9 Strategies to Enhance Participation in 2022's Community

Aug 4, 2022

There's something fantastic about having the group of members who are eager to get in. What's the thing that kills this magic? writing something only to get crickets from your followers.

It's true the fact that MOST communities could use better participation by the local community.

If you've set up your own community, then you're aware of how hard it is to keep users interested.

If you take the time to plan efficient community engagement strategies, your work becomes much less difficult.

The strength of your community doesn't get measured by the size of it however, it is based by its level of' involvement. A well-defined strategy to increase engagement in your community is all down to understanding your members their needs and wants people in your community have as well as asking great questions.

In this article, we'll show you 9 ways to engage your community that you could try to engage your customers more involved. We'll first address the question of what exactly is the term "community engagement?

If you're looking for more help to build your community online, Join OUR Mighty Community for free as you meet established and new community managers! We'd love to have you join us. Sign up at no cost!

 In this article...

     What exactly is Community engagement?

     Strategies for engaging with a community - 9 suggestions

     1. Ask great questions

     2. You should make sure you diversify your content

     3. Design a brand new member experience

     4. Moderate your local community

     5. Make small groups

     6. Member success stories from the Request Members

     7. Live streaming is a great option.

     8. Host an unforgettable event

     9. Request feedback from your relatives and friends.

     It's wrapped up

What is community engagement?

Engagement in the community is the degree of involvement and interactions within your community that participants in your community take part in.

"Engagement" is a very wide concept, so drafting a plan for community engagement is a daunting task. It is a good thing that we can categorize the term from a variety of ways. Three ideas for community engagement to think of:


  • What can your members do to communicate with you?
  •  How can you and your attendees interact with one another?
  • What is the way your members engage with your content?

In looking at the issue in these three ways, you can begin designing strategies for engaging with the community that are best suited for each one.

In the event that, for example, you'd like to enhance your interaction with your followers , you could start commenting on more of their posts. This will increase the interactions between them and your. But on that said, this approach may not be the best method to boost engagement among participants. There's an alternative to go about it.

Once we've answered the question "what does it mean to you by involvement in the community?" Let's look at some of the practical strategies you could employ in your community on the web.

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Tips for how to engage a community - 9 suggestions

We have compiled a series of community engagement techniques to assist you in determining ways to improve your participation. One thing you should keep at heart is that each community is unique and different, so some strategies are better suited to specific circumstances.

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Life of a community

There are a variety of options worth exploring to find the most effective methods to engage with the people in your neighborhood on the internet.

1. Ask great questions

The number one secret to online community engagement

Community Engagement- Questions

Are you looking for the secret ingredient to unlocking online community engagement Here's how you can do it.

Ask questions.

Although it may seem simple, it's almost counterintuitive, but it's the type of question which unlocks our human desire to share what we think or know and, in turn, increases the online community involvement.

While so many creators attempt to make a myriad of content to tell their fans and subscribers what they think, take a look at what happens in the reverse of the equation.

They can tell you what they believe.

Find the words to unlock. What do you think you can accomplish using these prompts to create fantastic questions for your readers?

community engagement- unlocking questions

If you want to sprinkle the magical pixie dust of questioning to your local community this week, here's some great news. We've created a list of 1,000 great community questions which you can use to improve the interaction of your community online. The guide is free for members of the Mighty Community, which is available for free... Furthermore free training is given by our founder Gina Bianchini. and Science of asking the best questions.

However, before you skip off to download our gruesome guide to asking incredible questions These are the 10 top questions that you should be testing today.

Here are 10 great questions about community engagement you can steal today!


  1. What's the most important that you'd like to get in this particular group?      
  2. If you were able to go back one year today, which is the one thing that you'll improve because of this team?
  3. What's the best method to determine what results you're looking for from this community?
  4. What's the one thing you read on the forums that provoked emotions in you over the last few days?
  5. What useful advice can you impart on this community to someone that has just joined?
  6. If you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged while trying to master an entirely new technique, how can you handle it?
  7. Do you prefer sprinting toward your goal or slowing down to them? Explain.
  8. HTML0 If you had the chance to make some famous or famous person join this community whom should it would it
  9. HTML0 If this group had a song as its theme, what song would you choose?
  10. If we could bring the entire community together at any destination within the world, how would that be? And what could we do?

2. Edit the content that you are posting

If you've made your name on social media you're likely to find that you're a pro at some thing. You can create short videos. Engaging your mind with text that can be up to 250 characters. Designing stunning photos and adding filters.

It's not hard to picture you as a single-act performer with regards to the creation of content.

The beauty of an amazing online community site is that it provides you with plenty (oh sure - we called it a variety) of choices to improve how you engage your community.

Effective member engagement is trying out different kinds of content. Did you know that different people learn? There are people who learn visually. Others are auditory learners. Other people are tactile. This may sound confusing however the fact is that various types of content appeal to various kinds of.

This is an advantage to the user!

That means you'll be able to draw on the diverse needs of your customers by exploring different kinds of content. If you're curious about the kinds of content to think about, here's some suggestions based on the potential that are available on the Mighty Network:


  • Discussion board postings.
  • Photos and videos.
  • Full-length articles.
  • Surveys and Q&As.
  • Live stream.
  • All-member chat.
  • Online courses.
  • Live events.

