How to create great email copy, and remain true to yourself

Jun 23, 2023

You don't need to be an email copywriter to make amazing newsletters. Here's how to create fantastic text without appearing to be someone else.

You know you need to write a newsletter but writing the copy can be a little difficult.

What can you do to grab your reader's attention? How do you inspire them to open your emails every time?

The good news is that you don't need to be a writer to create content that is sure to impress your audience.

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Create your email to achieve the same goal

For a start on a journey, you must have a destination. The same is true for each newsletter you write.

You can ask yourself "What's the result of the email?" and work your towards the back. You could, for instance, want them to click and read your latest blog, or to purchase something.

After you've determined your endpoint determine ways to make the travel as effortless as you can for the reader.

For example, Brooks wanted its customers to sign up for their shoe search tool online.

They started their email with an interesting photo of a pair of shoes. The image is followed by a graphic that reads "Let us match you up". The text below will continue to encourage the reader towards the goal with a friendly informal style.

Then they switch to a different color in the next section to draw the eye to it. If the recipient was looking through the emails, that's where they're likely to land. That's where they present the call to action (CTA).

Placing your CTA farther down the text improves conversions by up to 304 percent as compared to placing it on top. It is even better to make it stand out as Brooks does, with a bold button.

Draw even more focus on your CTA By adhering to the Moment 's approach. In order to promote their collection of tips for photography and tricks, they have created a special newsletter.

Each one of the tips is given its box, including some tips, as well as two images to demonstrate the point. The click of a button will take the user to the specific suggestion, however, you're urged to remain inside the email and read each of the five suggestions.

Then, you can click through to see all blog entries.

The benefit of this method is the way it will guide users through the various blogs, offering value in each summary. By the time you get to the CTA You're prepared and eager to find out more.

As with Moment like Moment, you have the ability to provide many opportunities for readers to take action. Also, they utilize the lower portion of their newsletters to advertise other offers, such as this excursion to Iceland.

The reason for this is that the principal CTA and the purpose behind the email are well known. The newsletter doesn't create distraction. However, this doesn't mean that you should try and stuff every single deal you've got within each email.

If you're looking to design your journey through email then download the outline format template . The template can be edited by hand in your own Canva .

After you've discovered a successful email structure and chosen the CTAs then the toughest task is over. You'll need to create great email content to go along with it.

It's easy to think that good writing requires a lot of cleverness and fancy, however it's much better to be acknowledged. And who understands you better than a close friend?

Send your message to the reader as if they were a acquaintance

If you've ever read any newsletter advice, then chances are you've come upon this article: "personalize your emails".

Personalizing your emails can be a good idea, however not as you think. Don't bother adding the recipient's first name. It is a possibility to be a disaster  as it does not give your emails a personal touch.

What personalizes your email is the copy. The best email copy will feel as if that it was composed specifically for the recipient by a person you've known. It speaks to your desires, desires, or the sense of humor.

Below is an excerpt from a recent email by Ann that shows how friendly and intimate her writing style is.

Notice the familiar opening "Hi, Sweet Cheeks" and also how she quickly involves her reader by introducing "You may recognize him by".

As Ann like Ann, you can work your way to your reader's hearts by writing to them like they were close friend.

Use second-person pronouns ("you/your") as well as the active voice as much as possible.


As an alternative to " Our cake recipes are loved by our members," say, "You love our cakes recipe".

Instead of "Readers are known to struggle with semicolons," say, "I am sure you don't like semicolons".

The new versions are more direct and grab your reader's attention. Make use of this method to make readers be interested in the content you're putting out.

If you're in need of some writing inspiration, here is a selection of email templates that are free:

Segment your email list

To write to your subscriber like a person you know, it is necessary to be familiar with them.

This is where segmentation plays a role.

Segmentation is the process of separating your mailing list into different demographic groups. It allows you to send promotions that are better suited to each segment.

For example, you could include a section for new customers, and then use it to send them emails that get them up to level with your activities.

Segmenting is incredibly powerful. 82% of marketers have a better opening rate when they use segmented campaigns compared to non-segmented campaigns.

Segmentation does come with some warnings.

You might, for instance, think that segmenting your lists by gender or age is smart. But it doesn't tell you something about an individual's interests or concerns.

Instead, it's better to divide the data through pain points and previous behavior instead of based on demographics.

In the case of, say, if you sell painting courses and classes for children, segregating your students according to gender won't help sell your classes. Knowing what classes they've signed up for previously (watercolor for beginner, portraits with acrylic paint, etc.) gives you much more helpful info.

If you didn't segment your target audience in any way while making your email list Do not be concerned.

Below are two straightforward segmentation methods that you can use at any point in your email list. You can segment your customers based on the previous purchases they made or their behavior.

