Augmented Reality in the area of education

Mar 13, 2024

In the past, students were able to learn about the human's skeleton via pictures, videos or even real-time anatomical models. Now, it is possible to present a hyper-realistic 3D viewing of a human's skeleton inside your classroom. It is among the numerous methods that augmented realities have changed the way that we instruct and learn.

We'll dive deeper into augmented reality, education along with the many examples of practical applications. We'll cover:

What implications do we have from Augmented Reality for schools?

Augmented Reality in Education (AR) involves incorporating technology from the digital world into a physical class in order to help students comprehend real-world concepts better. AR doesn't substitute for reality but rather it assists students and teachers understand difficult and obscure concepts.

If you're trying to teach about the solar system. Instead of presenting it in a lecture then you'll be using the holographic projector. This projector can display the sun, as well as the planets around it in 3D inside your classroom. It is possible to make the planets larger or smaller, rotate the planets around, and zoom into the projector for further details.

This allows learners to see the size and layout of the solar system in a manner which is far more thrilling and memorable than drawing or diagrams. Instead of just reading from the pages of a book or scanning images or videos learners can engage with the solar system in real time and watch how the system works together.

What are the advantages from Augmented Reality in the classroom?

Let's review of the advantages of using AR within your school environment.

It improves the accessibility of classrooms.

Take a look at the Solar System course, for instance. This is how you can employ AR to aid students' learning in different ways:

  • Visual learners: Make use of an AR software that projects an enlarged model of the solar system inside the classroom. Visual learners will be able to observe all the planets that revolve around the sun, examine their size in relation to their size, and even witness phenomena like eclipses, or rotations.
  • Auditory learners: Share the most crucial information regarding each planet -including its distinct properties and the way it is composed during the time that is when the AR model is in use.
  • Readers can provide extra texts or reading overlays that are part of the app including planet-related information as well as other trivial information.
  • Students who use kinesthetics: Allow kinesthetic learners engage with the virtual solar system by using motion control or gestures. In this way, they can "grab" the planets and shift around, and change their orbits.

It helps create an open learning environment which allows students to learn at their own speed and in a style that best fits their particular needs. There is no student left out regardless of what they study.

Students are able to understand complicated concepts

If you've never seen onions before, and seen someone spend long days describing how it appears like, you might not know exactly what the signifies. Visual representation however can make it easier to comprehend.

Augmented reality is even better. Not only can learners visualize difficult-to-understand concepts, but they can also actively interact with them. For example, they can explore the virtual onion to observe the textures of the onion. And they can also "peel off" every layer so that they can see the inner structures of the onion.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to comprehend what an onion is, and be capable of describing the idea in the same way as someone who has experienced an actual onion.

Application of augmented reality in education

After you've got an extensive knowledge of AR and its advantages we can look at some of the ways in which we can the integration of AR in the classroom.

AR is part of STEM

Two key AR applications for STEM education: inquiry-based simulation and the use of problem-based

Simulation based on inquiries

It is done by making use of AR software, which helps to create abstract scenarios and concepts so that they make them more accessible to study and learn about. It gives students the opportunity to gain experience with difficult topics.

The GeoGebra Mathematics simulator AR app provides a fantastic example. Students can create interactive 3D models of geometric shapes as they work on questions. Students can zoom in on different areas of the model and change its design in accordance with the formula.

It allows students to master mathematical concepts in an practical manner.

 Simulation based on a problem

Utilize AR to design real-world scenarios that require problem-solving either in groups or in the self-directed environment.

An excellent example can be available within AR Circuit. AR Circuit offers an engaging simulator that permits pupils to link circuit boards virtually. Students can play around with various configurations, conductors and settings to find out how changes in these settings impact the operation of the electrical circuit.

On the basis of what prompted the application, Harry Banda said AR Circuit was born from the desire to bridge the gap in equipment for Zambian schools, specifically for the Chemistry and Physics classes.

AR within History and Art

One of the most important applications for augmented reality in history is in the form of immersion learning. Augmented reality could assist with experiencing historical moments to make interactive learning more enjoyable.

One app that does exceptionally well in this regard can be described as Living History, which is commonly used by museums to provide self-guided tours. The app evokes ghosts of historic characters who play out exactly the same scenarios that took place during the past.

Imagine you're in the World War 1 section of the museum. Instead of focusing on the notes and pictures, the museum is a walkthrough of ghostly figures of troops fighting along with the trenches and terrain that were the battlefield.

Another use of AR in history and art include:

  • Digital graffiti which allows learners to create beautiful graffiti, while protecting walls. There are many mobile apps to use to create this kind of graffiti, such as Vandaleak and Graffiti Go.
  • Virtual 3D art creation that allows students to change sketches and drawings into 3D artworks that they are able to explore. Think of a sketch that represents the outline of a house. Then, they can transform it into a life-like housing structure and then place it anywhere they want using FeelTheArt.
  • Organise AR art exhibits in your classroom. Students can use Artivive to create stunning AR artwork for free.

AR within the realm of medicine

Augmented reality is used for scenarios used in medical school. Simulations based on case involve providing learners with a complex situation that resembles a realistic scenario they could encounter during their career. This helps them to use the skills they have learned in a practical manner and build crucial skills they can use in life in the real-world.

An excellent illustration is AccuVein the vein visualization software based on images. AccuVein utilizes Augmented Reality to project an image of veins onto their skin, which helps medical professionals find veins efficiently and with greater accuracy.

