Follow the experts from 14 of the world's most renowned digital marketers for a quick beginning.

Nov 4, 2022

Marketers today are busy making new content and using algorithms is a constant job. If you're a designer or content marketer, or generalist of marketing, your days may be packed with work and you're trying to focus and keep your mind active and healthy.

In further, because the information is often compressed into tweets that are 300 characters, a single Instagram Reel or shorter LinkedIn blog can keep you motivated for the entire through the day. (No overtime required.)

14 influential marketing personalities you should be following

In this article

  1.     Experts in marketing and video, who we are awestruck by
  2.     Professionals of Content Marketing will learn lessons
  3.     Social media experts that motivate us
  4.     Web design experts and SEO experts should keep an eye on
  5.     Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

We're amazed by the footage marketing professionals.

Danielle Diamond

Danielle Diamond is the founder of Epiq Media, a video agency that creates video content for clients including Adidas, Lyft, Calm, Bumble, TikTok, and Exit Five.

In the case of LinkedIn Danielle's mantra is "Don't be an advert. Create yourself into a television celebrity" and she instructs the members on how to accomplish this. Her advertisements are captivating, (short) video marketing directions, and the outcomes of her strategies for marketing are creative and effective.

Here's a glimpse of her work in the creative realm to create Exit Five:

Kim Gehrig

Here's a campaign that she designed to help promote Apple:

Kevin Anson

Kevin Anson is an expert in the field of video marketing, working with clients such as ClickFunnels, IBM, and Mercedes Benz. Based on Kevin Kevin his website, the company has produced more than 10,000 video adverts as well as videos in the last sixteen years. Kevin has decided to share his experience by sharing it to others through his popular YouTube channel.

A majority of his YouTube channels are less than 10 minutes in length. The videos are focused on practical and useful tips including making app videos available through the App Store as well as ways to upload YouTube videos that are uploaded App Store. It also explains the best way to increase the audio quality, as well as how to add subtitles in YouTube videos.

Kevin's videos are available on YouTube and Instagram..

Content marketing professionals can get their inspiration from

Ross Simmonds

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer in the Foundation Foundation the agency that specializes on Content Marketing, Ross Simmonds is an expert on all matters related to the field of content marketing, as well as expanding. Simmonds is well-known in the world of content marketing and excels at connecting with fellow marketers and is also a prolific creator of Twitter threads which are packed with practical advice.

It's not wise to think that everyone would have the time to read your blog as they browse the internet when you first put it online.

Reshare. Retweet. Repost.

Get started with one idea. It will be a constant source of inspiration for the rest of your existence.

Watch this:

--Ross Simmonds Ross Simmonds (@TheCoolestCool) 1 October 2022

Ross's social media success can also be a MasterClass regarding content that is able to be repurposed. Ross isn't content to post tweets with more than 60,000 fans . Ross is also a source of helpful business strategies via YouTube, Instagram, YouTube, as well as LinkedIn.

Amanda Natividad

Amanda Natividad is the vice-president of Marketing at SparkToro which is a business which conducts studies on audience. Through Twitter she frequently gives suggestions to content marketers for her 116,000 followers on Twitter who follow her, as well as her weekly Newsletter The Menu is a discussion of her ideas regarding marketing. She also talks to marketers, entrepreneurs, and creators of content through The Menu YouTube channel YouTube The Menu Show. Menu The Menu Show.

Traditional methods to market is about making a point and getting buyers to click.

Innovative ways to market your business Offering free content -- insights and templates, tools. You can be sure that your potential customers will likely to make an purchase.

It is also known as the creation of Zero-Click Content.

If you fail to follow the guidelines, you'll wind into a mess.

-- Amanda Natividad (@amandanat) September 19 2022

Kaleigh Moore

Kaleigh Moore is a freelance writer who works on a contract basis. She is also marketer, and founder of Content Remix, an online platform that allows repurposing audio and podcasts, as well as another media company. In both Twitter as well as LinkedIn she provides helpful advice on how to enhance the quality of your writing and how to reuse all forms of media. This includes written content as well as audio, spoken or written content to get the biggest impression.

Be aware that the internet isn't quite as recent and the type of content we're adding to it today with regards to content is going to determine what the website will appear like in the next few years.

Internet writers, creators, and artists have shaped the internet environment in ways that we're not aware of.

Media is the term that is used to describe the contents.

--- Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) December 12 , 2022, 12 December

Social marketing experts working in the field of media who are a source of inspiration

Lauren Thomas

Lauren Thomas has quite a dazzling resume of jobs posted on LinkedIn The resume includes in the past, she worked together with AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company and Macy's the current head of social at Intuit. She has suggestions for creators of content?

"Do things that you're happy about and have some time to have fun when you're doing it." Lauren Thomas, social media guru

Within LinkedIn, Lauren shares her strategies to reach 100,000 users using TikTok in order to get buy-in from the top managers for social media strategies. She also discusses her plans for implementing new strategies to use social media.

