
Aug 4, 2022
What is the best email marketing platform?

Mailchimp vs. Mailerlite vs. SendinBlue Which is the best marketing via mail?

With the proliferation of marketing channels including social media platforms and webinars, live events such as phone calls, forums, the web and chat rooms, email remains a popular method for communicating with your customers. It's affordable and allows you to make a connection instantly to your customers.

Which email service is the most user-friendly and least expensive? Which marketing email service will aid in reducing bounces and also help you to create beautiful emails , or gives you the most effective control over your information?

This article offers a complete review of the top businesses for marketing through email.

Are you looking to explore every option, which includes Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo, Drip and ConvertKit? Be sure to check back! We will be diving deeply into one of the efficient CRM systems in the near future!

A quick comparison chart

MailChimp Mailerlite SendinBlue
Brand positioning Expand your customer base and increase your revenue. It's crucial to engage new and existing customers with email marketing as well as automated marketing. This can be accomplished by making use of a program that provides experts in the field and the most reliable guidance. Create an email that contains advertising which your customers will be satisfied with. Use digital marketing tools to expand your client base and generate more income. Get ready for your launch. Sendinblue is the most reliable and easy-to-use platform to assist you to increase your company's success. It can assist you to thrive online by helping your company to success with the proper sales and marketing tools.
Principal Features Principal Features Email
Website/Landing Page
Setup/comments It's perhaps the oldest platform. It has the ability to design websites and also the ability to sell merchandise on the internet. The price of email marketing is minimal and could be done efficiently. Registration forms for sign-ups and templates for paid subscriptions are available. Marketing via email is easy and affordable that's easy and cost-effective. Chat, SMS marketing and Inbox platforms.
( Featured) Integrations Shopify, Canva, Quickbooks, Zapier, Google Business Profile, Google Analytics, Yotpo, Instagram, Facebook, WooCommerce,
Squarespace, Stripe, BigCommerce, Magento, ShipStation, Wordpress,
Salesforce, Typeform,
Eventbrite, MailMunch
Facebook Audiences, MailerCheck,
Make, Shopify, Stripe, Typeform, WooCommerce, WordPress
ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, HubSpot, Intercom,
Mailchimp, Mailjet, Mixpanel, Pipedrive, SurveyMonkey, Typeform,
Price A monthly limit on usage of email of 10,000 sends.
Premium 17%/month, 6,000 monthly emails.
Nearly 1,000 people could receive a no-cost
The number of subscribers is 12,000 each month.
Premium: Unlimited email each month, for just $9.
Every week, you can receive free 300 emails for unlimited contacts
Premium: Starting at $25 per month You can receive up to 20000 emails per month.

Mailchimp has a broad range of possibilities

Pricing and features

According to the company, it can aid you "grow the number of customers you serve and increase your revenues", Mailchimp is an online platform that allows for the automatization of workflows and emails marketing, which helps customers divide their client base with tips and advice.

Mailchimp offers a free lifetime plan that lets you deliver 12,000 email messages at a maximum of 2,000 clients. But, as part of your subscription, you'll be bound to use their brand when you send emails to customers, however it is an excellent choice for people who are just beginning their journey. The paid subscription plans start at just $10 per month and include 500 or more subscribers. This plan provides a broad variety of high-end services including an advanced system of segmentation for customers along with live chat support.

How does it work

After you have logged into your account, you'll then be able to see the outcomes of your most recent campaign's results. Statisticians will display:

  • recipients
  • open rate, as well as clicks per open
  • Certain of the delivery were success
  • Open with all clicks
  • The number of orders is by the hundreds of thousands.
  • Revenue generated by an average order in addition to the overall revenue.


This is where you make, edit and save your subscriber lists or your contacts. Users can manually add new subscribers, by filling in their email addresses and additional personal details on a form. It is also possible to import customers' information via bulk import via another system. You can upload an CSV file or copy and past the information of new subscribers.


If you've moved or have established customers, it's easy to split the customers into different groups based upon their past shopping habits and also their geographic area or their personal preferences. You can apply tags to your customers manually so that they can deliver specific messages to those who are similar to them. Groups permit you to organize customers in accordance with particular criteria or behaviors.

