Accounting Basics for Ecommerce Fundamentals for running a successful store

Sep 24, 2023

The success of an online store is more than great concepts or items. It needs inventory management as well as marketing. Furthermore, you will require an accounting system capable of keeping track of the cash. How much are you spending? How much are you making? Can you meet the financial goals of your company? Does the authority approve of your results? Ecommerce accounting follows well-established processes to track your finances and transactions. In addition, it assists you to stay up to date in tax laws, profits and payroll.

If you're launching your first online shop or you've been running it for a while and you are aware that it's time to keep track of your company's budget, this accounting manual for e-commerce can help you get in the right direction.

eCommerce accounting enables you to analyze the financial health of your company and create more precise financial forecasts as the business grows.

What's the significance of accounting for e-commerce?

The foundation of e-commerce companies are the transactions along with inventory. It is where you make your profits. Distribution of products. You buy and replenish inventory. The basic concepts of accounting for eCommerce begin with keeping the track of and report on your transactions. It includes purchase orders bills, invoices and other expenses and taxation.

This goes beyond. Accounting firms analyze the information and make use of the information to establish accounts. They are competent to assess and report on the financial results of your business.Ecommerce firms also require particular focus due to the basic rules of business models.

details from a customer order

Imagine what could happen if you sell a item on your website. The customer will likely make use of their credit card in order to make for the transaction to a payment processor. Which are the possible ways in which this sale could have an impact on your budget?

  • Your payment processor has received the funds, but they're not available to your bank account at the moment.
  • Taxes on sales can be collected by a myriad of methods, and can be paid through various regions or even the entire state
  • Inventory declines
  • The cost for the credit card or the processing fee is included in the total price.
  • The revenue generated by sales is different from the price of selling

Whichever sales channel you choose However, the reality of what the sale affected various aspects of your financial documents and its repercussions following the sale will be recorded in your financial records over the coming months. If the order is returned, return most of the transactions involved require modifications or reversal.

It's just one piece.

The tracking of certain activities is the task that an accounting professional is accountable for. We'll talk about the differences between bookkeeping and accounting in the world of online shopping a little later on.

Let's begin with the basic notions of accounting.

Basic accounting: the fundamentals

The following are the top words you should be aware of when it comes to e-commerce accounting.


The term "transaction" means the moment when money is used, received or requested from a business or vendor.

Exchanges may be used to refer to any of the above:

  • The cash that the proprietor of the business invests into the business
  • The revenue from sales
  • Invoices
  • They cover salary and marketing expenses, as well as costs for travel and construction.
  • The items purchased are the office equipment, vehicles, Material, vehicles, etc.

A single transaction can have many components. When you're paying for the services of an hourly worker, for example sales staff, you'll need determine how much hours they worked, their total wages in addition to tax deductions as well as their salary. High-end accounting software can perform each of the preceding jobs.

Transactions for ecommerce companies may be complicated due to a variety of aspects, including the taxes on sales and the timing issues due to the separation between a business and a consumers.

In other words, do you pay sales tax on the day you purchase? If so What happens to the money if the product is returned after a period of one month?

Accounting for Ecommerce was created to control the transaction and process to ensure that this issue isn't impacting your company's performance.

list of  orders

Credits and debits

Every transaction is scrutinized by a system that records debits and credit. First, we must establish some terms important to us:

Debit The account of the amount of money taken from your account. It will appear on your account statement each whenever you buy something.

Credit Record of the money that you've added to your account at the bank.

Assets Properties (real as well as intellectual) that belong to the owners of an organisation.

Liabilities They are obligations of a company that are yet to be completed. The word "liability" is a reference to the claim on assets that can be found in the balance account.

Equity The value of assets which remain when debits are removed from them.

Now, we can examine the ways these concepts are incorporated in the accounting fundamental equation.

Assets = Liabilities + Equity (Owner's or the corporation's)

A debit is added on the left side of the equation in the form of an asset. Credits are put on the right.As one simple illustration, if you make sales worth $500, this $500 gets debited and added to capital assets in your company. In addition, it is credited to the owner's equity by the profits. When an item is taken off and creditable, another item can also be creditable as it helps ensure the balance remains.

