Course Landing Pages How for Better Conversion

Apr 13, 2024

Online courses are big business. The ease of access and convenience offered by remote learning means that many people are choosing it as a way to bolster their skills. Whether it's a company training course or someone just trying to learn a new skill, these courses have gained immense popularity.

What ever the reason and whatever the course page is for, the course landing pages need to be up to scratch. Let's look at what an effective landing page ought to be doing, and the best ways to integrate into it for the greatest effect. OK, let's start learning.

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What can a landing page do?

Course landing pages are a little like windows in shops. What does such a window must include. First, it must appeal aesthetically. A pleasing color palette and thoughtful arrangement so that the items are harmoniously distributed is a significant impact on the eyes of the customer.

A sense of story, giving an understanding of the purpose behind the items shown, or the use of teasers that hint at the beauty of what's inside. This can all be very effective.

That's what shop windows are. Of course, they're, landing pages, too. They're basically the same. Anyone who is just visiting is more likely to see their interest captivated by a landing page employing techniques similar to these.

There's a major difference that is significant between bricks and mortar customers who visit a store and those who use the internet.

What is the way that a customer will get to your site initially Most likely, due to the SEO you employed to lure them in. Perhaps you took the effort to use an attractive domain extension (like purchasing a .ai domain to create artificial intelligence course landing pages).

In contrast to the pedestrian on the street, your site visitor may already be inclined to find out more information about what you offer. So, once they're near, websites have one primary purpose: to encourage those already intrigued people to take the next step.

For page landing pages for courses, the next step is to sign up for a course. So, the landing page has to propel users towards taking this next stage. Through breaking down these three strategies we've been talking about into smaller but crucial aspects, we can do this.

Great headline

There should be a hero area and headlines that have drama, as well as providing enough detail to provide an idea of the essence of what it is that you're offering. The landing page should also make use of language that resonates with your intended audience (this aspect must be maintained throughout the entire design process: it is essential to design a landing page which will chime with your chosen customer).

Here's an excellent illustration.

Screenshot from

It's large, striking, and it's also descriptive. It emphasizes the word passion, which will hugely impact those who are visiting this website when they could be doing their boring job and thinking wistfully about alternatives and better ways of making a living.

This headline works because it concentrates on the end result. It's like a wormhole that takes the reader from the universe in which things are slightly boring to a completely different place that is where excitement and thrills can be expected.

What are the steps to get there? The subtitle is the place where it comes in.

Helpful subtitling

The headline is all about the impact. The next step is to provide information that provides more an explanation of the class you're offering. In the example above, it says 'It's a step by step guide for finding the work that you enjoy, 100% guaranteed'. The site doesn't need to provide a lot of information. Just clarify the headlines just enough so that the user is in no doubt what it is that your site is all about.

This is a different example as it gives the viewer an understanding of the main purpose of the website is without giving too much detail. (Although, in truth, the sentence should probably be shorter. )

Screenshot from

Incidentally, this kind of subtitling is crucial and not only for landing pages. This is what makes product pages work. There has to exist a link between the headline to the meat of the product copy, whatever the site is offering, between a prediction manual and a predictive dialer. Subtitling is the way to do this.

A detailed description

So, the visitor is looking to know more. It's the time to go deep on what your course is all about. It's important to note that we're referring to a 'level of detail'. Exactly how much detail is determined in a large amount by the demographic you are targeting.

If you're looking to talk to professionals in search of fast answers to any problem they may have, then it is essential to be swift in describing the information you provide. Utilize bullet points or short phrases to embed exactly what you do without trying anybody's patience.

Or, if your demographic is likely to have a little longer to spend reading, then go a little more detailed. However, even for the largest portion of your population who enjoys leisure, don't go too detail-heavy: it's very easy to turn off people when you overwhelm them with information. Keep in mind that you are able to place the details on the next page. The landing page is all about broad strokes.

Let's say, for instance, you've created a fantastic online 'Cooking for Beginners' course. When it comes to your course description you'll definitely want to mention how your class provides excellent instructions and tricks, however you'll also want to highlight what someone will gain, such as making 7 easy and inexpensive recipes and the basics of food preparation and storage techniques.

This is a great way of not just demonstrating what the instructor is capable of but also briefly detailing the subjects that the course will cover. This is like demonstrating how a product improves lives without going into unnecessary detail concerning the origins and construction, and so on.

Design elements

As of now, we're mostly concentrating on the text. Just as important is the look and feel of the webpage. Just like the design components of the shop window, there has to be an element of aesthetics for the site to achieve maximum effect. We'll take a look.


Distinctiveness and clarity is the main focus here. A font can have a striking impact, but it is difficult to comprehend.

Take a moment to think about what image you want to project. Is it sober authority? An unfussy font like Helvetica or similar is one of the areas you'll want to look at. For financial purposes, for instance, such as a course to boost your insurance lead generation skills, then you want an unfussy font that is free of glitzy embellishments.

In contrast If your subject involves more arts and crafts, then a font that simulates needlepoint is a great selection.

Don't neglect the power of picking out a particular term or phrase in a different style to create a more powerful impact.

Screenshot from

This is a great splash of bold handwriting red. It's a corporate color that finds resonances within the logo, the CTA boxes along with Ms. Garst's glasses and top. For a moment, you may be thinking, this is a financial site, so why shouldn't the focus be on the weighty font?

Very well identified. This website is somewhat different in that the creator is thinking of the people that might be interested with online money making, but don't necessarily belong in the top league. For these people, fun and approachability are the main features of the course that they want to market. So, it underlines how important it is to know and speaking to your demographic throughout the website's landing page.


We've already hit on the impact a bold use of red can have. It is evident that color plays a huge role for catching an eyes and making a statement. There's an array of qualities that colors are designed to represent in marketing, but there's not enough space to cover all of it in this article.

Color may be powerful, but be careful not to do it too much. The color of your choice is based on context. Red would not look nearly so attractive against a brown background like, for example. That's why we're going to talk about another aspect. Be sure to include plenty of white space. It's the canvas that lets your image make a statement.


Image from

However (and this is true throughout landing page design) do not sacrifice your quality for cuteness. If you've come up with a turn of phrase which makes you want to give yourself a rose for a dazzling wit, but other people struggle to understand it, you're better off keeping it in your journal. It doesn't matter what area your course pages cover including mastering macrame through modernizing the mainframe.

Landing page lift-off

The field of web design truly is a vast area to get your head around, and landing pages are so crucial that they comprise a significant part of it. Hopefully, we've given you enough ideas to begin designing your course's landing pages as effective as they could be.

If you're not sure, keep your eyes on two C's: clout and clarity. Your landing page should make an impression, but it should also be well-organized. If you can blend both of these and your landing pages for courses will be a hit.

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