How to build a just-in-time training guide

Nov 14, 2023

Companies that invest in employee education and enablement see profits to the tune to $1 billion -- becoming magnets for not only attracting high-quality talent, but also for retaining the best talent. If you're failing to reap the same benefits for your employees The reason could be your outdated, universal training plan you've put implemented.

Employees are on board. A recent survey found:

  • 50percent of unsatisfied employees say their learning is irrelevant to them
  • 37% would also like to have had more control over what they learnt
  • And, 28% wish the content was broken into smaller sessions
  • Learn what they need
  • They will need it when they do.
  • Anywhere they'd like to (desktop or on mobile)

The idea that putting together videos only adds more work to time-starved management's plate.

In this article

  1.    Make learning more accessible with shorter, targeted videos
  2.    Helps video production be simpler for video professionals and beginners alike
  3.    Put learners in the driving seat
  4.    Drive better engagement with live training sessions
  5.    Reinforce training with an accessible and organized collection of information
  6.    Surface information to comprehend the impact of training content

Facilitate learning in a more democratic way with smaller, more targeted videos

Traditional L&D initiatives focus on pulling employees from their day-to-day to attend (yet) an additional live session of training that HR believes is appropriate for them.

The issue is that workers tend to forget 50-80 percent of what they have learned in two days. By day 30, they can only remember 2 to 3 percent -- simply because they aren't able to reinforce the learning process or get the opportunity to use what they've learned immediately.

In contrast, bite-sized, video-based training for specific roles has higher retention levels..

Employees can quickly search their organization's knowledge library to find relevant topics, content, and training that can be immediately applied to their day-to-day job.

The learners are in control of their own learning. In turn, making a just-in-time learning program super impactful, thanks to its tempo, relevancy as well as its digestibility.

As short as they are, training videos are easy to watch, they're also simple and logical to produce too.

  • They don't require a padded budget or an outside team for production
  • The employees can create the documents for peers to use, which makes company-wide knowledge sharing an easy process

Managers as well as trainers and employees are able to create scripts using AI, capture their face or screen using Teleprompters to start the ball of video production in motion without needing an expensive recording studio, or acquiring advanced editing techniques first.

In the following section we'll walk you through creating department- or role-specific, easily accessible training videos.

Make video creation easier for beginners and video pros alike.

Image of the  AI script generator prompt and record feature

Like artists rely on their imagination to create stunning works of art, the quality of your learning software depends on the ease with which you can make videos.

Start by following the five steps of video creation and production workflow to create more relevant training content:

1. Plan

This phase is where you decide which training content you will need to create and the people who will take part in its creation. The process of planning the video-based training program you create includes:

 Identify employee knowledge gaps

Check the training program's information to identify knowledge gaps or in particular, what details and information that organizations require employees to have the knowledge to complete their work. Utilize all of the information as well as manager and employee feedback to create an approved by stakeholder groups that will give you a list of topics that you need to address.

In addition, you may survey your employees about topics that matter to them.

 Find out who the most effective person is to create videos

Because just-in-time training focuses on equipping employees using role-specific instructional videos, it is necessary for production to be divided between the department head and the employees.

In the case of example, if an executive in the sales department discovers an agent's framework for cold outreach has been driving excellent results, they could encourage that sales rep to impart their expertise with teammates through a recorded video.

To cover each topic in the video you'd like to discuss You'll need to create a list or spreadsheet with columns to identify the production owner (the person creating and editing the video) along with the video reviewer or stakeholder.

2. Script

Actually, video scripting is a time saver. If you don't, you'll find yourself:

  • Doing multiple takes to get your messaging right
  • Veering off topic, making the video lengthy and boring to the intended viewers.

All you have to do is to:

  • Input a suggestion, rough notes or an outline of bullet points into AI script generator. AI script generator
  • Select the script length and the tone (funny formal, informal and so on.)
  • Hit the Generate button,review your script to make any necessary adjustments, and then you're done

3. Record

Next, pick from these three ways to make a video:

  • Record your talking head using your desktop camera
  • Make sure to record your screen using your voice.
  • Make sure to record both your screen as well as your talking head

These videos are simple to produce, and they don't require a lot of effort in production.

4. Review

After you've finished recording, allow comments in your video. You can then share it with your team members for approval.

Reviewers will have the ability to add comments under the player, type in feedback on specific dates, or even record a video response by pressing the record icon.

5. Edit

With feedback in, make sure you are making your information engaging and easily accessible. We'll break it down into steps:

 Get rid of repeated lines, filler terms or long intersperses

Make use of the text-based editing option inside your video editor. It will eliminate word gaps without sound, filler words, or footage that has no spoken words directly from the transcript of your audio.

AI transcript editing with  One Take Video UI

 Include captions in your video to help make it more accessible

 Convert long-running videos into short chapters

Recorded a long video? You can always slice it into shorter videos.
In the event that your video is covering a variety of aspects of the subject, you can add chapters to it and let employees jump between relevant sections. You can do this by selecting the Interactivity option on your video's page. Then, click chaptersand adding chapters.

After that, you'll need to type the title of the chapter and edit the timestamp beside it to specify where it should play in your video. Choose Add chapters to add more chapters and hit Save once you've completed making edits.

 Add a video thumbnail

 Change the appearance of the video player

Add a dash of branding by changing the color of the player's screen to match your company's colors.

It's as easy as selecting the Player icon from the right hand section in the video settings page. Include your color's Hex color code, and you'll have a customized player.

Learners should be into the driver's seat

The learning process of a student is never linear. Learners learn about what they would like and when they need to.

