Cyber Weekend Benchmarking Information: 2023 SaaS, holiday and Christmas software Spend Review

Nov 5, 2023

The sales numbers in Q4 generally surpass the numbers of other months because of the Christmas season, along with the sales seasons. However, what proportion of this rise can be attributed to software or SaaS sales? And does it improve B2B sales or is it just the result of B2C?

is a retailer control of more than 3500 businesses which use our platform every day to sell digital goods across the globe. We've analyzed aggregate sales data to provide you with insights on the importance of the quarter's fourth quarter for the success of your SaaS software, application or business with a digital product.

The latest trends in the holiday season may have begun with Black Friday deals and spread through Cyber Monday however, the entire weekend is now often described by the term Cyber Weekend as well as the overall market is generally healthy as the market prepares for its many holidays. Do you take advantage of every Q4 opportunity to sell for your software-related company?

Below, we'll cover:

     About Our Data    

Where Data Are From? Data is obtained from

The platform is used by more than 3500 organizations that enable them to sell digital products in over 200 nations and territories across the world. We've limited the data we've used for this study in order to be applicable to software and SaaS firms.

The information below is specific to the locations where transactions were conducted but not necessarily in exactly the location where the business is headquartered.

To get the global stats, we selected eight countries which include those that belong to the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China so that we can give an accurate picture of the worldwide numbers of sales.

If it comes to the Data are derived From

This data collection was conducted from the years 2018 through 2022. providing the most current details as well as the same trends across the entire time period of five years while avoiding deviations from the norm that could alter the information unnecessary.

We also use an index that highlights the month's or quarter's sales compared to the year's daily or monthly average.

     HTML1 US year-end patterns SaaS along with software purchase    

We began by taking a look at U.S. software and SaaS sales numbers from 2018 to 2022, in order to gather information on monthly and quarterly sales patterns over the past five years.

To determine a monthly average for calculating the monthly average and calculate a monthly average, we've compared the sales for each month with this standard in order to determine an approximate percent. In the case of February, where the percentage is 91%, this implies that it's 10% higher in sales compared to the monthly average. If the November sales report with a figure of 111% then it means the November sales exceeded 11 percent over the typical monthly sales.

5YR Average US SaaS as well Software Sales per Month

The highest level of sales occur during November. With sales that are 11% more than the average monthly sales, sales during the whole period are the highest all through the year. The month of October is especially high with sales being 4% higher than in the preceding month, and the December sales are an increase of 8.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Average US SaaS, as well as the number of software sold per quarter.

If you take a look at the median of quarterly sales, the Q4 numbers have a higher percentage of 8%, and the numbers are so that the three other quarters are just lower than the average.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Beyond beyond U.S., we combined the data from similar characteristics of U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia as well as China. This lets us get an understanding of how selling of software in the last quarter could alter across the globe.

The bump will increase in its size.

5YR global SaaS average and Monthly Software Sales

The global sales hit an all-time high of 16 percent in November. This is compared with the monthly average. Similar to this U.S. data above, the months of November and December are among the most profitable months of the year having between four and seven percent increase.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Global Average SaaS and Software Sales per Quarter

A yearly perspective, the results in the fourth quarter of this year are 9 percent more than average of the quarter. The increase is enough to place the three quarters lower than the average.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

Global Q4 sales only 1% greater than those from America. U.S. for the same month, and the November that it was in witnessed an increase of 16% over U.S.'s 11% increase in the exact same month, suggesting that November could be an excellent opportunity for sales all over the world.

5YR Average SaaS and Software Sales by Month as well as by country

To learn more about the breakdown of sales each month in countries We looked at the data for the 8 countries that we've included in our global summary. This is a brief overview of changes that occur monthly in sales of software from five years of data from countries like countries like the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

A significant rise in the performance of countries like China and Germany in November point to an immense potential for SaaS as well as software companies to generate revenue during the fourth quarter of 2018, especially when you're targeting these countries in the context of a global expansion plan.

Additionally while U.S. data suggest a less significant increase of 11% in November look at this: North America accounts for the largest significant significant portion of the worldwide software and SaaS revenue. The study found that 40 percent of the 2022 software revenues can be attributed the region of North America, and other studies revealing a percentage of as high as 57.5 percentage of 2020 global SaaS market that comes via the NA. Thus that a rise by 11% in November within North America in the U.S. might mean a rise in revenue when there's an increase in revenues as there is a rise in revenue when the U.S. is a part of an overall.

B2C vs. B2B

Most companies selling software globally offer B2B and B2C market. Yet, irrespective of whether your SaaS firm focuses on either or both of these It is essential to understand the different selling practices between the two types of. This information will help in determining the best way to focus marketing and sales efforts in these areas, particularly with regard to the one industry that is more lucrative.

The resulting data show the same patterns throughout the year. The fourth quarter was the most profitable quarter in both the segment and industry.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales saw the average of a rise of 11% higher than the median of the period. This is not surprising in a season which is renowned as a time to promote consumption- "consumer" is the term used to describe it.

Don't place too much hope on the B2B market in the 4th quarter. Even though B2B revenue appears to be more stable over the period of time when compared with B2C revenue, the 5 percent increase in the 4th quarter is notable for a sector with high spending that is taking benefit of sales that have been closing the year regardless of whether the buyer buys for themselves or for their business. Credit cards for corporate use are utilized by many buyers of software. They might require an attractive offer particularly when strict departmental budgets play a role in the purchase decision.