This is what live streaming looks like in a Mighty Network!

livestream jess COMP

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3. Make a fresh member experience

Start off by getting on the right track.

Winston Churchill said that... likely.

When members sign up to a community, what do they discover? Will they find themselves in an uninteresting forum, with virtually no activity, and no indications that will prompt users to participate in conversations?

cottonweed GIF lo

    Or, do they discover an amazing brand new experience for members that lets to get them engaged in the new group. Do they get a dunk tank immersion into your identity, and feel like they've found the place they've always wanted to be without thinking about the possibility?

The awesome thing about an online community is that it can fully automatize and tailor your users' experience. You can decide what they will receive and the community can provide instructions to guide users through the procedure.

Magical new member experience

Learn more about HTML0 through the next cost-free course in the Mighty Community.

4. Moderate your local community

It is crucial to provide your community members with an opportunity where they can express their opinions through your website for community members. You will need to limit what's published.

Your community's moderation can be harsh but is not. Moderation is just another way to stay active and alert to what the community are involved in in your community. When you've got proper moderating procedures in place, it stops the internet from being a source of trolling, and helps maintain a positive atmosphere throughout your neighborhood.

It makes people feel safe. When people are confident that they are safe, they will engage.

Furthermore, as your group expands, you may be able to transform your most engaged members become moderators. This will not only increase the level of engagement among members, it also increases confidence and trust in your members for you as an instructor.

At the end of each day, the best ways to engage with your community are focused on providing participants with additional opportunities to interact with each other and you.

5. Form small groups

An online community is community of individuals that come together for a common goal. But that doesn't mean every person in your group is identical.

An effective strategy for community engagement is to create small groups out of your large member pool to better communicate with them. It is possible to have an entire group of people who have more involvement in the community than others or possess specific interests or goals as well as a common objective of your community.

profile images, events, chat

When you create smaller groups, you're able for these individuals to be in contact with each other as well as you. In turn, by bringing groups of people, you're giving greater opportunities for people to connect with each other.

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6. Member success stories from the Request Members

It doesn't matter what your community is based around people love to share their stories of accomplishments. Another effective method of engaging your members is to ask your members to share their own stories of success with your product.

Everyone can discuss how your community is amazing any time you like. However, hearing it through diverse eyes isn't always the same. This isn't to say that what you say doesn't have value. Yet, people have much importance on the reviews of customers and in stories.

If you're thinking about how this can help improve community engagement, think about this in two methods:


  • Connecting with members: Highlighting the achievements of your members will help you give back to the people you have helped. Highlighting their accomplishments can help to strengthen the connections between them and you.
  • Your member's stories of success are a great way to highlight their accomplishments while also promoting your business. The result is win-win. If you let others talk about you, it shows that they're not only an integral part of your circle, but are actually interested in this, too.

Making the effort to shine the spotlight on others is an excellent way to create trust as well as increase the degree of engagement. Do you not love the thought of knowing that their work assists others in achieving their goals that they have had for themselves?

7. Live streaming is a fantastic choice.

If you're looking for a way to give some excitement to your community, try live streaming! It was added over the year that followed for all of our communities it quickly became a massive hit. The hosts loved the possibility to entertain their audience OR to arrange a time to stream live.


If you've never been live previously, there will be butterflies that are typical. Also, it's common to say "um" more than you'd likeor lose your train of thoughts.

It's what makes it so exciting to go live. It's REAL. Therefore, whether you do it in practice or just do it on the fly It's a great method to increase your audience's participation. Remember to request your followers to join you as well as follow along in the comment section.

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8. Host an amazing occasion

As we're discussing the importance of community events, let's discuss the importance of gatherings for your community. If you've ever been to an event that is a hit with your community, then you'll understand exactly what we're talking about. The event doesn't matter what it is, whether there's an engaging debate on why we exist or a fantastic webcast that shows you how to advance the game and make it more enjoyable, events can help.


Create an event with your group. You can set an agenda for discussion or plan your event in the event you desire However, you'll also be amazed at how many good things can be gleaned out of an informal gathering such as an event like "Happy Hour" or "Co-Working Hour" ."

Don't overthink the issue. Begin now and watch the results!

9. Ask your community for feedback

Do you have a reliable approach to community engagement to learn what your clients want? You can ask your members!

At the heart of all efforts to interact with your community must be the intention to comprehend and meet the community members' desires as well as requirements. One way to do this is to inquire about their requirements. And if you're still unclear You can ask them for clarification.

Furthermore, you could turn soliciting feedback into regular activities for the group. Perhaps once per month, it is a good idea to hold office hours via the Zoom meeting or on a discussion board. Then, you review what's worked good and what's failed. Members will be in an atmosphere that's safe and controlled for them to express their concerns and thoughts with fellow members.

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Wrap it up


We've provided a number of methods to connect in your local community. But, keep in mind that a community can't exist with its participants.

Whatever path you decide to take to increase the participation of your community, make sure that you consider members' wants and wants as the top priority.

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