This is a simple explanation. However, it provides readers with an understanding picture of the functions that accounting software does in order to keep track of transactions.

Cost of the product being sold (COGS)

Accounting for Ecommerce is required to place emphasis on the expense that is incurred in selling the item. It is any costs related to selling the item. This does not cover costs like advertisement and wages.

COGS is the cost of everything related to inventory, including storage, purchasing the inventory, handling, as well as transportation. Costs for inventory are among the largest expenses when operating an online shop. In the event that you're unable to give accurate accounting data on the cost of selling goods then the margins of your profit as well as your tax-deductible earnings might not be aligned.

A miscalculated COGS can create a challenge in deciding the best way to approach advertising and marketing along with the price you'll need to take into consideration, the amount of stock you need to purchase as well as whether you'll need to employ workers and what amount of your warehouse that you will need to purchase.

Profit margins

The margin is the money your company earns after the sale is completed. A method to estimate margins is to use this formula:

     Margin (Revenue in addition to the cost of the goods) Cost of Goods + Revenue    

This is basically your net earnings expressed in the form of a percentage. If you can make a sale of 10,000 dollars worth of merchandise during a week and your COGS for those items is $3000, your margins would be 70.

product data information box in

Accounts payable and receivables

It is a term that's used to describe cash that hasn't yet exchanged hands however it has been set to.

Receivables refers to the money that is due to your account in the bank. If, for instance, when you issue an invoice, money goes to accounts receivable until the individual who has received the invoice is able to pay the amount due on the invoice.

The system for accounts payable functions exactly like it works, however reversed. When your company enters into an arrangement with a vendor and the vendor sends the purchaser a purchase request which is then deposited in the account of Accounts Payable until you've concluded the purchase.

Bookkeeping for Ecommerce and Accounting the difference?

The two fields of bookkeeping are a bit similar to the accounting field that deals with financials. One major difference is that bookkeepers are responsible for certain kinds of events. Accounting professionals study and track the activities for a more precise and valuable analysis of the budget of your company.

A sports analogy can aid in understanding the bookkeeper's role as an announcer in the game. Experts are similar to analysts and color commentary. The bookkeeper keeps track of what's occurred. Accounting experts discuss the importance of keeping this record.

What does an ecommerce bookkeeper do?

The bookkeeping tasks focus on transactions, records in addition to banks as well as financial institutions. If there are employees who are on payroll, the Bookkeeper will take care of pay. The bookkeeper also handles the following other tasks:

  • Processing invoices
  • Receipts must be sent
  • Track what is deposited into the savings account of your company.
  • Inventory and purchase records
  • It is important to check your bank accounts every month.
  • Make monthly financial statements.
  • Make year-end financial statements and Tax-related paperwork

A comprehensive bookkeeping program that you can use online for your company will assist in establishing the foundation to a solid and stable business strategy.

working on a paper with a calculator

What is it that ecommerce accountants are expected to accomplish?

An e-commerce accountant could do things, for example

  • Track and analyze operational expenses as well as the performance of your business
  • Conduct financial forecasting
  • Check your financial statements, including those prepared by your bookkeeper
  • Tax planning is essential and so is the process of preparing tax returns.
  • A report on how to manage your cash flow

Accounting professionals' main job is to help people who manage businesses that use e-commerce, to make well-informed decisions regarding their finances.

Are you able to finance the expense of hiring new employees? Are you looking to expand into a new location or even a different country? What is the minimum amount you could provide for the purchase of new products?

E-commerce's most effective form could be utilized to tackle the problems.

The accounting methods used by sellers who sell on the internet

There are two main options for accounting online: cash and as an accrual. Accrual is most commonly used and depends on the kind and dimension of your company, may be required by laws.

One of the biggest difference between the two methods of recognising transactions is the method by which the transaction is recognized.

Cash Basis Accounting

Cash basis accounting is when the events are believed to have taken place at the time that money had been transferred. When you pay an invoice, the cash basis accounting provides an approach to determine if the invoice is an expense. If you receive an invoice in January but you settle it by March, your cash basis accounting considers that it's an expense for the month of March.

