How do you go from 0 to 1000 students taking online courses with no advertising budget

Sep 12, 2024

It's all good. You've got an unfinished room and you've prepared your lesson plans, and you're enthusiastic and enthralled about everything. It's possible that you're done designing the syllabus. There's one issue. How do you communicate information to prospective students? What's the best method to get it noticed for your target audience? What websites are you required to utilize to share your data?

The good news is that it is a easily resolved issue. Numerous authors have created online courses for any kind of content. This course will teach you the best methods which you'll need to follow in order to complete the course with no learners to 1,000. The course is free of advertising.

In the beginning I'll discuss the most common error instructors commit when they attempt to design their own course. This is because of the fact that they use the"build-first" approach, as opposed to an approach which is built on the students. The reason the "build-first" strategy isn't always the most effective is because it assumes that everything is correct, which could cause students to take on different risks within the course. It is, in particular, concerning the composition of the course as well as what the overall structure is.

Here are four key elements of this tutorial that will assure consistent, steady traffic in accordance with your directions:

  1. How do you determine where Your Perfect Customers hangout
  2. It is possible to learn how to read the minds of your audience members' minds
  3. How do you build respect and Reputation in your Audience
  4. How can you present your course to an Audience that's Ready to pay for your product

Where can you find the locations that your ideal target audience is hanging out

If you're a client consulting of mine. Would you like to advertise the course I offer on Marketing Analytics.

The first thing I'll tell you is that you'll have to make the right inquiry and start by asking "who do you want to serve" instead of "what you'd prefer to serve". In the Marketing Analytics case, you will then have to decide what of the following groups you would prefer to connect with Marketing Managers CMOs, Marketing newbies or entrepreneurs?

You've chosen to focus on entrepreneurs.

If so, the next step would be to determine "where the public is". A method to be accomplished is to seek out "online lounges". Online lounges are places online that permit users to discuss subjects that are relevant to their area of interest. They could be forums as well as blogs, mailing lists or even blogs. What I have done is to follow these steps:

  1. Begin by using the Google or Bing search engine (eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo!)
  2. Search for a query with any of the following combinations:

Forum - Profession + forum

* Topic + Profession mailing list

Profession + subject + blog

Professionals and those within the field

* Profession + subject plus link-sharing websites (Eg. Reddit, stumbleupon)

- Example: Entrepreneur + Marketing + forum

In that moment, I'm able browse through 10+ websites to focus on:

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The future is still to be determined. Once you've decided to join one of the forums, and you've made the decision to research it more, then make an additional search for your preferred topic. In this example, we search for discussions revolving around marketing within What you should be looking for is an signs of difficulty or discomfort within the post itself. Begin with the initial question that was a simple "marketing" in the subreddit. It's futile.

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What can we do to enhance our capacity to look for pain? It is possible to add "pain indicators" for example "help" in addition to "advice necessary". Take a look at the data. We can see that, on just the very first page, there are a lot of threads that may prove useful.

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If you've found particular forums that display expressions of hurt and fear, then you'll know you're part of the correct online community. It's a great way to share messages to those who will follow. If you begin to conduct further research, you'll find that some forums work to tackle specific issues while others don't. This will help you focus your marketing efforts on regions that your customers are. This is crucial to ensure the efficacy of your campaign.

From the above 15 minute exercise, we just got evidence that is a great place to promote our marketing course.

Find other forums! It is my opinion that you have at least 10 lounges on the internet. Blogs can also be useful (especially thanks to its highly lively discussion forums).

What is the most effective method for studying your Readers' Minds

Now you're faced with an extensive list of threads that show clearly the extent of your problems. Let us take a look to really identify who are the target audience for your business.

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When you have enough information and begin to notice patterns within your customer base. is. After you've identified the pattern, you'll start to develop an understanding of how your target audience thinks about marketing and how they view it overall.

From the above information it is possible to discern the beginnings of a pattern (we'll need to wait more than 10 years before we'll be able to comprehend them fully) Entrepreneurs really require three elements which include: an effective digital marketing plan that doesn't need a large investment of money as well as tips for urban and local marketing, and the best way to present yourself as attractive to high-quality customers.

In the previous example, the goal was to develop an application built in Marketing Analytics. However, it turned out that the application was too advanced (at at a minimum) in it to be employed for use in Reddit Lounge online). Reddit Lounge online). It is best to choose a plan that focuses on low-budget and highly efficient marketing, as well as local and regional marketing in addition to searching for and then closing customers with high value.

The system I must use to collect these sample of pain will begin by looking at the following aspects:

  1. What are the possibilities with Facebook Interest Targeting to identify the most attractive clients at just a few cents a click
  2. How to Create the Referral Machine by using these Pitch Scripts for your next Local Chamber of Commerce Event
  3. What are the needs that only clients with high-value needs have?

Course Title: "How to Get High-Value Customers by utilizing hyper-targeted, hyperlocal and hyper-local marketing"

If you'd like to drop that class in the Reddit region, I'm sure you'll get the attention of many others. Are you aware of what the process of marketing based on evidence can offer you?

How do you build confidence and respect in your audience

Along with determining the cause of problems but it's essential to position yourself as an authority within these online lounges.

It is crucial to give suggestions in bite-sized pieces to help solve problems. When I say bite-sized, it means something that is between 1 to 10 words, but that enough to make it practical for people to make use of.

As an example, I could reply to someone who states "haven't discovered Facebook as a useful tool" or "need an effective plan" with this example:

"I know that you have to have an efficient digital strategy due to the amount of money you're dealing with. But, I'm not happy with by your assumption that FB ads aren't efficient. I run FB advertisements frequently for my consulting company Here's the way I'd suggest you focus your efforts to ensure you get high-quality clicks at $0.40 up to $0.80 for each click.

  1. Only use the method of targeting interest. Everything else is left to defaults.
  2. When using interest-targeting ensure that you are using at minimum 10+ interest and that you do not exclude those which have a broad reach. The reason is that a large reach per interest will translate to the highest cost per click. If I was to concentrate on the advertisers that have an interest in gurus like Neil Patel', "Derek Halpern's', "Darren Rowse's", etc. I'd suggest against 'Gary Vynerchuk's' influence is far too vast!
  3. Be sure the coverage does not exceed 800,000.
  4. Take your examination! Check that the test is set at $5 per day. Never use the option to pay for the test at a later date.
  5. If you're spending more than the amount of $1 for each click then you must eliminate the ones that have the greatest impact, and you can then create additional niche areas of interest
  6. If you're seeking concepts for 'niche' topics search for influencers using Google as well as apps and tools, and use it to search for"

If you provide advice at the level of a neutral person and in a way that is practical and acted upon, you'll earn respect and credibility in your area.

     How to Advertise your Course to the public that is willing to buy the item you offer.    

"Isn't it a bit suspicious to put hyperlinks on your site? !" "What do I do if I'm banished? !"

It's likely that you've had such thoughts. They're legitimate claims. If you want to fix the problem, one thing to do is add hyperlinks in your posts and pair them with other websites that aren't associated with your website. The impression is that you are helpful instead of an ad-hoc spammer. This is a real example of how I attempted to assist people experiencing difficulties with their landing page:

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By following these four broad actions, I was able to bring my site up to receive between 4 and 5K organic visits per month. The majority of them came from direct links. Look at the following statistics from SimilarWeb. There's no single advertising budget.

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Don't give value to nothing, and you will be actionable for the world. It will be appreciated by the world. I wish you great results throughout the day!

Kenn Costales is an growth hacker, also an online course creator who is always looking for new ways to sell products online with no expense.

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