Cyber Weekend Benchmarking Information: 2023 SaaS and Software Christmas Spend Research

Nov 5, 2023

Sales numbers for Q4 typically outperform other times of the year due to the holiday season towards the close of the year, as well the associated seasons for shopping -- but what percentage of that increase carry through to Software as well as SaaS sales? Do they improve B2B sales too? Do they only give B2C an advantage?

acts as a retailer responsible for over 350 companies that utilize our platform daily to sell digital products worldwide. We've looked at aggregate sales figures to help you understand the significance of Q4 for your SaaS or software or any other digital successful business.

The latest trends in holiday shopping may have begun in Black Friday deals and spread throughout Cyber Monday however the entire weekend is usually referred to as Cyber Weekend -- and sales throughout the quarter generally are robust as people get prepared for the many Christmas celebrations. Are you making the most of all sales in Q4 for your software-related company?

Below, we'll cover:

Our Data Our Data

Where Are the data coming from?

The platform is utilized by over 3500 companies to help market digital goods across more than 200 territories and countries around the globe, however we've narrowed the scope of data that we've used in this report in order to keep it useful to software and SaaS businesses.

This information is specific to those areas where transactions were conducted but not to where the businesses are based.

For the total figures, we picked eight nations -- including China, the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China in order to provide an overview of the sales around the world.

In the event that you're Utilizing the Data Are From

These data were compiled from the years 2018-2022 to give the most recent information while providing trends that are consistent across the five years and avoid any outliers skewing the results unnecessaryly.

Additionally, we use an index of seasonality to reveal every month's sales with respect to the year's weekly or monthly average.

The first time we looked at U.S. software and SaaS sales figures from 2018 to 2022 in order for a deeper understanding of seasonal and quarterly trends across the last five years.

When we calculated a monthly average and comparing every month with the average in order to figure out an approximate percent. If, for instance, the percentage for February is 90%, that means that it is 10% higher in sales when compared with the monthly average. If, for example, November has a percent of 111%, this implies that the sales of November are 11percent higher than the monthly average.

5YR on average US SaaS in addition to Software Monthly Sales

The highest sales occur during November. They are 11 percent more than the average monthly and overall sales record the highest level all through the year. The best sales happen in October, with a 4percent increase, and the month of December gaining 8.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Average US SaaS and Software Revenues per Quarter

Looking at the average of sales for the quarter, Sales for the fourth quarter are increasing by 8 percent, which amounts to making all three quarters fall in the lower end of the mean.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Beyond and beyond U.S., we combined data with comparable variables from other countries, including the U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China. This helps to gain a clear understanding of the way late-year software sales might vary all over the world.

The bump actually grows larger.

5YR Average Global SaaS and Software Sales by Month

Global sales jumped to an annual high of 16% higher during November, compared with the average month-to-month. As with the U.S. data above, October and December round out in the highest quarter of the year, having increases of between 4 and 7 percent.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR average global software and SaaS Revenues by Quarter

From an annual perspective The results for Q4 are 9.9 percent higher than the median for Q4, once again that high enough to make the three remaining quarters lower than the median.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

The quarter-end Q4 sales in the world only a fraction higher than the sales from America. U.S. for the same period however, November saw a rise of 16% in comparison to those from the U.S.'s 11% growth in the same monthwhich suggests that November could be a major potential for sales all over the globe.

5YR average SaaS and Software Sales per month for each country

To get more details of the way that monthly sales are broken across countries, we looked at the monthly data for eight countries we added to our world analysis. Below is what the monthly sales of software changes look like, based on five years of data for those countries: the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

The huge growth in the economies like China and Germany in November suggest that there is a huge opportunity for SaaS and software businesses to generate revenue in the fourth quarter, especially if you're looking at these countries as part of a larger expansion plan.

Additionally, even though U.S. data suggest a less significant increase of 11% for November, it's crucial to be aware that North America accounts for a substantial significant portion of worldwide software and SaaS sales. A study has revealed 40% of 2022's total software sales that is attributable to North America, and one report a percentage of approximately 57.5 percentage of the worldwide SaaS market that is attributed to the NA. Thus, a growth of 11% from November North America in the U.S. could translate into more revenue if it's an element of a larger pie.

B2C vs. B2B

A lot of companies who sell software globally offer both B2C and B2B markets. No matter whether your SaaS company is focusing on one or both is crucial to be aware of what sales patterns in Q4 vary between these two market segments. This information will assist you in deciding where to focus marketing and sales efforts on these segments especially when one is more lucrative.

The data that resulted have a similar general trend through the year. The fourth quarter was the best quarter of both the segments.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales saw an average increase that was 11% higher than the quarterly average This is not surprising due to the fact that the season of this year is known for its promotion of consumerism "consumer" is the title.

Don't forget about B2B sales in Q4. Even though B2B sales are somewhat constant throughout the year compared to B2C sales, there was a five percent increase during the fourth quarter is noteworthy as a sector that is largely driven by expenditure and continues to benefit from deals at the end of the year, regardless of whether the consumer purchases for themselves or their company. Credit cards for corporate use are of course still wielded by a lot of people -those who are looking for software and may still require a great deal, especially if the tighter budgets for departments play a role when making purchases.