Additionally, buyers from B2B could seek to take advantage of up budgetary money before the close of the year, to ensure that their budgets are not cut during the next year. Or, they may be pushing their groups or departments to equip themselves with the proper technology ahead of the beginning of the new year. These kinds of business-related incidents may result in increased sales of B2B products during the fourth quarter in spite of the delays to operations caused by the time of Christmas.

Cyber-Week Strategy Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Do you want to know how you can make the most of this surge for the 4th quarter? No matter what your objective is, whether it's B2C or B2B customers. There are a few ways you can improve the sale of software and SaaS income by the close of this year.

     HTML1 Offer Partners Custom Coupon Promo Codes    

Additionally, you'll be able to have the ability to monitor how sales promotion performance was in comparison to other coupons.

     Are You Lacking Partner Organizations to Offer Discount Coupons specifically tailored to your needs? Find Some!

If you're still not benefiting through promotional partnerships, the holidays may bring about new collaborations. Search for SaaS or software businesses offering products that match the ones you have. (For example, such a thing happens, for instance, you design an application for database search businesses that design web-based software.)

Furthermore, personalized coupons can also be utilized to ensure that you swap Cyber Weekend promotions to each of their followers through the use of banners that appear on emails, websites and social media posts, and methods that can help businesses increase their sales before the end of the year.

     Contact Potential Customers    

If you choose not to engage in partnership marketing - for instance, in the event of a bigger undertaking that you'll need more time to prepare for sending out emails to the contacts on your lists of possible partners a an easy and fast way to go about it.

Prospective buyers aren't likely to profit by deals that they're not aware about, so don't depend solely on banners for your site to attract potential buyers' attention when they visit your website. Get them on your website by sending them active emails about upcoming, current, and extended promotions to catch their eye regardless of where they are.

Contact Your Current Customers

Like potential customers, they can't be enticed to buy without knowing about discounts for the Christmas season also.

Here's a few ways to make money you can target in your existing customers:

  • Extensions that sell. Review the user profile of those who utilize your service often or on a regular basis as they are more likely to require additional functions and ease of use.
  • Upgrade larger subscriptions using different features. As with downloads, if can identify the most popular users of your product, you can target people who are likely to purchase more through your offering.
  • converts freemium users into pay-per-month subscribers through enticing revenue. If the freemium model is an important part of your plan for business and you are looking to grow your revenues and increase sales, an enticing sale at Christmas could help convince that users appreciate the services they are able to access however, they should also know they will benefit by gaining more.
  • The capacity to boost the cost of individual subscriptions to group subscriptions or even from enterprise to team subscriptions. It might not be simple to know which customers become evangelists for their company however, should you be at a point to gather contextual data on users (such as information you collect through the salesforce internal database) for the 4th quarter of 2018 could be a great moment to focus on businesses which have some user penetration and an chance to increase the number of users.
  • Cross-sell for completely new items. If your model of business has a number of separate items, you have a huge chance to reach the customer clients of the product through offering offers to purchase the other, and vice versa. If you're able to offer a variety of products, and also your most effective segments to design, the odds are greater.
  • Turn off users of year-to-month subscriptions. It's the English expression "A bird in your hands is worth two dollars" is also a popular saying in the world of business, as the money you make for your business today might be more valuable than an increase in revenue dispersed over the course of the year. Profit from your customers' purchasing mindset at the conclusion of the fourth quarter: entice buyers with an appealing deal to cut costs over the long term by switching your monthly plan into a annual one.

      Leverage Social Media    

Social media websites provide the perfect platform to commemorate the holidays in addition to sharing seasonal photos from your company could appear sensible.

Many social media platforms have advertising options that are directed towards users based on their geographic place of residence or their individual preferences. You should consider taking benefit of showing regional holiday advertisements for the region you are in along with the option to present ads to users who have expressed an intention to enjoy this holiday on the platform.

Conversely, organic posts that are shared on social networks are typically accessible to anyone who follows you regardless of their location This could prove to be an effective method to increase profits, while not restricting viewing to a tiny part. Take note of the fact that If you're a lover or your audience is varied then the holiday-specific posts are also likely to have a large audience.

     Provide More Exciting Discounts on the Target Geos    

If you're experiencing higher profits in one particular area or want to establish the market in a different way, offering discounts specifically for areas can help you reap the benefits of Cyber Weekend sales increases.

In order to implement this, you can implement GeoIP-based features on your site, to give discount coupons for certain the regions you are targeting.

Make use of the Store Builder Library to immediately use the coupon code during checkout. This will help increase the conversion rate of your store.

Localize Holiday Promotions

Although Cyber Weekend has become popular all over the world, there are some local events that could be more profitable for the particular region or country which you're targeting. Festivals such as Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric events (such such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday) for nations like Australia as well as the UK, Australia, and Canada.

You must ensure that you design the Christmas holiday promotions within the geographical context so that you don't lose huge opportunities in key areas.

What do I need to Do?

Global Payments: Localized language as well as currencies, payment methods and payment methods

Take note that presenting your products to a wider audience doesn't suffice. It must be simple for customers to take the choice to buy.

HTML0 Global Tax Administration Don't Stress Concerning Taxes

Consumer Support Management: Contact us!

Another of our primary tasks is handling of customer support. Our customers can reach us with questions regarding difficulties with checkout and tax system, and also in calculating billing and subscription fees, downloading as well as numerous other.

Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Chief Content Strategist of . In addition to her many years of expertise and experience of the industry, she has an MFA in creative nonfiction writing. She has also been part of the teaching community, giving college-level writing classes.

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