There is the possibility of creating forms for registration as well as sign-ups that permit people to sign-up in person with their email addresses to join your. It's possible to finish the procedure using HTML forms or pop-ups that can be integrated into any website or even a contact form that will send emails directly to your email address as and a range options to link to your messaging software.

Campaigns Campaigns

It is the place to create and finish your emails, which are also known as campaigns. There is the option of choosing templates for sending email templates based on what kind of material you'll utilize to advertise the latest products or make an announcement you can create new styles and templates using Content Studio. Content Studio.



It is possible to alter the nature of your work, and also referred to as customer journeys. There are a myriad of possibilities to promote your business or products to your existing customers, for example the sending of text messages along with an offer that is sent to abandoners of carts, and to gain new customers. For instance, by employing Facebook Ads ads (optionally tied to Zapier).



To take the concept of shopping online at a more advanced stage, MailChimp now also offers an online platform to let customers "tell the story of your company, connect with businesses from other industries as well as build your company".


You can start with just one application; it takes about 15-20 minutes to setup your payment options with Stripe (which permits payments through all major credit cards) in just five minutes to customize your store and get it up and running. Mailchimp software is an application which automatizes the creation of orders confirmations, shipping alerts, as well as abandoned cart email messages to your shop.

Simple mailerlite things

Pricing and Features

It is marketed as an instrument to "create web-based marketing campaigns and mailers that people are likely to appreciate", Mailerlite offers digital marketing tools to help to increase the reach of your customers quickly as well as increase the amount of money you earn. The MailerLite team strives to "provide simple solutions to complex task" which are simple to utilize and efficient in design, with an award-winning service to customers.

It's free to send 12,000 monthly messages, with you can add up to 1,000 subscribers as well with the Growing Business plan. Growing Business is $9 per month ($108 for a year-long billing) to email unlimited messages every month to to 1,000 subscribers in addition to the Advanced plan that costs for $29.95 each month ($228 in the event of billing annually) that includes unlimited monthly email messages and more than 1000 users as well as various other add-ons, like priority support and secure websites. For more subscribers, you can incrementally pay more; there's a sliding scale at to see how the pricing changes.

What's the procedure?

If you're a subscriber to MailerLite, MailerLite gives you information on the effectiveness of campaigns in the past and gives statistics on each active subscriber, including the amount of newly signed-up subscribers for today as well as for the month of this month, the number of mails delivered along with the number of clicks open , as in addition to CTOR (click to open) as well as the number of subscribers that have not registered, and have expressed concern about or spam if there is you have the chance to receive the possibility of having.


Email newsletters, commonly called campaigns, and split into sections that are able to be moved and then dropped in the editing. Examples of block types are Logo + Content article with highlights video and background images. RSS illustrates one article which is aligned left and right.


When you're satisfied with the design You can choose the recipients to get the newsletter by using simple targeting or by using advanced segmentation techniques, like "Signup origin API" or "Signup source is API" or 'Signup date must be before July'.

Subscribers Subscribers

There are four methods to include new subscribers. Transfer information from a CSV in TXT or CSV form.. Paste and copy data from Excel or Excel Add one subscriber, and then import it from Mailchimp. Mailerlite's Mailerlite platform will automatically delete duplicate messages after transmission.


When you've successfully imported or new subscribers, it is possible to divide them into segments to make them better focused. They are constantly updated list of your subscribers in accordance with their behavior and other characteristics. They also allow you to sort your list of subscribers based on preferences or behaviors. Additionally, you're able to include custom fields to facilitate the storage of any additional details.

This section also houses to an Stats tab. It is the place to look at the average rate of clicks per campaign, the median per-campaign click rate, the average month-long subscribe rate and an average monthly unsubscribe rate.

Formulas and sites

The form editor of MailerLite can be used to create and build pop-up forms which will catch the viewers' interest the fastest. There are a variety of pop-up types that comprise floating bars and sliding boxes. Additionally, you may choose the time or period before the display appears.


Also, you can make simple landing pages that allow people to sign-up, or to promote older emails to increase the number of people who sign up. You can even create an online survey to encourage people to sign up.


The workflows can send emails in response to the subscriber's behavior or preferred mode of communication, like birthdays, birthdays or the first registration. The workflow can also identify customers automatically, based on their behaviour on the website and utilize the tags to make groups and segments that are specifically targeted to promote marketing. The system can also send out promotional emails to users who've abandoned carts.

