Deanne Love Creates an Online business education course. Hoop Dancing

Mar 11, 2023

If you thought you'd seen everything we came across Deanne Love. She was an instructor at the elementary level who was an online instructor that has been active in inspiring and teaching hundreds of children from all over the world to dance with hula hoops (aka Hoop dancing) with the Hooplovers online school.

When we were inspired by her success We approached her to get more details about her incredible experience and also to share her advice to assist other instructors who teach online achieve success. The following is her tale:

     HTML1 From teacher in primary school to the instructor on the internet    

Before she became an online instructor Deanne Love was an elementary education teacher in Australia for a number of years. Then, she relocated to Tokyo, Japan to live the dream of her youth living on the streets pulsing full of activity in the biggest city, coolest in the world, according to her own words. "I was awed by the amazing desire to be a part of Tokyo within Japan and decided to do it" she states. Deanne.

She arrived in Tokyo in the year 2003. She had been offered a year-long job as teacher, and finding herself in love with Japanese lifestyle and culture it was decided she was going to stay over a longer time. Her home was in Japan in 2003 to 2011 at which point the severity and frequency of earthquakes attracted her to move to Australia. While in Japan she also came to know her husband who is currently working with Hooplovers. Hooplovers..


Deanne's fascination with hoop dancing was initially noticed in 2007, after she came across an online video of dancers performing with a hula-hoop. Deanne is always a huge fan of dance therefore she was enthralled. "I discovered a video on YouTube who was rocking out", Deanne explains. "She was not the gymnast she is She was just enjoying herself with this mad beat. At the time I was completely fascinated. I thought I was thinking, if she is able to do this, I can do this. I love dancing. This is going to be fantastic."

The next day, Deanne got her first set of hula hoops and began to train. After she began researching and test her new enthusiasm for dance hoops it was apparent that there was in fact an overwhelming crowd of passionate Hoop dancers from around the world. "I am a dancer, and I observed that there were many people of my age group who were enthusiastically enjoying this innovative hoop dancing style particularly located in California in addition to people who reside in L.A. in addition to San Francisco", says Deanne.

She quit her job as a full-time instructor in the hoop dance

In 2009, following having perfected her skills as a hoop instructor and a professional dancer, Deanne made the decision to quit her position to concentrate on helping others learn to dance hoop regularly. It wasn't an easy choice to make. "I enjoyed the privilege of working in an international school , and I was awestruck," says Deanne. "It was a difficult decision because I really liked the work that I completed."


This new path allowed Deanne to merge her love to teach with her enthusiasm of hoop dance, and that was an exciting change for her. "I had been teaching for a few years and had a desire to pursue a profession in teaching however, I was changing my direction" Deanne says. Deanne.

In the beginning, most of her instruction was conducted on the internet. "We didn't have technology to communicate with the clarity that people share nowadays", Deanne explains. "I did a lot of giving lessons in my everyday routine. I also taught workshops in a variety of classes. It was a significant support for communities and earning the money and also my training skills in teaching dance."

Then she started making Hoop dance videos on the YouTube channel that helped her to establish her brand and increase her audience online. "We began using YouTube and we're extremely active with the YouTube community. I give classes on YouTube every week, and it's completely free" Deanne says. Deanne. "So we thought"okay, if we are trying to create a long-lasting company, and want our students to be aware of the benefits and become a member of the wider community, then the next step would be the beginning of filming online-based courses."

HTML0 Her first online class

When Deanne together with her husband created their initial Hoop-dancing class, they sold it with live instruction through their website. It was essentially an instructional video which customers were able to download and download alongside the live instruction. "We just recorded a couple of simple videos that covered the fundamentals of hoop dancing , as well as putting that into a video" Deanne says. Deanne. "Then we were given a simple hyperlink on a simple websitethat contained the sale of my current classes and the download."


When looking back on the very first set of video they produced, Deanne is proud to affirm that they've grown significantly. "It was a complete mess compared to the way we're doing today. Now it's 'lights, cameras, and action! The set-up is formal, and we've invested an enormous amount of time, energy and money into the way we conduct our photography, in comparison to the past" Deanne says. Deanne. "It wasn't a very comfortable time but it was a great thing that it did the trick, because there wasn't any of that kind of online instruction, especially in the niche that we were working in. Thus, I was able establish my name for being an educator."

Following Deanne together with her husband left Japan in 2011 and moved in 2011 into Melbourne, Australia, they took the decision to shoot new videos which were included in the download package. "We created the entire download bundle inside of a warehouse that had graffiti-like walls. The lighting was not there and there was no studio, just a microphone, and it was only voiceover", Deanne explains. "In the days before cameras, camera technology, we did the best we could using the tools we had."

Even though they weren't perfect, helped them acquire their first customers and generated revenue which could be later invested in their business. "Those first videos enabled us to raise capital and obtain funding, so we could develop" Deanne says. Deanne. "And I'm certain, since we complemented the online class with weekly YouTube videos we offered lots of worth. The early students remain with us because when they receive things for free. They don't have any fear of purchasing additional items because I'll provide worth each time."