Your job is to empower employees by providing them with the education tools they'll require on the subject they're interested in.

Unlike linear videos that people watch for their entirety, interactive videos are non-linear and interactive.

Viewers are able to jump between different chapters that you design in accordance with what they wish to know. Users can use elements like overlays and hotspots for access to additional details, training resources linked to, checklists, and PDFs.

For example, you create a parent, interactive video that focuses on multithreading in salesbreaking it up into distinct chapters, such as single-threading. multithreading, ways to multithread using LinkedIn advertisements, benefits of multithreading, etc.

A user can choose to watch whichever part they're interested in learning about first (instead of watching the whole video). They can also easily use multithreading templates that you hyperlink to from the video and practically apply what they learn.

To get started with video-based interactives, you may select:

  • Divide a lengthy video, and include chapters, interactive elements and even interactive sections
  • Compile shorter videos on the same topic to create a longer video, and then create a "build you own learning journey' video
  • Hotspots that are interactive which are clickable points in your video linking to related content such as an additional video or PDF.
  • Branchingto create 'build you personal learning journey' training videos. The idea is to allow viewers to choose different routes through your content according to what they pick from the interactive options you give them.
  • time triggersor instances that happen at a specific time in your video, with no viewer needing to click on anything. You can, for instance, create timing triggers to polls and feedback forms inside your videos for training.

Increase engagement through live training sessions

image of a live webinar training for an internal team

The addition of live instruction to your just-in-time program is yet an additional way of improving employees' learning experience. It's no wonder that eighty percent of organizations use virtual classrooms for their employees to learn.

Be aware that single-channel broadcasting isn't very efficient to keep employees' attention.

In order to maximize the value that you offer through live workshops, ensure that participants are involved through the entire session by using features like:

  • Surveys
  • Live chat
  • Q&A-style sessions

These create an interactive learning environment to engage employees as well as giving them the opportunity to source feedback.

You can also ask employees to share their successful tactics in a recorded video.

According to Axalta's Virtual Training manager, Steve Hamaday, " allows us to easily produce excellent live streams we can then share."

For Axalta, this has also made it possible to retain its accuracy in training, despite being hosted virtually.

"If our instructor were demonstrating the usage of spray guns -- it requires a certain level of precision of wrist rolling in a normal webinar platform, we'd experience frame skipping" Steve explains.

"We observed that not being able to capture these tiny frames was a huge deal for our painters, as they could be missing important learning points. The result is a much higher quality video with a platform similar to conventional videoconferencing software."

As you gear up to hold live trainings make sure you dedicate time to planning your:

  • The curriculum's live content and the schedule
  • Trainers (including any videos of employees that have been recorded)
  • Engagement plan (what will be the polls that you'll hold, when you'll take questions, etc.)
  • On-demand, post event methods to reuse the content into shorter videos

When you host training sessions with  the tool, you are able to do just half the work prior to your live stream by loading and organizing the content using the web-based application.

For instance, from the preview player (shown below) In the preview player, you are able to:

Screenshot of 's browser based production UI

Choose a layout to your event from the collection of 18 options available in the preview player.

UI of  layouts on Events tool

Create scenes, or the content that will be shown (slides and Q&A graphics, etc.) in the course of the virtual training:

Snapshot of  scenes for webinars

For more details, check out the steps to you can build your event scenes to.

Reward training by providing an organized and accessible library of content

Snapshot of  Enterprise library folders for training content

With Video Library, organize videos into workspaces by topics, teams, or departments. You can also further organize workspaces by creating subfolders and folders so that you've targeted content for different skills and functions.

As Axalta's Virtual Training Manager, Steve Hamaday notes, "Organizing our videos for training according to topics or teamswhich are searchable quickly and displayed on an amazing branded website can help us to the time to complete and also connect with teams at scale."

There are four ways that a video library supports teams:

  •   Hosting training materials in a secure place  

gives you built-in security features such as SSO as well as user provisioning (SCIM) as well as administrative controls for workspaces and folders. It also allows you to control access when needed, such as providing learners with only view access by way of example.

  •   Your content should be accessible to employees  

When you upload videos into a library of videos, we automatically translate them into English so that employees can quickly search for the information they're seeking with the help of keywords

Indeed, students can view training content from both their desktop and mobile. In this way, you allow them the freedom to learn from anywhere -- even while traveling. Are you worried that they may have questions? Instruct staff members to make comments to the videos, asking the viewers questions.

  •   Simplify reviewing videos  

People who have 'contributor' access to your gallery for training can add videos to their personal space in the group account, or edit and move them to shared folders for the team. They can also add comments that are timestamped to the videos in order to share their feedback on videos uploaded by team members.

  •   It is easy to keep all content up to date  

The administrators of the Video Library can delete outdated videos to ensure that employees do not refer to the content that is no longer relevant.

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Data from the surface to assess the effects of training content

Ui of  user level analytics dashboard

The last but certainly not least, take steps to make your training programs more efficient through obtaining feedback from your employees.

Videos and polls are two options for doing so.

Another way is to review your analytics on video to get an understanding of what content is popular with viewers. gives you user-level analytics that display views and the average view time.

You can further review these metrics at video- or user levels to look at:

  • Which individual logged-in users watched a video
  • What kind of videos is a viewer is viewing?

If you have enough information You can identify trends around what types of content is engaging your employees most.

Develop a top-of-the-line employee training program today

Be aware that creating learning tools that resonate with your employees does not have to be difficult.

Be sure to collect comments from people who'll make use of your information throughout your just in time course of instruction.

With the correct One-stop solution video production will be simple because it provides you the tools you require to edit, create and edit videos from one, safe place.