verify that they supply the equipment they own - microphone(s), camera(s) and lighting. Also, background lights when needed.
  9. It is also helpful if they have a teleprompter so it is possible to refer back to your slides

  Watch the demo video in the video below.

Cost estimates

Price ranges considerably. I've seen videographers work for 15 to $20 an hour, while others charge thousands daily. The typical price is $200 to $500 for a half-day and $500 to $1,000 for a complete day of shooting. You should be able to provide all necessary equipment (microphone camera, lights, and lenses).

After that, you can edit the footage. If you're trying to release the raw footage, you'll usually get these files for zero cost over the shooting fees. If you'd prefer editing and animations included, prices could range from $300 up to $1500 plus per minute of the final video. It is a per-hour rate of video that is finished. The key determinant of price for this is the amount of animated you want to add to the video. Simple transitions, green screen and adding simple backgrounds ought to be at the lower cost side. Adding some images that are timed or text that match your speaking brings the rates up to the $500-$1000 per hour of final production. Also motion graphics that are truly animation - will raise the price considerably and that this point you're usually viewing hundreds of minutes of animation.

In most online courses, I'd like to suggest basic transitions. the lower third that shows your name as well as the name of the course, several section titles animated as text, a few images where necessary and some test areas for students to follow. There shouldn't be too much text, but it's only a few sentences at a time. More and more people are lost and learn less. There is one caveat to this is when you require people to understand something, simply stop the video or audio and just show the text. It is better to add it as a text item only in your online course and keep it separate with the videos. Then you can refer to it within the video.

What kind of services can you expect videographers to provide for you.

Videographers often shoot and edit your courses. The best thing to do is discuss your demands and expectations in advance as well as the costs. Ideally, you will receive a flat rate for the entire process right until the delivery of the completed production. A few things you should look for in a videographer:

  • Prepare yourself for your shoot with some information about the clothes you should wear and how the shoot is going to go to ensure that you don't get caught up in the chaos as they show up
  • They will provide their own equipment, microphone(s), camera(s), lighting, backgrounds / green screens if needed
  • teleprompters and green screens are NOT something you should expect unless you have talked about it ahead of time
  • recording and provide some helpful tips and advice while you record
  • post production editing - depending the arrangement, you may employ them to film only or for filming as well as post production editing
  • If they make edits, then delivering a draft video with a few edits possible in accordance with your suggestions, and finally, a finalized product you are able to upload to your course player