Students at medical schools have the option of using the AccuVein device to understand how to identify veins in a real patient. AccuVein offers real-time feedback aiding students in improving their technique and accuracy.

Augmented reality as well as. virtual reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality are often used interchangeably, however, they refer to different items. This table provides a short analysis of the way these technology are competing against one another.

Augmented Reality Virtual Reality
Define Integrates digital information with actual world happenings Introduces users to an entire virtual world
Interactive interaction with real-world events Overlays digital content onto the real world Replacing the real world with an electronic one
Immersion level Partial Immersion Full Immersion
Cost Accessible Pricey
Devices Tablets, smartphones and smart glasses Displays that have sensor heads mounted (HMDs) VR headsets,
Examples Virtual 3D models VR simulations

Let's examine a few of these differences more thoroughly.


Augmented reality overlays digital information onto the actual world to help people gain an understanding of. Virtual reality, however isn't capable of connecting to the world. Instead, it allows the user to participate in an entirely different digital world.


If you're giving a class on our bodies. By using VR You can create an immersive experience where students can be transported to the body giving them the opportunity to view its internal functioning. Students are able to interact with different organs, and zoom in to get greater details, and observe how each system works at a real-time pace. It creates an stimulating and engaging environment for the students to learn through.

In contrast, with AR, you can browse through a text about the human heart and look at a 3D rendering of the human body's heart, which appears on the at the top of the page. Students are able to interact with the model and observe the different components, and understand how the heart functions as it relates to various organs. Students will also be able to see the text beneath it, which creates a more mixed learning environment.


Augmented reality is generally cheaper than virtual reality since it uses less technology.

In order to use AR it's normal to require either a phone or tablet with an AR application to begin. Most AR apps for schools offer the initial trial for free which includes premium plans that start with a minimum of 100 dollars.

However, virtual reality needs headsets that can be priced between hundreds and thousand of dollars. In the case of Meta the company, for example, their Quest 3 VR headset costs about $500. The Apple Vision Pro headset costs $3,499. There is a possibility that you will need to buy a powerful computer to run the VR software.

Practical ideas for implementing Augmented Reality in the classroom

Remember these points when you are using AR to help improve the instruction and education.

Match the technology to educational objectives

It doesn't matter how well-developed the AR tool or program is. If it's not aiding you to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself, it's not the best software for you.

List three to five points you'd like your students to master at the end of your class. Imagine you're in charge of a solar-powered class system. Your learning goals could be like this:

  • Students should be aware of how the solar system.
  • Students should be able to distinguish the orbits and the rotating
  • The students must identify the planets in our galaxy

When you've identified these objectives questions, the next step is "What AR tools can aid me in accomplishing these goals?" For example, you might use a projection device that displays realistic pictures that depict our solar system.

Consider your budget

Discover low-cost AR devices that are simple to keep and use. The worst thing you can do is to instruct students on Augmented Reality only to have it stop later because you can't maintain or update the devices.

There are many cheap and cost-effective AR tools that can be used for a variety of educational use cases We have previously mentioned a few of them in this piece. Geogebra is one of them we have listed here. There are others using a quick Google search to find the no-cost AR applications.

Take the students on your back

Additionally, it is important to take into consideration the level of knowledge of your learners. If they don't know what AR technology is, it's best to start with basic AR applications, including 3D mobile applications. Then, you can bring in more advanced devices once they gain more knowledge regarding AR technology. AR technology.

Augmented reality can't substitute the essential experiences associated with the process of

Imagine augmented reality as the frosting on top of the cake. Augmented reality may enhance learning experience, but it can't repair the broken systems for example an absence of clearly defined expectations for learning, insufficient planning, and insufficient feedback.

Be aware of these essential qualifications for education first. Once you've completed these prerequisites then you're now capable of using AR to create more engaging learning experiences for your students.

Augmented Reality FAQs

Find answers to frequently requested questions about augmented reality and education.

How do I begin in the field of AR within my classroom?

First, you must determine how augmented reality technology is integrated into your current classroom setup. After that, you should research budget-friendly AR software and equipment. Begin with low-cost AR apps for phones before you buy more expensive tools.

In the next step, slowly introduce your students to the most recent AR technology for education. Discuss what AR means and the ways it can be applied within the classroom. Provide them with an example of AR experience, then allow students to experiment with AR apps and software independently.

Are there any affordable AR gadgets that you can use at schools?

Yes, budget-friendly AR software and apps for educational institutions. A great example is Co Spaces Edu, a 3D animation software. The free version is available while the paid plans begin at $74.99.

What subjects are most likely to benefit from AR integration?

AR integration can be beneficial for courses that have spatial or visual elements like History, Science, and art. For example, in science students can make use of AR to interact with digital simulations of chemical compounds or even explore virtual animals.

Within the field of historical research, they are able to explore ancient civilizations by overlaying virtual ruin sites on actual sites. In Geography it is possible to explore various nations and different cultures by overlaying digital maps and landmarks onto actual locations. Art students can make use of AR to bring their creations into 3D.

What are the most common applications of Augmented Reality in education?

There are numerous methods to utilize AR to boost the learning and teaching process in the school. As an example it is possible to add 3D illustrations and models into the textbooks you use to make them more interactive. Furthermore, you could visualize actual situations, like a plant germinating in the soil or abstract ideas that come from the field of science.

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