Fine art photography The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Hand-made and custom made top hats, masks, butterflies, crowns and paintings for backdrops. technique to get the smallest details, inspired by old noir films from the 1940s and 1930s. Numerous hours of planning and dedication go into each high-quality photograph taken by the talented Italian photographer Giulia Valente.

We were curious to know from Giulia what the key to making her fine art photography was. Here is her story.

"I have graduated from Padua University in disciplines of Art, Music and Theater in the year 2006. I've always been captivated by art: one aspect I enjoy when I live in Italy is that art is everywhere, making it simple to get inspired.

My style can be called fine art photography. I can see a connection between photography and painting. In many ways photography can be described as painting's older cousin. Photographs, not just paintings is my primary reference when I plan-shoot-retouch an upcoming project."

fine art photography
Precious Dreams: year 2020. Model: Grimilde Malatesta (@grimildemalatesta). The dress and wig are: Grimilde Malatesta. Concept, image, stage and makeup by Giulia Valente.

"Giovanni Gastel, the recently passed away Italian photographer once stated that one must throw out 10 000 good ideas before getting the right one. I attempt, in my own little way, to apply this principle. In fact, I have many ideas in my journal sketches, notes and thoughts that are bound to stay on my paper for all time.

The most important step when making a decision on a project is planning. It is essential to make decisions, define and focus on the concept, and then create drawings, and collect items/props... It can be a long and stressful process due to the fact that photography of this type demands a great deal of focus or even an obsession by paying attention to the details little things that aren't easy to notice, but that can make all the impact."

fine art photography
The Caterpillar (from "Wonderland" series) The year 2021. Model: Ilaria Fracasso. Dress: Blue Lady Couture. Hat: Bizarre Noir. Photo, concept, styling, set, hair, makeup: Giulia Valente

What were the keys in making the caterpillar photos?

"In the specific case that I was working on for the Caterpillar project, I tried to determine the characteristics which identify the character that make him identifiable: the color blue as well as the hookah smokes, his wings when he changes into a butterfly, but as well the manner of speaking - which is a bit conceited and vain. Then I tried to put the various elements together, combining them with the overall style of the image I was thinking of.

On May 3, 2021 the exhibition featuring my chosen artworks was opened in the Laboratorio Cardin(Padua, Italy). I am very excited and grateful as this is my first show."

The artist's other exquisite art photos, which are rooted in Italian and Flemish painting of the both the XV and XVI centuries you can view on her Instagram as well as her website..

fine art photography
Pandora: year 2020. Model: Martina Perdon (@martinaperdonn). Concept, photo, set, makeup: Giulia Valente
fine art photography
The White Rabbit (from "Wonderland" series) The White Rabbit (from "Wonderland" series): Year 2020. Model: Rossella Perversini (@rossyglossy_mua). Hair and makeupby Rossella Perversini. Mask Hysteriamachine (@hysteriamachine).
fine art photography
Mourning Peacock: Year 2021. Taxidermy Peacock, from Alberto Michelon @animalfactorstudio. Concept, image, and setting: Giulia Valente

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