Bring humanity back into your marketing with personalized videos

Nov 23, 2022

If you think that video fuels expanding your sales and marketing customized video is next-generation Turbo-charged rocket fuel.

Learn from the 77% of those who are seeing positive results through video marketing including an increase in lead, traffic and brand awareness. When it comes to personalized videos, 81% also say customized videos have grown the sales of their business.

In fact, people have 33% more likely to retain the message contained in videos in an email, as opposed to a text-based message.

If you're thinking of using video personalization to skyrocket your bottom line, we'll help you get there in this guide. We'll also drive home the benefits of using customized videos, and give you strategies for creating videos that generate ROI.

The top 4 advantages of video personalization

Human-centered marketing

Personalized videos are an effective way to stand from the crowd of marketing and sales.

Take a look at it in the context of. Would a video with a thumbnail showing a smiling face, waving hello to you superior to a monotonous one that is text-based and sounds like the sender has been mass-distributing it to everyone who is on their outreach list? It's hard not to pay attention to the video email and not miss it, would you?

Indeed, personalization via video is not just a way to draw attention, but it also allows you to showcase your personal style in order to build trust with potential clients.

The numbers support this, as 70 percent of sales representatives who have been using custom-made videos for outreach report an increase in their response rate.

Time saving for everyone

Making preparations for meetings, creating captivating presentation slides, and scheduling time for demonstrations of products all require lots of time.

Once you're able to master the art of the art of video prospecting it is easy to record personal videos, which will help you save time as well as your viewers' time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, personalized videos are amazing for efficiently (and humanly) making new suggestions, prospecting better, and informing new users and customers about your products.

Supports your ABM strategy

Marketing based on accounts is about targeting specific firms with customized content designed to keep them in the loop and help them move down the sales funnel.

The key to nailing your ABM strategy, however? Personalized content that answers the particular questions that your target customers have.

Luckily, personalized video content is the best format for nurturing these uber-important account types.

Oneis that personalization makes a mark in a sea of written material, and can help you get a customer's attention without taking up a ton or time.

Furthermore, as personalized videos can be used in a variety of use cases, you can make use of them throughout the sales or sales funnel. As an example, you can use personalized video to distribute intro messages, answer queries from customers, and establish connections with people at your the target account.

Helps to make work easier

Additionally, personalized video aids overcome misunderstandings and confusions that poorly or hastily written briefs create.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to stay in touch, we forget that everybody is different in their approach to working and sharing information.

Plus, you can auto-generate your screen recorded video's transcript to create a paper transcription of the message in the video. The result is that your entire conversation will be searchable, by pressing CTRL-F usable as well as easy to reference in the future.

9 proven tips for making personal videos

Are you convinced that it is time to begin making personalized videos to help with pitching, prospecting, teaming together with other people, assigning jobs, and much more? Get started creating. And trust us to say that creating a custom video is easy.

Here are the best tips and software for video personalization to start you off -- let's kick off with the following tips:

1. Draft up an informal script that will help you stay on the right track

It's not necessary to have detailed plans however. Simply create a bullet listing of everything you need to mention on a piece of paper and you're set. Refer to this list while you create your video so that the message stays focused, and you don't miss something.

2. Simple and short.

Long, rambling videos fail quickly and are difficult to follow. A short, simple to follow videos are better at creating and keeping the viewers' interest. In fact, over 60% people stay watching a sales video until the end if it's shorter than 60 seconds.

Writing your videos in scripts reminds you to use simple language and stick to your message. This, will ensure that your video is shorter.

Some additional helpful suggestions to apply today are:

  • Make your camera sound as you would to someone! Even though you're making an advertising video does not mean you need to use extravagant words in order to sound professional.
  • Be authentic. Be yourself! Potential employers and coworkers appreciate sharing your authentic self on video. They don't want an overly edited or polished version, so it's okay if your flawless video contains a small slip up -It's just human in the end.

3. Do not settle for the very first attempt

If you're making your first attempt with video prospecting it is recommended that to do some initial work by recording the video at least a few times instead of finalizing the first take.

The reason? Each time you record a version, you'll learn new things like:

  • Your delivery style
  • Enhancing the audio and lighting

Additionally, you'll come up with ways to showcase your personality and to connect more effectively with the viewer.

4. Include your face

The reason: showing you face can be the most effective approach to reach your audience. This is the first step to personalized prospecting video and a surefire way to gain your target accounts confidence.

For marketing video too it is useful for more than just building credibility. It also helps to establish brand recognition. The explainer video for SparkToro that he publishes via social media for instance, help with brand recognition on top of the product's education as well as connecting with viewers:

5. The pepper in your life

Speaking naturally and being yourself are the main tips to keep in mind here. However, there are other ways to showcase your character too. For example:

  • Make a "uniquely-you" video recording workspace. Without cluttering the background, add in items that define you. For example, add books for those who are avid readers (they're excellent for starting conversations as well!) and antique showpieces If you're a fan of those. Even your wall art can reflect what you love.
  • Introduce a distinct item to your wardrobe. This could be anything from a specific-colored scarf to a t-shirt with your company logo, or wearing a cap in all your videos.

All these tips not only aid in highlighting your personal style, but they develop your brand's recognition too.

6. You can research potential clients to make sure you are able to tailor your video for outreach

Personalization can be only limited to using your customer's name. However, it is more than this. Because if you really want to leave a strong impression on viewers and generate positive outcomes by using video it is essential to tailor your videos in the correct method.

What can you do to take your personalization and take it to the next step?

By researching your potential customer's problem. This helps create a video message that speaks to the person's particular problem and provides them with the solution they need to require. It also ensures favorable responses.

7. Provide a useful recap or an overview of the material you'll discuss

Depending on the person the video will be aimed at and how long depending on the audience, putting up a text-based slide that outlines what you'll be talking about, or the things you've spoken about helps.

In case of internal video, we'd suggest including a slide that highlights what you'll cover in the video -- bring it up when you describe what you'll cover within the video.

For external videos like sales presentations, make sure to include an overview slide or recap sharing how your tool can assist the viewers. It should be placed before the call-to action (CTA).

8. Take it to the next level by engaging

Such a video uses options like hotspots and overlays, time triggers, and branches that encourage viewers to engage with the content.

See for yourself:


9. Provide the viewer with a subsequent step (aka a CTA)

In the end, you must guide your viewers to the next step they need to take after watching your personalized video.

In the case of email outreach, it could be inviting them to reply to the email in exchange for a product demo. If you are sending marketing emails the CTA may be a small-scale conversion for example, like signing up to your newsletter, or inviting users to download the free version of the tool.

In the case of internal team videos, make your ask clear. For example, tell the viewer to review the outline and then get back you with any queries that they might have.

Start recording your own personalized videos right now.

For a recap, personal videos:

  • Are easy to make
  • Increase speed and performance and also support the work of remote workers that are async
  • Are an effective way to standout in the midst of a crowded world

What's the best part? They can be created on your own with Record.