Additionally, buyers from B2B might be seeking to utilize extra budgetary funds prior to year's close to ensure that their budget is not reduced during the coming year. They might be encouraging departments or teams to get set up with proper equipment prior to the start of the year. Business-specific instances like these can lead to higher B2B sales during Q4 despite the many delays in work due to the holiday season.

Cyber-Week Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Are you pondering what you can do to benefit from that increase in Q4? Regardless of whether you're targeting B2B or B2C customers, here are some tactical strategies to increase the sales of software and SaaS sales by the end in the calendar year.

Promo Partners Custom Coupon Discount Codes

Furthermore, you'll have the capability to track how well the sale campaign did against other coupons.

     Don't Have Partners to Give special coupons to? Find Some!

If you're not already benefiting from promotional collaborations, the holidays may bring about new partnerships. Find other SaaS or software firms that have solutions that match your own. (For instance, if you create a database software, look for companies that make software for front-end use.)

Besides custom coupon codes, provide the opportunity to trade Cyber Weekend promotions to each audience in the form of newsletter messages, website banners, mentions on social media and other methods to help companies increase their sales towards the end of the year.

Contact Your Future Customers

Even if you choose not to go after partnership opportunities -for instance, in the case of a larger project that you'll need more time to plan for emailing your current prospect list is an easy and quick method to carry out.

Prospects can't take advantage of offers they don't know about. You shouldn't rely only on banners for your website to attract potential buyers' attention upon a visit to your website. Get them on your website by sending them smart emails about forthcoming or ongoing offers that grab attention to those who might be.

Email Your Current Customers an email

Just like prospects, customers can't be over-sold in the event that they aren't aware of holiday promotions, either.

Below are some of the lucrative opportunities that to target in the existing users you have:

  • Add-ons for upselling. Review user statistics for those who use your products the frequently or most generally because they are most likely to want additional features as well as access.
  • Increase subscriptions by giving different alternatives. Similar to downloads, if are able to identify the most influential users of your product, then you can target the ones who are most likely to demand more from the product.
  • convert freemium customers into paid subscriptions with an irresistible sales. If the freemium model is a key element of your model for business A successful sale during the Christmas season might be a way to finally bring in customers who are enthralled with the services they have access to but realize that they could be benefited by a greater number of them.
  • The ability to upsell individual subscriptions to group subscriptions and between enterprise and team-based subscriptions. It's not easy to determine which users are also evangelists for your products within their personal business, but if can gather context-based information about users (such such as those that could be gathered by your internal salesforce) Then Q4 is the optimal time to communicate to companies that have some customers, and also an opportunity to gain a lot more.
  • Cross-sell to completely brand new products. If your model of business includes various standalone products, there's the possibility of selling the base of one product with deals to buy the next in turn, in reverse. If you're able offer many more items and the better segmentation you can do, and the more opportunities there are.
  • Switch users between month-to year subscriptions. This is the English saying "A bird in the hand is more valuable than two birds nestled in the field" is often applicable to business due to the fact that the income accessible to your company right now could be more valuable than the slightly more lucrative revenue that is spread out through the year. Make the most of customers being looking to shop when Q4 comes to an end: tempt them with the chance to save money in the long run through converting their monthly subscription to a yearly one.

HTML1 Leverage Social Media

Social media is the ideal platform for celebrating events, so sharing holiday-themed posts by your company can be a natural choice.

A variety of social media platforms provide advertising options that are geared on the users based on geography or their interests. You should consider using the option to showcase regionally themed holiday adverts in applicable regions, or to display ads to users who may have expressed their interest in the holiday on the platform.

However, natural social media posts are typically able to be seen by all users who are following them, regardless of where they live. It is a great way to spread sales with no limit on the amount of viewers you are able to attract to a specific segment. Remember, however, that if you have followers or the target audience that you're targeting is broad and diverse, then your seasonal organic posts must also be.

Provide More Exciting Coupons to Geos. Geos

If you experience greater profitability in a particular region or you're trying to get into a different market, then promoting attractive discounts in particular areas can help you gain by Cyber Weekend sales increases.

To implement this you should use GeoIP-based features on your website for highlighting discount codes that are specific to regions.

You can then use the Store Builder Library to make it easier to apply coupons during checkout. This can improve your conversion rate.

Localize Christmas Promotions

While Cyber Weekend has become popular around the world but there are some local celebrations that could be more successful in the specific region or nation you're trying to get into. Holidays like Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric events (such like Black Friday and Cyber Monday) in countries such as the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Be sure to create your Christmas-related promotional campaigns to your geographic location so that you don't lose out on big opportunities in key areas.

 What Can I Do?

Global Payments: Localized languages, currencies, and payment methods

Knows that making your product accessible to more consumers isn't enough. You must make it easy for the customer to choose whether they want to purchase.

Global Tax Management We aren't required to worry about tax issues

HTML0 Consumer Support Management Contact us!

One of the most important aspects that we carry out in we are responsible for includes managing customer support. Clients can start contact us for assistance to help them solve issues with payment and purchase of the tax system, as well as calculating and billing subscriptions, downloads as well as other issues.

Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the senior content strategist for . With years of expertise in the field holding an MFA in writing creative nonfiction and has served the community in various capacities by teaching writing at the college level.

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