Becoming a free woman, not an enslaver to the past, and encouraging progress: International Women's Day 2024

Mar 27, 2024

Every year, on the 8th day of March, all over the world converges to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). This is a day to acknowledge the achievements of women, as well as reflect on their challenges and recommitment to ensure that equality between men and women is maintained. In reflecting on the day, we see the fact that it was not just a matter of only one day. It's the culmination of many years of effort, perseverance and unwavering commitment. It's the day when we celebrate the occasion by inviting all to join us to a fascinating tour of IWD's history and the past IWD in a testament to the effectiveness of our group. actions.

Start by plant Seeds of Change to a Global Movement

The seeds of IWD started to sprout from the start of the early 20th century. That was when women's equality became a reality. In the 8th March in 1857, a huge group of women marched on the streets to protest poor working conditions in the industry of textiles and insufficient legal protections given to women in their specific sectors of the sector. They demanded reductions in working hours as well as a decent and fair living salary. A few years after that, on the 8th of March protest of needle-working women was held to protest child labor, conditions of work in sweatshops and also to call for women's right to vote. The year 1910 was the year that the eighth day of march became an official day to be named International Women's Day.

The process of change can be the driving force behind change.

It was an era that IWD could prove to be an important influence on change. IWD offered a forum where women could express their opinions about issues including the rights of women to vote, fair working conditions, fair wages and also the right to an education. In 1975, IWD became a recognized issue when IWD was recognized in IWD by the United Nations officially recognized IWD that acknowledged the importance of IWD.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

A Day of Celebration and Action

Presently, IWD is celebrated in different ways, ranging from huge events to intimate celebrations. This is a chance to honor the women who have made a mark in every field such as musicians and scientists to entrepreneurs and activists. However, IWD isn't only about honouring women. It's also about having the chance to act. The campaign to guarantee equality for men and women is close to becoming complete. It's essential to guarantee equality for everyone as well as to challenge the stigmas and prejudices that affect our lives, and to support every girl and woman. The main theme of International Women's Day 2024 is " Invest in Women and accelerating the pace of changes" by using the world famous hashtag #InvestInWomen..

In the words in the words of UN UN UN UN the UN the UN, these five categories are crucial to the development of this hashtag up to the point that the hashtag is no longer required:

  • investing in women's rights is among the human rights humanity's challenges:Time is running out. The equality of women's rights is one of the most pressing human rights issues that impact every person.
  • The conclusion of the cycle In the aftermath of the COVID outbreak and the ongoing conflicts going on across the globe, 75 million people live in extreme poverty, in the year 2020. It is a perfect opportunity to take action towards the end of the 342 million women and girls who are living in extreme poverty by 2030.
  • Financing which is gender-sensitive Conflicts and rising prices might force 75 percent nations around the globe to reduce the amount they spend on public services in 2025. It could have a negative impact to women, and also the vital services provide.
  • The shift towards eco-friendly economics as well as a society that is concerned about:The economy currently disproportionately has a negative impact on women. Encourages the transition to a more sustainable economy and empowers a caring society to empower women's voices.
  • helping women become leaders in the field: Although they are the most effective, women-led groups receive only 0.13 percent of official aid to development.

Beyond the Day

Even though IWD is a celebration, the aim of gender equality should not be restricted only to one day. Our company was established on the principle of equality and empowerment. We're dedicated to creating conditions that enable women to flourish every single day. We are committed to building a society that values respect, development in professional and professionalism in addition to supporting organisations that promote women's rights. We are determined to be part of the solution.

All of us can join together to reflect on the great stories from the past, and to celebrate the achievements that we have achieved in our lifetime as we work to build an ideal society where every woman can reach her dreams she's set for herself to perform in the top notch of the potential she has. Choose one of the following activities you can participate in on the calendar this year:

     Women at Risk and Leadership Learning and Compliance A step at a

7 March 2024 Virtual United States

     2024 International Women's Day virtual conference

8 March 2024 Virtual United States

     "Own Your Power" Leadership education for women on the art of communication

8 March 2024 8. Mars 2024 Virtual United States

     Female Visionaries Honoring women who been champions of the shift

8 March 2024 Virtual, United States

     Women and sport

March 8 20, 2024 Virtual United States

      Leqture IWD 2024 event

8 March 2024. Virtual United States

     International Women's Day Virtual Run

8th March 2024, virtual United States

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