Christopher Tompkins

Christopher Tompkins is the CEO and chief strategist of The Go! Agency. It's an online business that is based upon social media. Apart from sharing his opinions about the future of marketing through social media, such as LinkedIn as well as Twitter. He is the host of his own podcastcalled the Bulletproof Marketer Podcast. Bulletproof Marketing Bulletproof marketing in which the host often speaks to experts in growth and marketing.

Christopher believes in the possibility of marketing through video via social media, and has said to Forbes:

"If you take a look at the top digital channels (social or email channels, paid channels etc.) take note of the level of movement which you observe within each channel. It will be amazing to see how much attention each channel receives when compared to before...My recommendation is to move outside of your comfort zone and get started with video shortly."

Experts who are knowledgeable in SEO along with Web Design to follow

Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina is co-founder , chief marketing officer and co-creator at Orbit Media Studios. A web-based designing and development business. The company's focus is creating beautiful and user-friendly websites to increase the volume of sales. Naturally for Andy one of the key elements in creating websites based on stories is employing videos. According to him TechSmith:


Connect with Andy Connect with Andy Andy and Andy via LinkedIn and Twitter to get professional and strategic suggestions regarding SEO Analytics, SEO, and website development.

Oli Gardner

Oli Gardner is the co-founder and co-owner for Be The Keynote that assists individuals in becoming more efficient communications experts. Oli is also the co-founder of the business Unbounce. Unbounce, was the very first non-code landing pages.

Oli's enthusiasm for the methods used to communicate as well as market is apparent in the contents of the tweets and his LinkedIn blog articles. Oli frequently offers tips on how you can be an effective online communicator in webinars, on sites and social media videos.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the top-known names in SEO and internet marketing. It's true. Each day Patel offers new strategies for marketers via YouTube using shorter, less than five minutes long, videos. Patel covers all aspects of digital marketing in general manner . He also provides strategies for being discovered through Google as well as how to recognize patterns before they are well-known. He also provides strategies to make it easier to manage the marketing process.

Together with Eric Siu, a founder, investor, and advisor Neil is also host of the podcast Marketing School..

As well as Neil's podcast and YouTube channel you may have the opportunity to interact with Neil through Instagram along with LinkedIn..

Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

Amrita Mathur

Amrita Mathur is the Vice Director of Marketing at Superside which is a firm that is known as a manufacturing and design firm. Through LinkedIn or Twitter often she's talking about how she thinks about marketing, in addition to events that are taking place behind the scenes at Superside.

Amrita's writing Amrita are honest and sincere. If you take a look at her articles, you'll usually discover yourself trying out Superside. Superside is a team of. As an example, back in February, Amrita shared on LinkedIn that she and her colleagues was investing in "a variety of moonshots" in the past, she stated,

"I'm calling it COMO. Similar to FOMO, COMO is the price of not being able to attend this is the reason we'll place our money into areas where we think COMO is extremely high." COMO could be very high."

Then, she announced information about the advantages of investing in video and the risk of taking the decision to invest in video, as well in how making an interactive person-centered advertisement increased the rate of clicks through by 48 percent. It also reduced the cost per click by 62 percent and brought the cost per 1000 down to per cent.

Dylan Kohlstadt

Dylan Kohlstadt is co-founder and CEO of Shift One Shift One, Shift One, an B2B digital marketing agency. Most of his blog posts are focused at how marketers can push up the ladder by offering the benefits their customers need. As Dylan tells Peer to Peer Marketing:

"I consider it is one of the major elements of digital marketing must be considered is the use of social media in marketing. Learn how to establish a social and digital community that creates the value of your products and services and also creates customers who are loyal and enthusiastic. They are also more likely to buy from you."

There is a way to follow Dylan this show through Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. You can also listen to the show, The Dylan Kohlstadt Show which is available on the Spotify platform and Apple Podcasts.

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is co-founder and CEO of SparkToro that serves as an instrument to analyze the social media audience to help brands better comprehend their audience. Fishkin is famous for his work on Twitter for helping people comprehend ways to use data and analysis to improve the strategies for marketing of their company.

Q What do you know about the social network(s) the people in your audience/group use?

An easy assumption (e.g. B2B is usually LinkedIn, Twitter is where games crowd hangs, Insta & TikTok are for B2C in fitness/fashion/food, etc, FB for conservative news)?

Or do you do actual research?

-" Rand Fishkin (@randfish) September 19th , 2022

Since Rand is a proponent of making use of research and data across different types of marketing strategies, Rand has experienced personally the possibility that advertising through video can bring to this mixture.:

"Video is an extremely effective tool with specific capabilities. One thing I've discovered is that it's an outstanding memory-maker, and its capability to leave lasting impressions lasting on your own is remarkable." Rand Fishkin

There is also the option to make connections with Rand through LinkedIn.

Get (and keep) inspired

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