The way to earn revenue is the exact same. If you earn a profit, that is the next step is to have customers sign a monthly installment arrangement that distributes the amount across the span of four months. The revenue from cash accounting is taken into account as a monthly income. It is at this time that the money earned.

Accrual method for accounting

In the case of the accounting of accrual it's found that the work was accepted after the work was completed and the invoice was sent. If you decide to place an order to purchase new office items in January. You then transfer the money onto the credit card used by your business. Office papers will be sent immediately, but you do not actually purchase it until February the time when your bills on your balance on credit cards will be accepted.

woman putting together a stack of papers

The process of accounting for accrual starts when you receive the receipt. Once you've received your receipt, it's stored in your file storage. Keep an eye on the amount. This is a cost in January, even though you haven't paid to cover this until the month of February.

Similar to accrual accounting, accrual accounting provides a means of tracking the total amount of the purchase as revenue on the day that the purchase is concluded but you won't receive the entire amount until four months later.

What type of accounting method will work best for firms that sell online?

Accrual accounting can provide you with better understanding of the amount you pay for the products you sell every month. If you buy paper during the month of august, it's one of the expenses in running your business, but it is August and there is no need to wait until you're in a position to purchase the paper. If you sell during May and it's a sale that occurred during May and not July when your customer pays in cash.

It's also better it's combined with the management of inventory.

Imagine that you've got $30,000. The company will have to make inventory purchases in September when you decide to market your inventory over the next four months, prior to the time of giving. Cash accounting will monitor the total value of the inventory that was purchased as a cost for September during the month. If you're using accrual accounting, it's possible to report that purchase as an expense when capable of selling the item.

If you were to employ this method with cash, you'd be liable for enormous costs in the month of September and then make artificially large profits through the months of October, November and December as it appears that there's no expense to selling your products.

Accrual accounting allows you to monitor the expenses of running your company monthly in order to identify which months produce the highest profits.

Three financial statements, which are the most significant ones

If you're thinking of outsourcing the bookkeeping of your online business or bookkeeping, it is essential to learn to comprehend and read your financial statement. If you're doing this your self using an online bookkeeping software that allows you for monitoring the details of transactions it will be possible to create the three financial statements that need to be prepared. They include income statements (also referred to as "profit or loss statement" also known as P&L) and balance and cash flow statements.

Statement of income

An income report includes the profit made during the time frame specified such as, for instance, one month. When people talk about profit, they are using the term "bottom line." Profit refers to the net income you earn. If you've suffered losses over this time period, then your net loss can be described as.

Balance sheet

They will provide you with information about the total amount of the assets, liabilities and equity at the date. The time is usually after the close of a quarter or month or even a full year. They provide an accurate overview of your financial position.

Assets are the things that belong to the owner that is worth some amount. Accounting payables, referred to as liabilities, is the form of debt you have to make payments on.

If you take a look at the accounting fundamental equation that was previously mentioned, it is clear that equity is an amount that is the product of assets and liabilities. Remove assets from liabilities then you'll get"book value" or "book value" or equity. This is what the company is required to pay.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement shows how much cash is in your account that has changed throughout the time specified.

Three reports can be easily made by using the accounting program you use, provided you've completed the proper information about your finances. If you're short on time to do this, it's the perfect opportunity to engage an on-line bookkeeper.

table of numbers with a calculator

The most crucial metrics of financial performance that you should take into account when accounting for eCommerce

TaxJar has published an outstanding piece on the statistics of accounting for online sales. It's important to understand that accounting doesn't simply recording data about your finances. Accounting also provides you with information about the financial health of your company and also the expansion (or reduction) of your company's online presence.

Here are the top accounting parameters:


Revenue is the amount you earn after expenses have been taken out. It's straightforward to monitor. However, it provides an incorrect view.

Margin of contribution

The cost of sales is an amalgamation of the costs of selling the product. It's similar to COGS figures from the past however, it applies to every product that you sell. This does not take into account the operating expenses.


The profits are derived from the outcomes produced after subtracting all costs from the revenue that includes costs for operating and marketing. If you've had a great income but profits aren't as high, then you must increase your income or decrease expenses.

Conversion rates are high in the case of E-commerce.

This is the percentage of customers who visit your website, and then purchase an item.

