ConvertKit review: Top (and worst) features, according to 31 previous customers |

Jan 3, 2024

This ConvertKit review we'll talk to 31 former ConvertKit customers about ConvertKit's pros and cons and why many made the switch to Email.

ConvertKit is an extremely popular email marketing tool for designers. It is known for its graphic automation tool, pre-designed sign-up forms and landing pages, and detailed audience analytics But do you think it's the best option for you?

The following ConvertKit review, we'll learn about 31 former ConvertKit users on the features they loved, what they disliked, as well as what made them switch to Email.

Email marketing tools are one of the key pieces of your online business This is how you'll expand your customer base, communicate to your followers and market your digital products. But important doesn't have to mean complicated and expensive.

In this article, we share those findings and we go over:

What ConvertKit's users like best about their tools for marketing emails

The ConvertKit customers who have previously used the product faced issues regarding their product

The reason why some users decided to change to for their email marketing

Although we'd lovefor you to choose  however, we've made sure to provide an honest review rather than criticizing ConvertKit simply because we want you to find the best solution to run your business no matter what you choose.


  • Former ConvertKit customers liked that there was a free plan, but feature limits make it a challenge to make use of. 37% of users said that ConvertKit's expensive pricing was their #1 issue in using the service.
  • Some users liked being able to run complex automations, however, others felt ConvertKit to be confusing and complicated to configure.
  • ConvertKit has nice templates for landing pages as well as email forms. However, the templates aren't easy to alter. People who needed greater freedom felt constrained.
  • 54% of users stated that the primary reason why they switched from ConvertKit to the other was because they wanted to manage their entire company (email and website, merchandise and so on.) all in one location. 's affordable pricing was the third most frequent reason people switched.

Simple automations that accomplish what you'd like them to, a full-featured free plan with unlimited landing pages that are customizable in any way you want - Try Email to get started today for no cost .

What are the most effective characteristics of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit provides an email service that allows creators to grow their fan base, engage with followers, automate their marketing via email, and earn money from digital products.

It is possible to start by creating the opt-in forms for emails that are embeddable and standalone landing pages to direct people to your email list. When you're ready to send an email broadcast or newsletter, ConvertKit has a point-and-click email designer and a library of templates you can use to get started and you could also make a customized email from the ground up.

Additionally, you can create automated campaigns by using the builder for visual automation and add tags and segments for your customers according to the actions they perform (like clicking a link in an email or buying a digital product).

Out of all the ConvertKit functions These are the features that our 31 survey respondents liked the most:

ConvertKit is a service that offers a trial plan for free.

The free ConvertKit plan allows you to be able to have as many as 1,000 customers, and allows you to create unlimited broadcasts. It's possible to design the number of landing pages as you want but don't get the ability to automate or integrate on this level.

However, the free trial is an excellent method to get a feel for its basic functions of the platform, like the email builder tool and landing page designer, before committing to a paid plan.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is well-known for its builder of visual automation, which lets you build precise workflows, paths as well as funnels for your customers. One previous user specifically mentioned that they liked the fact that they had "multiple funnels, triggers, and tags" to work with, and you can utilize as many segments or tags as you'd like to organize your audience.

ConvertKit excels in the hands of creators who require detailed customer journeys with multiple entrance and exit points, or those who require highly-specialized automations to promote the products.

Make pages and email templates using already-designed templates

Other ex-users said they liked the fact that ConvertKit's editor for emails and landing page builder had pre-designed templates to help them create emails, opt-in pages and landing pages fast.

There are some restrictions on the things you can do to customize (particularly for your pages or forms that will be discussed below) However, they look good out of the box. The only thing you have to do is add your images, text as well as links, then you're on your route.

ConvertKit also lets you make your own email templates that you can use again and over.

Statistics and tracking data are available for every subscriber

Another aspect in which ConvertKit gets high marks is in audience analysis. One user said that they appreciated having "more information on each person within my target audience, such as the URL they visit, which emails they open, etc."

You'll have access to subscriber stats and subscriber scoring (available through the Creator Pro plan) so you can see lots of information about your audience. You can, for instance, find out which opt-in form types are the most well-liked and which customers have gone cold and which email messages have the highest deliverability and open rate.