SendinBlue is a company that provides more details about the business.

Features and pricing

SendinBlue assists you to "Be on the same level with your clients and control all of your electronic communications at one time" through the combination of the marketing of emails, one of the tools which allows you to increase speed and efficiency of emails as well as marketing automated CRM, as well as live chat.

The free plan cost no monthly fee, and it allows up to 300 emails every day. It also includes unlimited contacts. The Lite plan costs $25/month and includes up to 20,000 emails per month to unlimited contacts as well as email support and A/B testing. The Premium plan cost $65/month that can send up to 20,000 email messages to unlimited contacts lists. The Premium plan includes all the options of Lite and also automated email and Facebook advertisements, as well as webpages to create landing pages and a the helpline.

What's the procedure?

When you log in to the account you have created, you'll be able to see the dashboard, which includes information about the prior email messages. The dashboard shows the title of the campaign as well as the amount of subscribers who are signed-up and the amount of people who opened the emails, recipients as well as users who click and those who have who have not been unsubscribed.


SendinBlue provides the percentage of open that is trackable and also the number of open tracks (the ones who haven't disabled Privacy Protection in their email client) in relation to the estimated number of open emails.

Sending Mails (within Campaigns tab)

SendinBlue has a wide range of layouts for your newsletter depending on the kind of content you'd want to share, for example an announcement about the launch of a new product or an event, or encouraging blogs to share their content.


There are templates can be taken from the gallery. They can also be found in the templates section. Drop templates to design your own templates , or design your own templates.

Automatization and Transactional

It is a tool to build automatized workflows based on a number of factors. Each automation has an entry point like buying an item online, which triggers the workflow. Another action like sending an email or sending a text message as a reaction to a specific situation such as "Is this the first time they purchase this product or is it the first time they purchase it? '.


Each of these aspects create workflows that assist in completing different activities. Examples include greeting new customers with pertinent details, providing discounts to an existing customer for them to encourage them to interact with the brand and providing recommendations or upsells to existing customers who are active.


There are two methods to incorporate contacts into SendinBlue. You can transfer contacts from the .csv, .xlsx or .txt files to your personal computer , or duplicate and then copy the contacts from in the .xls file. But, it is possible to utilize these forms and the landing page functions by using this. You can create customized webpages to encourage visitors to sign-up. It is also possible to create a contact using their personal information.


The list feature, along alongside the attributes of contact, permits you to classify your customers to send specific messages. To improve open rates, it is possible to change your settings to send messages such as from name, reply To and Header/Footer in the list.


MailChimp, MailerLite, and SendinBlue all are geared towards specific types of customers in the area of email marketing. MailChimp has a breadth of options; MailerLite is lightweight and cost-effective; SendinBlue is data-driven.

Each choice serves a distinct reason, and it is the choice of deciding the most beneficial option to you and your audience. Make your work with passion!

Research methodology

Through our study, we examined the most popular metrics any leading email service should be able provide. When the metrics had been determined and examined after that, we gave each of them scores between 1 and 5 in order to get an overall score which could be used to classify the relevant parameters. By analyzing the score, we could determine and then make a choice on which metrics are most effective and require further research.

The indicators The four things we think are important, along with detailed description of what we think an effective email marketing company should offer:

The speed and ease of starting

  1. It took an enormous amount of time for setting up, including setting up an account, and then sending the first email?
  2. How do you complete another more difficult task like the creation of an online website is clear and well-defined?
  3. Do you think the platform provides an organized and easy approach to use the numerous offerings that are offered through the platform?

Easy integration as well as the level of intelligence

  1. What's the easiest method for linking your platform with software from third parties?
  2. If there are no integrations in the first place, will they be easy to implement? Do APIs have easy access?
  3. Do you have any features that don't work? Do you have the ability to produce an email identical as what you imagined?

HTML0 The positioning of the brand

  1. What's the most effective way to promote its goods? What are the ways for the firm using imagery and words to entice customers?
  2. What type of customers are they hoping to draw?


  1. What fees does the software have to charge? Do you have any additional processing fees (due due to Stripe or other similar)?
  2. Are there free tiers or trials? If so, do you enjoy a full user experience or are there features that are only accessible for those who pay?

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