Costs associated with customer acquisition

In general, it is significantly less costly to make sales to current customers than it does to sign up an additional customer.

If you find that your CPC is staggeringly large and you're still not ready to stop your advertisements, you've got two choices:

  1. Try to improve or improve your advertising
  2. Start to promote more effectively to existing customers

Customer lifetime value

If you're only a beginner eCommerce retailer, you'll be having difficulty picking the right option during the beginning of your year. If you've established a sound accounting system, you can predict this amount in the near future.

The cost you are paying for helps you to comprehend the costs of your marketing. If, for instance, you're able to get a decent CAC but the worth of your customer is higher than the CAC, it's worth your time to gain those clients.

Average order value

Particularly for small businesses. It is an easier way that you can use instead of the life-time value. If you're paying $10 to attract customers, and you spend about 25 bucks for a typical purchase, you're getting a bargain if the other costs aren't too high. If you're able to increase this amount when you're in a position to get in touch with more customers and have fun, then you'll be a winner.

Cart abandonment rate

The number of people who purchase the item is extremely large for merchants who sell on the internet. Based on TaxJar data, around 70% of shoppers place things in their carts, but they don't buy the items.

One of the best ways to decrease abandonment rates is to send out abandoned cart emails, which can be automated with the correct email application, like, EmailPoet.

MailPoet abandoned cart information page

If you can reduce the percentage of abandoned customers by 50% or 60 percent, it could bring about a massive increase in sales. If all it takes is an automated email it's not a problem.

Refund and return rates are provided to customers

Are there a lot of clients who send back products in exchange to receive a refund? This is a signal that there's something that has to be corrected. Be aware of the issue and take all you can to minimize the chance of getting it.

Five essential accounting and ecommerce tasks to complete

If you're at the beginning phase of your journey towards becoming an online business administrator, you must be in a position learn the fundamentals of accounting now to ensure that you don't end with hot water to come in the future. You must remain clear"hot water" may refer to any number of objects, such as:

  • Taxes that are not paid revenue tax and sales tax state and local taxes
  • Tax returns that aren't complete
  • Unsufficient use of inventory
  • Employers that you are unable to manage
  • Withdrawing too much equity

These are the steps to take to get your online accounting system up and running to its maximum start:

1. Set up a bank account which differs from corporate accounts

The small-sized business owners who are involved in eCommerce ventures tend to overlook this because they're involved in a variety of startup ventures.

someone using an ATM

Business accounting is difficult when you combine the professional and personal aspects. Your business's account is one that you utilize to fund business-related costs. This is where you'll put your earnings through the sales.

If you want to open an account for an organization for your company, you'll need an ID number of the company that you run.

2. Be prepared for your employees and contractors.

If you're planning to employ employees, it is necessary for you to establish an accounting system that will take tax withholding. If you choose to run the company on your own, there's a possibility that you'll still need employ contractors for specific tasks. Contractors that are compensated over a certain amount of money within the U.S. must be sent 1099s. Be aware of this.

  • Track the amount you've paid them as well in the amount you've paid them
  • It is highly recommended to request a W-9 form from every contractor
  • Be sure to have up-to-date addresses for each individual who you collaborate with.

3. Make use of accounting software

If you intend to process hundreds or thousands of transactions each month, you'll require software for accounting, like QuickBooks Online, Xero, or FreshBooks. Businesses with fewer transactions could be able to benefit from Excel spreadsheets. Excel spreadsheets however, a large-volume business is not able to keep the spreadsheet up to date with manual input of information.

Its Ecommerce Accounting Software automates the most of the accounting duties and makes your life easier. It stores, archives and retrieves financial records, and also generates statements and financial reports.

list of accounting extensions

4. Keep a copy of each invoice, receipt and all other documentation along with your payments documents.

The Reliability Principle of Accounting stipulates that any transaction which are documented should be recorded. If no documentation is available for an activity you don't have documentation for that event, it can't be classified as an income or expense. If you are seeking tax deductions when expenses for which you do not have proof of what you have paid for, that could be considered tax absconding.