As we mentioned earlier, you can also use ConvertKit to create infinite tags and segments for your audience so you always make sure you are sending the correct message to the right people.

What did previous customers not like about ConvertKit?

On the flip side, the former 31 ConvertKit users we surveyed weren't fans of the expensive price, complex automations builder as well as the limitations of landing page designs.

The cost of ConvertKit's services is high.

37% of past users reported that their main issue for ConvertKit was the cost charge.

There's a no-cost plan, but it only has basic functions for 1,000 users. If you're looking for more features, you'll need to choose a paid Creator or Creator Pro plan.

In both plans, pricing goes up as your list size increases. Below are some instances of what you can be expecting to pay for different ConvertKit tiers:

What's the main difference between these two plans?

With ConvertKit's free plan (up up to 1,000 subscribers) You get:

Unlimited landing pages

Unlimited kinds of forms

Unlimited TV

Audience tagging and segmentation

Sell subscriptions, digital products and other digital items

Community-based assistance

With Creator, you receive everything in free, plus:

Support for Live Chat and Email

Free migration from another tool


Third-party integrations

One additional team member

In addition, with Creator Pro, you get everything from the two plans, plus:

Unlimited team members

Referral system for newsletters

Subscriber scoring

Advanced reportage

It's good to have a free plan, but it won't work for a lot of users because ConvertKit gates important features like automations, integrations, and customer support for paid plans exclusively.

You'll need to shell out at least $15/month (for the creator plan that has 300 subscribers) for the first time to experiment with automated emails or support for your business.

Plus, the visual automation tool is among ConvertKit's main selling points, but it's not available until you sign up for a Creator plan. This can drastically jump up in price as your list grows.

Automating funnels and building automations could become difficult

Regarding the creator of visual automations the majority of users were dissatisfied with ConvertKit's automated systems as they are too complicated to manage and set up. Some reviewers liked having lots of options, but some reviewers cited things such as, "UI (user interface) was unwieldy" as well as "segmentation was so complicated" as top complaints.

Although you can do a lot of intricate workflows and campaigns with ConvertKit, most creators simply need a system that will send out emails, and manage simple automations, like welcome emails, sales funnels, as well as nurture and sales funnels.

If the process becomes too complex and confusing, it could feel as if it's a burden. Additionally, nobody likes going into their email accounts and seeing a whole web of automatisations without understanding how to use it.

The majority of creators do not need their companies to become complicated. complex, so there's no need to spend premium prices for features that which you do not actually require. If you're not certain that you require highly specific automations for your business, ConvertKit could be more costly and complicated than is needed.

Landing pages and opt-in forms have design limitations

It's true that ConvertKit offers attractive templates for landing pages and email opt-in forms, but there are limits on what you can do to customize. A former user said, "I didn't like the constraints on the opt-in form I designed, and also the images weren't real views."

Currently, ConvertKit doesn't have a way to build landing pages or forms completely from scratch. You have to edit the existing templates you've been given.

For instance, if you choose a landing page template with two columns, you're only able to add elements (like images, buttons, dividers, or lists with bullets) within these columns. There's no way to add extra sections that go beyond the basic design. The options can feel limiting in the event that you've a layout in mind that doesn't align with a design template.

Additionally, ConverKit's landing page templates are designed for email capture, not selling products or sending people to other URLs. Most pages with landing pages have an obvious opt-in for email by default, and it is necessary to make use of customized CSS if you want to take away the email opt-in box on your landing page.

This makes it very difficult to utilize ConvertKit's landing pages to do anything outside of gathering emails and you may be required to purchase an external landing page creator.

What are the reasons people switch from ConvertKit to ?

When asked why they switched from ConvertKit to , respondents highlighted the lower price point and the simple email creator and the simplicity of having everything on one site.

costs less for virtually all users

Unless you are able to count less than 100 or 1,000 subscribers it is the case that all Email plans are lower as compared to the ConvertKit equivalents. Here are a few instances of the way pricing works out with ConvertKit and based on list size:

In addition to a lower price, Email plans also have extra features for running your online company.

