Artists who earn passive income - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Passive income, a solution that works while you sleep? -- Yes, please!

You've heard about passive income. It's a method of earning money when it's not your thing. The passive income is a mysterious creature that lives in the middle of the fairy-tale forest. We have heard about courageous artists who dare to venture into the forest and ended up getting lost along the path.

Whatever the mystical nature of it may sound at first that this is one of the things that people want. The question is - what can you do to alter the conclusion of the story towards a positive resolution.

 We at CreativeMindClass, believe that it is crucial for creatives who want to instruct online to outsource the technical aspect of their projects. The idea of creating a business that can provide an income that is steady is an option for creatives. Find out how you can do it.

There was never a better time for artists to reach their highest income levels

There's never been a better opportunity for artists to attain their highest income levels

"Do your best work, and you will never have a single day off in your entire life" - OK however, how can you do it?

Over the last two years, I've examined the way artists put in a lot of effort working at what they enjoy every day. Artists today disrupt the market online with their creativity and earn significant money doing the process. There has never been a more exciting time in history for the artists to reach the highest income levels performing projects for clients, while also diversifying income sources , and creating the passive income.

  - - Joanna Paplinski, CreativeMindClass Co-founder and Head of Design

Avoid falling into the narrow-minded trap. Minimizing one-time projects

A few artists are like worker bees and devote their energy to one-time projects repeatedly without establishing regular sources for income. It's a bit of an unending cycle. It's a vicious circle. come easy to us. It's always another project or art work, another customer, another exhibition...

It's fun to work this way, but at some point, often after we've had enough, we realize that there are other methods to earn money and begin looking at other sources of income. We want to build something that is stable and sustainable. It should enable us to spend the time we need for our families as well as our family members. It is time for all the hard work to pay back.

Delegating -- the secret of establishing a flourishing business

What is delegating, and the reason you should begin taking it up (best now)?

Simply put, delegating involves having someone else do the work you need done to your benefit. Delegating used to start from a personal assistant, but today, it'll most likely be a specific kind of service to simplify your work.

Making things from scratch can make creative professionals' lives more challenging

A trap awaiting some artists is the fact that they enjoy making things completely from scratch. Some love to mix their own paints, while others purchase the colors they need from a shop, save time mixing them, and then create art (and the money) in the same way. mix and mixes...

Do you see where we're going with that? Sure, it's enjoyable to revel in mixing your colors, but we're talking here about elevating your company into a different level, the next level, so certain options must be taken. There is no way to get to the next level as a business owner if you are spending your time doing basic actions which someone else could easily do for you.

A pre-built solution

An already-built system. The gateway to your most imaginative projects

Pre-built or ready solutions let you do the things you truly love, and leave the rest to the experts. The real magic starts when you have a ready-to-use solution that allows you to develop more complicated business concepts and daring ideas. They were the ones you've always had, but you didn't have the opportunity to push them forward.

Today, in the information era, it is easier than ever before to help make your dreams become reality. The ready-made solutions are an entry point to things is unlikely to be achieved on your own because of the absence of resources such as equipment, knowledge or funds. or because you have not enough time for everything.

Mix and match your delegations: combine your unique art and technology with pre-designed solutions

Please don't take our word for that; we base the foundation of our business (and this post) upon years of studying business-related books and articles that have helped us in bringing our dream project (CreativeMindClass Teaching Platform) to life. The majority of books say the same thing over and over again, optimize your work process , and then DELEGATE. So, you'll be able to be focused on improving your craft as other work is done by others.

Utilizing technical platforms for delegating

Artists that want to produce and earn money online usually have their plates full. We decided to build an application that can be used by those who would like to impart their skills on the internet. It is fundamental for those people who would like to impart their knowledge online with video classes to outsource the technical aspect of their project. They can create the business in this manner that provides them with a steady source of revenue.

Creative business owners can also delegate. Including CreativeMindClass

When we were building our CreativeMindClass learning platform for teachers, we quickly realized the limitations of our abilities to manage everything. The delegating process began starting on day one (OK, from day two, but now we'd do it since day one ;) ). Since we are a relatively small group building a portal of enormous dimension, we decided to use some ready solutions that would ensure the best quality of our users, save time and concentrate on those aspects of the project that no one else can take charge of.

Our teaching platform is an item which we developed and created our own, so even though "custom" as well as "personal" are among our most beloved phrases, we could have no chance of success without the use of ready solutions. To ensure the highest quality of our teaching solution we collaborate with people and companies that know our mission and with whom we share values; local artists, talented freelance programmers as well as players such as Amazon, Stripe, MailChimp, BeeFree, or Ghost.

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