Save receipts, other paperwork as well as any other documents you are able to physically. Keep them as photographs. electronically. Be sure to save the invoices and receipts that you receive separately in an appropriate folder to store emails in addition to the regular mail.

receipts on top of a laptop

5. Make sure you are aware of taxes and tax regulations that regulate the taxation process.

Tax laws vary depending on the particulars of your firm as well as the region within which it operates. It is essential to understand the tax laws applicable to sales, in addition to tax on imports if you're engaged in international trade tax withholding every quarter taxation and any additional taxes specific to your country states, cities, provinces or even a region.

Taxes you pay are incorporated into your accounting software, and also in your financial statements. Make sure to consult a tax specialist to make sure you're using the proper procedures.There's many more issues to consider when discussing tax implications of e-commerce. Two tax-related concerns you'll need address:

Trackers and sales tax.

Ecommerce sales taxes are complicated. The majority of US states have sales taxes online, well as in the EU also has a sales tax system.

In the U.S., each state has its own tax rate, and they also have specific regulations regarding the time where sales tax will be applicable.

Taxes for quarterly estimates for business

Tax-free business profits earned before tax are exempt from taxes. Like a typical 1099 employee in the case of e-commerce companies, they earn money ahead of the tax deadline in the form of income.

And like a 1099 employee or a 1099 worker, you have to make quarterly payments of tax. If you don't do this it could mean that you are assessed a penalty for tardy payments on the tax bill.

stack of tax documents on a table

What are you able to do to prevent this? It is essential to stay from soaring over the tax obligations you have to meet. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the tax burden for your quarter is to calculate the amount of tax you'll be paying into the earnings every month, and apply it towards the estimated tax payment each quarter.

Accounting software is able to assist to solve all these issues and the taxation of sales. Software...

There are many reasons why your company must use a software to manage its finances.

Take a moment to rethink the issue, and ensure you understand that there are benefits to using tools that aid in the management of your accounting e-commerce.

Tax administration has proven extremely difficult to control in particular the taxation of revenue and sales across various channels of the sale. If you operate an online company that's selling products across the US or via a number of states, then you're not able to manage the entire process independently. Your company is the sole responsibility of your business to operate it.

The program will also handle the tax allocation for your period and tax due dates and will also require the payment of income tax in addition to aiding when preparing your tax returns at end of the year. If you're also in the process of taxes from state or local governments, the complexity is likely to increase. Accounting software that's reliable can handle any needs.

chart of accounts

An additional reason is the fact that accounting software lets you manage your spending and income through the development of reports on accounting that ensure that you're informed of your profit margin each month, and is capable of measuring your business's capital.

Thirdly, accounting software may aid in managing the employee's payrolls on contract. If you don't plan to pay for bookskeeping, or the accounting services needed in the area of bookskeeping and e-commerce, it is essential that you use a software for accounting.

Are you planning to get bookkeepers and accountants or are you able to do it all on your own?

If you do not have an accounting system, or have had one in place but do not want to be responsible in the use of it. You'll need engage an accountant. When your business expands and expands, it will be necessary to review the accounting companies that are aware of specifics for businesses that sell online.

A lot of entrepreneurs in the world of e-commerce like having the option of managing their own enterprise, and even serving as chief financial director. So long as the company isn't too large, you may be able to complete what you want to do in this manner. But let's define "small."

If an online business earns a profit of at least $100k in net income it is likely to be in charge of the accounting system if you're selling products in multiple states or countries. The sales tax alone can make it difficult.

There is also an issue when it comes to the handling of returns, shipping, as well as chargebacks. Other issues are also present. A majority of online stores offer lower rates on their products and they also provide volume. Other than a couple of the rare exceptions, this is an indication that you're likely to have lots of transactions.

A rise in transactions means that it is taking longer takes to keep track of every deal. If you run a "small" online business with a $100,000 gross profits per year, and sells products priced between $5 and $20 will surely have many transactions.

If your company is only offering services within a specific state or region, province or even a nation, the amount of tax complexity will be less. If this is the case there is a possibility that you'll be able to do the work yourself should you wish to undertake the task.

You can test your choice and observe how it works. It is possible to change the choice at any time.

Is accounting and bookkeeping covered?

Are aware of the duties that everyday the business owner faces. Manually entering transactions or generating financial statements could be time-consuming and tax planning may cause stress, however, accounting is crucial to running a profitable business.

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