Four Ways to Increase the Growth of Your Business ... But there's A Catch!

Aug 7, 2024


To grow a business, there are only four options:





traffic:Get the most people to your website.

Conversion:Convert to more people who are in your funnel.

Pricing: Charge more.

Retention: Keep them as customers longer.

That's it.

If you're engaged in your business but there's no work on any of the four areas, no matter what you're working on, it's not growing your business.

Figure out which one of those four is broken most and spend the most time you can to that lever.

It's the way to grow.

Now ... there's an ctach.

That takes place at the scale of MATTER.

3D. 3D.

Of working in the of the matrix.

We need to consider another aspect be looking at as well.

Watch the video above to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about.
