Don't Make Enough Money As a Coach? Here's How to Fix It.

Jun 28, 2024

It pains me when coaches don't get paid properly for the work they do.

Coaching professionals are doing incredible work in helping clients to stay and be healthy build amazing relationships, develop amazing businesses, create wealth and much more.

Coaching coaches help clients get rid of pain and achieve the goals of their hearts.

You can also be considered the greatest coach but not be the amount you deserve, if you don't get some things done right.

It's frustrating when you know you're putting in the best effort when you look around and see people much less gifted, much more unmotivated than you, making so much more cash.

We need to fix this!

Just what I'm trying to achieve in this blog entry.

The root of the issue lies in a handful of aspects:

Too little charging

Doing only or too much 1:1 coaching

Too much to do on behalf of your clients

Courses are only sold for sale

If you make too much, you'll never get the revenue you'd like.

Coaches do not want to increase their rates because they link their prices to their own self worth instead of to the value they provide for their clients.

The amount you charge should be proportional to the value you provide in exchange for your time and effort.

The problem in one-on-one coaching is that it doesn't grow with the player.

Each time you get a new customer each new client, you must spend more of your time, and, as you've guessed, your time is finite. It's only all day, every single day.

It's the reason you should enroll in group coaching If you're not currently.

The group coaching program is scaled. The workload you are working on doesn't grow, or increases only moderately for each client you add.

Similar similar if you're doing too much work for clients. You have to structure things to ensure that clients will be responsible for doing more of the work themselves, and you give them the Frameworks and Templates that make it easier for them to do it.

Inconsistent lead flow is the result of having the proper processes in place to provide you with potential Dream Clients daily, as well as new clients throughout the week.

If you are selling courses only, it tends to be hard to generate enough revenue consistently.

Courses have much lower actual and perceived value compared to coaching programs, where you can help people through coaching. This is and the "home research" nature of courses.

If you do not already have a program for coaching and you're not sure how to get one, group coaching is the obvious next step for you to add.

They are the elements that matter.

This way of thinking makes making enough money so much simpler.


PS. If you're looking to make the entire process of your business simpler, from technology to strategy to mentality, that's exactly what we're all about here at . Get in touch and let's see how we can help.