Their first course allowed them to understand the needs of their clients by analyzing the feedback that they received. This feedback assisted them in making decisions as they designed videos for clients. "It was not just a once in a lifetime celebration. It was more about the educational aspect along with the online commercial aspect and the formation of a community started to form" Deanne says. Deanne. "We gained so much from the early years of our lives."

     Useful to create an online academy    

The company's revenue grew and so did their technology. and the software was also utilized to create and provide their online classes. The first step was to package their videos into one file that could be downloaded via the internet's simple interface. Then, they switched to WordPress however, they struggled to build a site which offered their users the user-friendly experience in line to their branding.


"I needed something that was more flexible and beautiful. It's hard to grasp the art of moving online and I wanted something that was flexible and simple to use to ensure that my students could master step-by step chapters after chapters and remain in the moment, if needed to be patientor complete the program" she says to Deanne. "I have always been a student, however I also am an educator at school, so I often get comments from my students on how much they enjoy watching video and the way they like keeping things simple and straightforward, which is why it should be very user-friendly."

According to Deanne their customers did not necessarily want to download complete video files onto their PCs. The customers simply wanted to stream a tiny amount in a row or stream video instead of downloading the entire video. It was crucial that the user interface that was simple for them to use.

The feedback of their clients was their primary motivation when they searched for the most suitable platform for hosting their online courses. That's when they discovered . "What we were looking for was something that would be an ideal fit for all students which I'd want to get", Deanne told us. "So when my husband came on the book when he was browsing, he said "I believe this may be what you're searching to find'."

It was crucial to Deanne to be able to customize the look of their website to reflect the branding they had used across different platforms, like YouTube and social media. "I was looking for a minimalist user interface that wasn't too clunky", Deanne explains. "It was vital for me to get the design to match the brand's image, to ensure that it didn't look like the old enterprise software. It was equally important to allow us to showcase our logo in a way that people are familiar and that makes them in a comfortable place."

Another reason they chose to make this move was that it enabled Deanne to create plans for classes she was planning to create swiftly and effectively, without getting overwhelmed or delayed because of technical difficulties. "It was essential for me to know that, once the idea of new workshops and classes was the result of my own creative ideas, when I developed the concepts, I was able to sell them and not have to overcome huge challenges" Deanne says. Deanne. "My development of the courses that I created could be easily transformed into . The courses could be accessible online within a few hours as well as being easy to access. They had a name, and they were beautiful gorgeous, beautiful and amazing."


Hooplovers for marketing and can be a fantastic opportunity to get students interested in your business.

We requested Deanne to share what strategies have been the most effective for her. Then we found out that the vast majority of her earnings have resulted from only four strategies. The strategies aren't in any exact or order. Here are the steps:


The majority of dancers who hoop use YouTube to search for videos that teach dance steps. So, establishing one officially-licensed YouTube channel was a natural choice for Deanne. The process wasn't an easy task however. in the present, there are over 55,000 users who have subscribed to the YouTube channel YouTube and most of her videos receive hundreds of viewers within the initial few minutes the time they're released. The video "How to Hula Hoop for Beginners" Particularly, it was watched by more than 800 thousand people after it was first published in 2013. Wow!

Two key factors to the success deanne's YouTube marketing plan is its high-quality YouTube videos as well as her consistent uploads. Her videos are top-quality and they are posted every week to the channel. In addition, she provides a hyperlink to her school's official website within the description for each video and in her primary channel. "What We do is to create the latest YouTube video each week . And this is absolutely free and, in addition to the link and other information, we also provide further information like lesson plans or blog posts along with printed downloads they could use" she states. Deanne. The YouTube videos she's created are great resources for existing customers. They can also help bring in new customers via redirecting viewers from YouTube to her site along with her email newsletter.


Coupons for discounts to this course

The occasional discount on certain courses has assisted Deanne to see a significant increase in the number of participants when she hosts an special celebration. Deanne gives discounts mostly to people who subscribe to the newsletters she sends out. She occasionally gives discounts on training courses for followers of the social media pages she has.

" This has enabled us to provide discount coupons that are really beneficial for the company in general and is also beneficial to our customers too since they're rewarded for making the right choice the most beautiful design and a long-lasting relationship" Deanne says. Deanne. "From the time we do, we have really great sales , and can offer only customers who sign-up to our newsletters, discounts which makes it as if we've got a coupon code specially to those who subscribe. It could be for our Instagram clients."

Email marketing

Every professional online instructor knows the importance of maintaining an email address of interested people in the subject of the class. It's crucial. If you have an email database of people who have signed up to email, you've got the capability to market the most recent courses and content to those who've requested to be contacted by you. This is why Deanne declared that she's focused on email marketing from the start, which she has been doing since the beginning and we weren't surprised. Today Deanne has more than 13,000 readers all over the world who are subscribed to her monthly newsletter.

