
Oct 7, 2022

Following a series of quarters that have been marred by uncertainty and negativity, the third quarter of the third quarter of 2013 is crucial for the medium-term outlook on the economics of membership.

The economy of membership is going through one of the most turbulent moments of the present. The rate of inflation is increasing, more anxiety and a more cautious consumer is dominating the trends through 2022. The impact of these trends along with extreme volatility of the market have already been felt across virtually all industries.

The industry of membership isn't the only one. While the revenue forecasts for 2022 that were made in the boom in membership of 2021 were quickly beyond reach during this year, the membership industry is required to think more closely than they have previously looked at all aspect of their overall plan.

In a nutshell: If you're a membership operator, 2022 has relentlessly test your belief - over and over again.

Every story that has been told to date would have you believe that the rest of 2022 is going to be negative for the membership, and that we should be ready for a slowdown throughout the entire consumer market as well as within every company and sector.

It's not that easy.

To find the perfect moment

When we face difficult economic conditions or in business, We always search for signs, indicators and signs that show the turning point could be in the near future or just around the corner. We may not even be aware of a turning point until months or even weeks after the event , there's one thing which always occurs with turning points - an incident.

Q3 was the exact moment.

It was a time when those representing the members' representative had very good results, despite a negative sentiment. This was the moment when silence was greater than the chaos. It was a moment where they proved they were so impressed by their product is so high that they can't survive without it.

The issue marked a discord.

The greatest risk to members during slowdowns in the economy is the risk of becoming excessively negative. Customers who were steadfast and confident about their business throughout this challenging year continue to work on, plan and prepare for the moment not knowing exactly when it will occur. When the third quarter is complete it's possible to gaze into the rearview mirror with confidence that it is, in fact, happening.

Uncertainty opens up opportunities

Our customer's memberships outperformed significantly in the 3rd quarter of this year. All across our portfolio we've witnessed memberships surpass records for their revenues, retention rates and member counts. By staying in the right direction and not being affected by the bigger reports, we can let our members enjoy the advantage of the upswing of membership seen during Q3.

A well-planned and managed the membership plan is an crucial to members' success in tough conditions. Our study shows the greatest return on investment is realized when members opt to put their money into their business during times of economic downturn and remain cautious during the midst of growth that is rapid. This strategy has allowed our customers to have the money to fund their businesses in the appropriate time, like the ones were experienced at the beginning of the year 2022.

The game of membership is long-lasting and members who think this way discover that the outside environment as well as negative mood create possibilities for growth in membership that is sustainable.

Being a member-based operator it is impossible to predict the exact timing of the upswings that are similar like the one that we witnessed in Q3, however, you could anticipate them.

One thing that you can count on is that such moments happen when you would least think about them.

Keep building.

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