The email editor of's is simple to operate

Make a design you love? Use it as a template to use in your emails or broadcasts for as many times as you would like.

Inside your emails it is possible to include columns, text-based sections with featured callsouts, social media links, videos, CTAs, and files that your clients can download.

can run your business all in the same place

The majority of people polled (54%) reported that the main primary reason for switching from ConvertKit to the other was because they wanted to manage all aspects of their business all from one location.

ConvertKit is a great option for email marketing, but its e-commerce capabilities aren't as extensive and there's no website or community tools. A majority of the developers that we talked to found the one-stop-shop approach simple and affordable as they didn't need to join (and pay for) a ton of extra tools.

You can also customize the method of emailing your followers based on whether or not they've bought a product or joined a waitlist or expressed an interest in a specific topic, with no complicated tags and integrations.

Let's say you wanted to create waiting lists for an online course you're hoping to market.

In ConvertKit, you'd need create an opt-in page or landing page that is specifically designed for your waitlist. You'll also need to tag any subscribers who join by filling out the form. During the launch, you can send messages to the people with this tag, to help promote your new product.

But once the course is in place, you may not need to be constantly contacting those who already bought the course, which is why you'll have to connect ConvertKit to your online course platform. You would then need create a tag for people who have bought the product and utilize this tag to remove them from any future promotional messages you send to waitlist participants.

Your course, your email as well as your customers are located in the same spot. All you need to create the course and place it in waitlist mode. Automatically, it will create a landing page to the course, and any student who registers will be added to the course's waitlist.

It doesn't require an elaborate setup in the background or to remember the different tags that a dozen mean, and you won't need to be concerned about crossing your lines crossed as it contains all the information about your clients in one spot.

Here are some ways 's one platform that is all-in-one can simplify your life:

Run automated welcome emails whenever you receive an email from someone who joins your list.

Automatically send customized email sequences to customers after they purchase an item

Only message recipients who have (or aren't) bought a product

Keep in touch with those who have joined your waitlist.  The waitlist feature is accessible for all plans, even the no-cost plan.

Create lead magnets to will lead people to automated marketing automatizations

Utilize link clicks to apply tags to subscribers, then develop automated email messages about the topics they are interested in.

If you want to consolidate your online business into one place and get rid of additional costs and integrations, could be the right fit for you as well.

Is ConvertKit suitable for me?

ConvertKit is an ideal choice for those who create content as well as entrepreneurs who require an email platform that comes with numerous complicated automated features. The service is more expensive cost than similar platforms  and, but could be worth the cost in the event that you require a graphic automation builder. ConvertKit is also a good alternative if you're only looking to create landing pages that collect email addresses (not offering products) since that's what ConvertKit's templates are set up for.

is a better option to online creators looking to simplify their business with all the necessary information in one spot. You can create unlimited emails and marketing campaigns, make use of beautiful email templates (or make your own) or create a complete site, create websites from scratch to serve any purpose you need they serve, and even make sales on any product that you can think of.

Since you won't need lots of extra tools and plugins the total cost of your business are probably lower that they would be in the event that you had to put it all together yourself.

To get a cost-effective, simple-to-use and powerful features for marketing which don't seem like a burden, you should give it a go. It's completely free to get started .

We're excited to see what your creations are.


Email marketing FAQS

What exactly is ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an email marketing platform which lets you increase your email list through sign-up forms as well as landing pages. You can also make automated emails, distribute broadcasts, and also sell digital downloads. There's a limited free plan for up to 1,000 customers, while paid plans start at only $15 per month.

What are the best ConvertKit alternatives?

It's no surprise that our top ConvertKit alternatives is Email! You can also read about different email marketing tools that are like ConvertKit in these tutorials.

What are the benefits of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit allows you to send unlimited broadcast messages and create unlimited campaigns. It has pre-designed templates for email as well as an easy email creator, as well as visual automation builders. It is also possible to offer digital downloads through the e-commerce option.

What are the drawbacks of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit can be used to manage your email, but you'll have to join other tools to build your site and sell items beyond downloads. A greater number of tools mean more technologies you'll need to manage and potentially more fees. In addition, ConvertKit's prices become expensive as your list grows and you require more features.

What is the best email marketing program?


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