"My method of advertising via email has proven to be very efficient, and we've been trying to create a strong list of email addresses. It is done through the various platforms of social media, however we also try to design efficient opt-in methods" Deanne says. Deanne. "For instance, in the year 2000, we created a wonderful video called 15 Hoop Dances You'll Loveand we shot the video on this beautiful island in Queensland within Australia. After that, we returned to Melbourne and I made an instructional video for each move. You can download it for free when you join our mailing list. This is the most direct and efficient interaction with my audience, or with my group of peers as well as my students. I communicate with them every week via email."


 Social media

Two of the platforms Deanne is the most active with is Facebook along with Instagram. "I love Instagram" she declares. Deanne. "It's quite fun and has full of a variety of shakers and motions which amuse me. My personal brand. The Instagram account I have is my personal brand. Instagram account is an extension of my style and me even though it's tied to Hooplovers. You can look genuine on Instagram which I am a fan of. Videos are perfect for any exercise or movement.

Between Facebook and Instagram, Deanne has close to 50,000 people who regularly share videos, articles, and pictures with frequent updates. At times, she avails of Facebook's marketing capabilities through ads to promote courses she provides. "Facebook is there from it's inception, and I use it for marketing" she says to Deanne. "We publish blog articles posted on Facebook in addition to promoting our programs."

Here are some helpful ideas for online teachers.

Deanne certainly has learned a lot of useful lessons while building her own business. To those who have recently embarked on a journey to the world of online instructors and have thought of creating an online class to share your experience and knowledge with others around the globe. We have a few helpful tips which Deanne wants to impart to the students.

     1. Become the face of your company


Do not be afraid to present yourself as the face of your organization. Create a brand that is built on areas of expertise. Also, ensure that your branding for your company is consistent across your site as well as emails and social media. The public is less likely to follow certain businesses in fact, they're much more interested in following specific individuals. Let your followers know that you are the person responsible of your enterprise.

A strong presence having an established presence on YouTube along with other social networks such as YouTube it's helped Deanne create a brand for herself , and it is having profound effect on her company. "When I stepped up into the position of the persona of the business and became the brand's spokesperson, it made branding more visible", Deanne explains. "So there was not just Hooplovers but also a woman that was me, Deanne Love, who customers were able to chat with and talk with who made them feel like that they felt a sense of being connected."

     2. Don't wait to create your strategy

Be sure to not let your perfectionist tendencies stop you from starting your first online class. Take note that the initial course you plan could not be ideal and then go on and make it complete. There is a chance that not all students that attend your course will like the course. As of now while you are designing your course and put it for sale, it's impossible to tell.

"If you have an idea you believe could be feasible, and you have an audience or one who's attracted to your idea Don't put it off" she says to Deanne. "If I didn't release my materials or if I did not develop some of my courses I would not be able to receive the feedback. Begin today."


     3. You must be aware of the audience.

In the process of creating your community and enroll students in your courses, you should be cognizant of the feedback students leave. Any feedback, whether it's positive or negative can be valuable. Becoming aware of the comments from her clients has allowed Deanne to gain a better understanding of the needs of her customers and concerns and also provided her with invaluable information for developing additional training courses along with content to assist the clients. "Contemporary Hoop dance is changing So you'll see something fresh" Deanne says. Deanne. "I am attentive to my customers with a keen eye and always ask them to engage in conversations. Thus, I've got lots of interactions with customers and am attentive to their issues and provide the items that they need.


The future generations of Hoop Dance instructors

After a few seasons of success a successful teacher of hoop dancing Deanne made the decision to launch a second online course named Hoop Love Coach with the intention to assist other hoop dance instructors to build lucrative business. Deanne developed the course in a response to the numerous inquiries she'd received from people in her local community, who were looking to understand the ways to earn money showing other people how to dance the hoop.

"For the two years we've been powering along with our online courses and we've had demands from teachers and other hopeful teachers from all over the world to design similar classes we offer", Deanne explains. "It's my biggest course which helps teachers. There's plenty of things that are covered in the course. It's a passion that I am devoted to. This is probably my greatest passion because what I'm doing is more than just providing instructors with Hoop Dance workshops, classes, and classes as well as to help them start their own online venture and business for their communities. This is why I'm able to blend my love for business and my enthusiasm to hoop dance in this training program."


     Experience a lifestyle that's full of joy and happiness    

Building a successful online teaching business has enabled Deanne to lead a lifestyle that is filled with joy and pleasure. She currently offers an assortment of nine live online courses (2 of which are offered at no cost) with over 1500 students across the globe. She is doing what she enjoys and helping others to achieve that every single day.

"Making the switch to teach via the web through Social Media has meant we can take the time and be able to travel, and connect with people from all over the globe. We as well are passionate to teach" Deanne says. Deanne. "Our revenue has been significantly increasing. The simplicity of our courses is way beyond the expectations we had, and has completely changed the way we create and communicate."

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