Imagine, for instance, that you could offer a free "social media 101 checklist" along with the "advanced blogger automation" course. Based on their purchases the audience will have varying ability levels.

In that case, it'd be beneficial to send diverse newsletters. As an example, one would include the more basic resources.

Subscriber behavior is a segment based on your subscriber's actions. It is possible to send an email to subscribers who've dropped items during checkout, for them to be reengaged or new subscribers to welcome them.

In this case, Birdie sends this follow-up to new subscribers. She introduces herself and her business, so that they are able to feel welcome in her home.

Similar to Birdie Like Birdie, you can give some details about your own business and yourself. Your new email subscribers feel welcomed and curious.

A third strategy for marketing which is to inquire of your audience which segment they are in. Here's the method Vassilena Valchanova does it.

This email helps her segment her audience based on their job titles (freelancers or in-house marketers etc.) and their interests.

When they've completed the quick survey, Vassilena ensures they only receive what they want in their inbox. The result is win-win for both the subscribers and the creators of newsletters.

The gist of it:

Make your email personal in the message and send it to the recipient as if you have a connection with them. Be sure to break up your email list, if it can help you be more precise with the content of your emails.

Make sure you grab the attention of your readers before they click on your email

Making your email content more appealing is just a small part of the equation. In order to take your newsletter to the next level, you must improve the content that surrounds it: your subject line, preview text and email's sender's name.

They may seem insignificant to your email, but they all play a significant part as to whether someone opens it or not. 47percent of recipients are open to emails on the basis of their subject lines alone. Meanwhile, 42% of users verify the name of the sender before they open them.

One of the biggest email copywriting tips I can offer is to do nottreat these emails as if they were an afterthought.

Select the name of your recipient

The name of the sender is your display name. As an example, below are the names of a few people within my email inbox, along with their subject lines.

There's plenty of variety, from business names (Netflix, EFS, BrowserStack) Personal name (Allison Ashleigh and Allison Ashleigh), and an in-between alternative (Will be at Mailjet). These represent the three most popular names used by senders.

Which is the best option for your personal needs and small business?

There are a few tests your sender's name needs to pass in order to stay out of the junk mail folder.

It is essential that it:

Look real. Do not use email addresses to display a name.

Be recognizableby readers. The name of a person is usually appropriate only if it's part of your brand or accompanied by the brand name (e.g., Will at Mailjet).

Be short,or it may be removed. Like, for example, my Gmail mailbox cuts off names after about 20 characters.

The smallest but the most powerful, your Name is what people see in their inbox. Here's the second.

Create a topic line

Here are some examples ideas to get you inspired:

Answer you a question, e.g., "Wouldn't you like to have in a 3-day work week?"

Make people feel a sense urgency,e.g., "Spring discount will end at midnight tonight".

Send an "how to",e.g., "How you can trim the claws of your cat without having to lose the use of an arm".

Use a stats or a numbere.g., "57% of sailors prefer oranges than bacon".

Showcase a list,e.g., "17 ways to make an easy table with no the use of tools".

Be clear about what's inside,e.g., "[PodcastMeet our Founder".

Are you unsure of which option to choose? When in doubt, it's best to be clear than clever.

The readers of your blog need to be able to see quickly the benefits for them. I guarantee it. No one will complain that your subject line isn't straightforward to grasp.

There is the option of combining the formulas above. This subject line from Jimmy Daly's Superpath newsletter is an outstanding example of being transparent and employing an "how to" method. Before opening it you know exactly what it is and how useful it'll be to you.

Subject line alone is just half the story; it needs to work together with the preview text for it to stand out. Preview text sometimes known as a pre-header is the text that appears after the subject line on your inbox.

Check out this subject line and preview texts from The Newsette . The subject line itself is captivating, but the preview text is what makes it stand out with its humorous tone.

You want to click to find out if the ketchup-based masks are a joke or they are not. (Spoiler: they are).

There is no reason not to create intriguing subject lines like that of the newspaper. Make sure that your information is consistent, otherwise you may trigger a wave of unsubscribes.

Subject lines needn't be elaborate or witty for them to be effective. Just keep your target audience's thoughts in the mind of your audience.

You've worked out what your email will look like and even written the copy. The display names, the preview text as well as subject lines provide your final chance to convince your readers to open the email.

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Nail your email copywriting strategy

It doesn't matter if you're a professional writer or know everything about content marketing in order to write newsletters that your readers will appreciate.

Here are the steps to follow in creating your new email:

Then, you must establish your idea of creating the outline of your email.

Next, decide what the journey of your reader is going to be. That includes deciding on your main step.

Make your email more personal by talking to your reader directly and dividing your list in order so that it reflects their preferences.

Make sure that the name of the sender is easily recognized, for example your company's name.

Write a strong subject line as well as a preview to encourage your readers to open your newsletter.

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